(A filter was used by me to make the video a bit brighter… it is even darker in the original)
Well…. have I promised too much? I hope not….
First, some background story as this scene is a flashback:
“The real Elliot Stanley was a diver, who Frank McDonnell hired to find a downed plane which his father had been on. His father had called him telling him he had important information to
share but had died on the plane before he could show him.
Hoping to find what was inside, Frank hired Elliot. However, Elliot had also become acquainted with Niamh Cassidy, and had travelled down to the plane with her.
While there, she handcuffed him to the plane and sliced his breathing apparatus with a knife, killing him so he couldn’t reveal the truth of what had been found there.”
(not written by me)
Ok, there are some minus points here for sure:
It’s quite a dark scene, even with some added light by me. Ok, it’s realistic as they dive down quite deep and have only their small lights.
It’s uncool that there hasn’t been any surface shot before the dive… especially as they have such cool vintage scuba gear.
Also… it’s not good that his drowning isn’t shown at all. She exists the plane and the rest is left to the imagination.
But… there is a LOT of great aspects in this one for me!
There is a female scuba diver who attacks a male diver and kills him… that is incredibly rare stuff! I know only 3 or 4 scenes where that happens in the movies or in a TV show.
The scuba hear is great. Seems like this is set in the 70s or 80s with these suits. They both have great vintage wetsuits. What is really interesting is that both divers seemingly have “armored”
air hose with some protective encasing around the regular air hose.
That is quite unusual and also … weird. I mean you can see her protector just around most of the hose while some parts aren’t protected by it.
But ok, this way only certain parts of her hose can be sliced.
Perhaps both used this extra protection as they were diving into a wreck … which often has some sharp edges.
Or are they both prepared for a scuba knife fight? 😉
It’s funny and unrealistic that his air hose basically explodes as her knife is just touching it 😆
It’s actually quite difficult to slice such a hose… as I have proven in some of my Project F videos 😉
I really like how she planned this whole thing. She ties him up first, which he realizes very quickly and then she attacks with her knife.
He isn’t helpless and also has a knife. She cuts into his arm, so his defense is down as she slices his air hose.
She is out of his reach and so he is doomed to drown in that plane.
I love all the sounds that he makes in this scene! I guess they added some in post-production, a great job 🙂
He immediately realizes that he is in big trouble and you can hear that from the start.
Also, I do love the reveal of the scuba killer!
How she walks out of the water, that she ditches some gear, and that you can only see from behind how she pulls off her scuba hood.
The audience has still no clue who that is or how she looks until the camera moves around her and shows her face in that phone booth.
A great reveal for sure!
Ok, enough from me… how do YOU like this scene?
Leave a comment here or on YouTube!
Wanna know the title of the TV show and the episode name?
Wasn’t welcome on YouTube, even in a short(er) version.
Watch the video before you continue!
Some nice scuba scenes for sure!
It’s a rare sight when a frogwoman wears a hood and you can still see her long hair floating out of it as normally the long hair will be put into a ponytail or something similar.
The bad ship CGI was quite funny… as it is quite bad.
The dive scenes are well-made… until she reaches the ship.
I laughed hard at how her gauge was at about 100 bar and then dropped insanely fast in weird movements of the display 😆
Completely unrealistic and SO bizarre! Her tank was still half full, she had another 20-30 minutes of air.
And then as her tank is miraculously empty all of a sudden… what is happening then? Does she take a nap while he drowns?
Well, I certainly don’t know what is going on at that moment….
There is another scene in that movie that is worth posting as well.
So… stay tuned for more from this one in the near future!
This TV show was on my “to watch” list for quite a while, but there is so much to watch for me with all my TV shows, that it took a while before I started this one.
But this week I finally watched the show on 4 days to check it for scuba scenes.
The scene is rather long and from a very new show and I immediately had my doubts that it would be allowed on Youtube.
The original scene is 7 minutes long and I made an edit with under 4 minutes, but even that one was blocked in most countries so I decided to upload it elsewhere.
At first, I had a little doubt about posting it, but even they all play 15/16-year-old girls, the actresses are in fact all over 18, one is even 26, so there is no problem.
Yeah, I know an English version would have been better, but this one had a better picture quality and the 2 minutes with dialog are manageable without knowing German.
Basically it’s just… “there is the treasure, we will find it” + “we found the treasure! ….” 😉
It’s good that each girl is wearing a scuba mask of a different color, would be very hard to tell them apart otherwise.
The big problem is this scene is rather the bad guy that shows up out of nowhere and who does he attack? The only other male diver! Damn it!
This could have been a great scene where the bad guy attack one frogwoman, and manages to rip off her mask and slice her air hose…and then 2-3 more frogwomen join the fight, overpower him and save the one who got attacked.
Yeah, no luck. But a nice dive scene with 4 frogwomen is pretty rare.
When I first heard of this TV show I was very intrigued. A TV show that is called “Dive club”? Sounds great!
Then I realized it’s a TV show made with teenagers (the characters) for a teenage audience. Bummer.
Then I watched the whole season and ….well….for a TV show called “Dive club” there is only very little “dive” in it! #scubascenesareexpensive
Out of the 12 episodes….7 don’t have any scuba scenes. And except for this one, the other scuba scenes are very short (1-2 minutes) and don’t have any action at all.
So, this post will remain the only one…at least for season 1.
The season ends with a very open ending/cliffhanger, so I think there will be a second season.
Well, here no scuba battle breaks loose…..damn! But ok, as the divers in the plane were the good guys…. there was no real chance of having a scuba battle against Navy divers.
After all the guys didn’t work for SPECTRE 😉
But it was nice to have the Navy frogmen in the scene, it was nice how the one guy did hold onto the tanks of both frogwomen. Just for a second, I thought about he might turn off their air supply 😉
I do enjoy seeing these Interspiro Divator masks on the frogwomen, it’s a great, good-looking scuba mask for me.
Hey folks, how about a nice scuba clip from a rare TV show?
Not so rare is the scenario:
A couple dives into a wreck, and surprise….soon they are stuck….and of course already nearly out of air 😉 ….of course, he can free himself, but she is trapped.
Can she be rescued?
(click to enlarge)
And here is the video:
Well, this scene offers nearly all cliches….but still, it’s a good scene.
Very practical that all the salvage gear was still lying around.
Of course, the picture quality is pretty bad since it is a pretty unknown TV show from the early ’80s.
She handles herself pretty good actually, no panic.
What is pretty odd….how are they speaking with each other? I don’t see any device for that….. 😆