Pamela Anderson and ocean polluters [female Baywatch Scuba scenes in HD #10]

Well, not an epic scene like two weeks ago, but another interesting female scuba scene from Baywatch.

CJ (Pamela Anderson) and her Baywatch buddies are investigating underwater to find a trace of some ocean polluters.

I added two more short scenes with her. One in her “working clothes” and one in a cool “civilian” outfit of hers.


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Well, ok, the scuba scene….isn’t very interesting. It’s dark, no close-up, no real action. More interesting are the scenes on the boat, with the sexy scuba suits and the scenes after the dive.

Seeing Pamela in her working clothes is always….interesting….and seeing her and Yasmine Bleeth in civilian clothes for a change, isn’t too bad either ๐Ÿ˜‰

And we learn a valuable lesson!

If you are an ocean polluter….you shouldn’t have your companies logo on the barrels!

(unless you wanna get caught by Baywatch so that Pamela Anderson knocks on your door ๐Ÿ˜‰ )

Wanna know from which episode this was taken?


What do you think of that scene?

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The Frogwoman and the evil net [Quality upgrade + more scenes with her]

This one is a classic! I already made a post about it 4 years ago. Now it is time for a massive upgrade!

This recording has a better picture quality and now I added interesting beach footage of our frogwoman and her stunning wetsuit. This video has over 9 minutes, pretty much double-length in comparison.

What it is all about? Well, a female scientist works underwater in great scuba gear. She and her male buddy gets trapped by a floating net. She grabs her knife and starts to cut the net….

Problem solved? No! It gets much worse…..


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

(I cut some scenes with Lassie and that bird out of the video to get it under 10 minutes, all scenes with her in that wetsuit are included)

That scene has quite a lot to offer!!!

A sexy frogwoman in a stunning rubber wetsuit underwater and on the surface, and all that in color!

And a rather…hilarious… scuba peril scene ๐Ÿ™‚

She manages to cut her own air hose(!)….and then even drops the vital knife!! (instead of stashing it away for later use)

Her male buddy doesn’t do anything to help them escape, why? Doesn’t he have a knife? Or does he have one and want to be stuck in that net with her? ๐Ÿ˜‰

So he can buddy breath with her and save her from drowning? ๐Ÿ˜‰

Questions over questions!

Well, and the rescue chain……bird checks on divers, senses they are in trouble, alert a dog, who alerts a man…. oh man!

However, it’s a great scene! Not often do you see a frogwoman who cuts her own air hose….

This is the episode in which you can find this scene(s):


What do you think about this scene?

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Gangsters, cocaine, two frogwomenโ€ฆ.and a SCUBA FIGHT! [female Baywatch Scuba scenes in HD #9]

Sorry, for not making a post last week, but I felt a littleโ€ฆ.demotivated.

Now it is finally time for the big showdown in this Baywatch episode, the first scene of the same episode can be found here.

And what is the big showdown? A rather epic SCUBA FIGHT with 2 frogmen and 2 frogwomen!!!

The scene has around 10 minutes in total, so I decided to split it into 2 parts to avoid having trouble with YouTube/the copyright owners (the longer a video gets…the bigger the chances it gets blocked…instead of “just” getting ADs).

So, here you go, Part 1:

(click to enlarge)

And here is the video – PART 1:


Preview, Part 2:

(click to enlarge)

And here is the video, Part 2:

I had to cut this part down under 5 minutes to not get it blocked on YouTube.

Here is the LONGER CUT of the whole scene, with some seconds more of part 1:

Scuba fight – Long cut

This scuba fight is in my Top 10 scuba scenes of all time! 2 frogwomen in action, all the struggling.

An air hose cut, she ascends with the cut hose spewing bubbles…… The naughty villainess who gets trapped underwater.

GREAT stuff for sure! And the lifeguards who risk his own life to rescue the villainess, after he already rescued Stephanie ๐Ÿ˜‰

There are not many scenes where the air hose of a frogwoman gets cut, this is one of the very rare scenes.

This scene can be found in this episode:


What do you think of this scene?

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2 frogwomen, a private investigator and a scuba fight! [HD]

I know about this scene for a while, even got the HD version some months ago, but never thought about posting it here.

But it is a really good scene ๐Ÿ™‚



(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

>>>>> The video was blocked in the US and Canada, so here is an alternative link for you: <<<<<

2 frogwomen, a private investigator, and a scuba fight! [HD]- Google Drive

Well, in my eyes….he is a dirty cheater ๐Ÿ˜‰

Not a fair way to end a scuba fight…and actually very dangerous too. He is the good guy in this series and with a forced quick ascend like that….her lungs could easily rip!

And they are not in a shallow depth…as it seems. (where it wouldn’t be so dangerous)

Would have been great if he ripped off her mask and/or cut her air hose, but well, you can’t have everything.

However it is rare enough such a scuba fight with a frogwoman, so I actually really like that scene. At least she had the guts to stay and fight! ๐Ÿ™‚

If you wanna know more about which movie/TV series that can be found:

IMDB link


What do you think of that scene?

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Frogwoman VIP Club 2.0: June

                    (the picture is just a logo for the VIP Club)


The VIP-Club 2.0 has been updated with new material, enjoy! 6 new scubalicious videos!

  • 4 self-made videos …that focus…. on a scenes from a great episode from Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea (…which get always banned from Youtube) – A great scuba fight with a frogwoman  – in a different versions, one incl. all wetsuit scenes from the great frogwomen on a sub too –
  • 4 mystery videos
  • 3 scuba fetish stories (the complete versions)….written by myself: “Vulcan down” + “Vulan down: Part 2 – Scuba battle” + “Catwoman – The masked scuba thief” (each at least 15 pages)

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