Find the masked frogwoman in the picture! 😉
…check it out on my Maskripper blog.
This is a good movie if you are interested in female scuba scenes… A lot of you guys should already know it… but I edited the scenes with both scuba ladies in one video.
(click to enlarge)
And here is the video (the scene above and a BONUS scene):
And if you really don’t know which movie that is:
LINK: Title
These are some legs…
Those girls should have had a fight scene against each other….
Oh man, that would be so great… 😉
Well, time that YOU get a little active! 😉
I would like to know:
What is your favorite scuba (video-)scene?
It can be in a feature film or in a TV-series. Just comment by clicking on the little “bubble” on the upper right corner of this post. (You don’t need your real name or mailadress).
Let’s see how many of you guys will participate… 🙂
Lara Corft in a wetsuit? Sounds good! Well, I found these cosplay pictures and I have to show them to you. 😉
All together there are 11 pictures:
And if you wanna see more from that cosplayer:
LINK: Cosplayer
Damn, her in that outfit underwater…with more scuba gear 😉