Frogwoman Uma with Royal Mistral double hose regulator [9th video of Project F]

Today I wanna present another video of Project F!

In this one, Frogwoman Uma is diving with a vintage Royal Mistral double hose regulator while wearing a Camaro Speedskin.

Most of the filming for this video here was done by the friendly Divemaster.


Frogwoman Uma with Royal Mistral double hose regulator, 1080p, 60 frames, 3:58 minutes

Frogwoman Uma is wearing a Camaro Speedskin wetsuit (smooth skin) in here.


Some preview pictures:

(click to enlarge)

Video contains:

1 frogwoman, neoprene,  smooth skin wetsuit, vintage double hose regulator, some modern scuba gear, hood, no fins, surface shot


As you can see in the first picture, there is a short sequence where Frogwoman Uma starts at the door and then walks into the pool. So, there is a very short “surface” scene in this one.

There was quite some material available for this video and I edited it from the videos from both cameras, but only some seconds here were filmed by me.



I used the same filters as before (white balance, 10% more brightness in the shadows, text).

The original/raw footage was longer than this cut, but I cut quite some minutes.

Just enough so the video would be under 4 minutes, so you guys in the VIP club could have another video included.


It will be available again in the VIP club in September!

Here is a quick overview of the content of this month:


…get the video any time you want:



You can download these videos, but only for your personal use.

Don’t share them with anyone…. anywhere!

It’s pretty simple, I had to spend a lot of money, especially on scuba gear and location rent.

A lot of my …limited… savings were used up for that.

If I don’t make enough money with these videos…..I won’t be able to make new videos.

So…. I hope you appreciate these videos and want to see more in the future.

Wanna see more of Frogwoman Uma …aka…. “Granola Kitty”?

Check out her Facebook page where you can see much more of her:

4 female divers and one guy in a wreck dive with some action [Blog exclusive]

This TV show was on my “to watch” list for quite a while, but there is so much to watch for me with all my TV shows, that it took a while before I started this one.

But this week I finally watched the show on 4 days to check it for scuba scenes.

The scene is rather long and from a very new show and I immediately had my doubts that it would be allowed on Youtube.

The original scene is 7 minutes long and I made an edit with under 4 minutes, but even that one was blocked in most countries so I decided to upload it elsewhere.

And that way you can enjoy the whole 7 minutes.


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

At first, I had a little doubt about posting it, but even they all play 15/16-year-old girls, the actresses are in fact all over 18, one is even 26, so there is no problem.

Yeah, I know an English version would have been better, but this one had a better picture quality and the 2 minutes with dialog are manageable without knowing German.

Basically it’s just… “there is the treasure, we will find it” + “we found the treasure! ….” 😉

It’s good that each girl is wearing a scuba mask of a different color, would be very hard to tell them apart otherwise.

The big problem is this scene is rather the bad guy that shows up out of nowhere and who does he attack? The only other male diver! Damn it!

This could have been a great scene where the bad guy attack one frogwoman, and manages to rip off her mask and slice her air hose…and then 2-3 more frogwomen join the fight, overpower him and save the one who got attacked.

Yeah, no luck. But a nice dive scene with 4 frogwomen is pretty rare.

When I first heard of this TV show I was very intrigued. A TV show that is called “Dive club”? Sounds great!

Then I realized it’s a TV show made with teenagers (the characters) for a teenage audience. Bummer.

Then I watched the whole season and ….well….for a TV show called “Dive club” there is only very little “dive” in it! #scubascenesareexpensive

Out of the 12 episodes….7 don’t have any scuba scenes. And except for this one, the other scuba scenes are very short (1-2 minutes) and don’t have any action at all.

So, this post will remain the only one…at least for season 1.

The season ends with a very open ending/cliffhanger, so I think there will be a second season.

Hopefully with more scuba action then.

This scene is from this episode:


What do you think of this scene?

Leave your comment below!

Update on the Youtube channel:

The channel is now very close to 500 subscribers, so it will get a “community” tab in the next 1-2 days (for reaching 500).

I re-uploaded all videos of 2021,2020,2019 and the last months of 2018 in the last weeks.

Many more videos will follow!

Please subscribe if you haven’t already:

Angelo is testing vintage scuba gear [8th video of Project F]

[2nd video for today]

Today I wanna present another video of Project F!

A very special one without any frogwomen for a change.


Angelo is testing vintage scuba gear, 1080p, 60 frames, 7:52 minutes

Angelo, the imposter (from Thunderball), is testing scuba gear to be prepared for his Vulcan bomber hijack 😉

A Royal Mistral double hose regulator

A Royal Mistral double hose regulator connected to a Technisub FFM

A Royal Mistral double hose regulator connected to a RAF oxygen mask


Some preview pictures:

(click to enlarge)

As you guys may know I rented that house for that first video shooting of “Project F”.

In the first hours, I wanted to try some gear that I never tried in a pool or lake before.

At first, I didn’t think about making a video out of it for sale as there are no frogwomen in this video.

Then I thought I would make a short video out of it for the VIP club, but since there are no frogwomen in this one… many might not be interested in it.

So, I made a longer video out of it that can be bought individually.


Yeah, I know not every piece of equipment would have been available to Angelo in 1965, but the regulator, the FFM, and the oxygen mask are all original vintage gear from the ’60s and ’70s.

In all scenes, Angelo is wearing a Mares Apnea Instinct wetsuit (smooth skin).

In the first segment, he is using a Royal Mistral double hose regulator.

In the second segment, he is using the Royal Mistral connected to a Technisub FFM.

In the last segment, he is using an RAF oxygen mask. The same type as in the movie. 😉

I was REALLY curious to see if the mask would work properly underwater connected to an oxygen tank. And yeah it did very well!


By the way: In the middle of the video I realized that my fins had damaged the foil that was attached to the pool walls and taken them off there.

And yeah, Angelo could lose 5-7 kilos more 😆

Also, Angelo had more hair in the movie 😉


So, perhaps some of you will find this interesting, even there are no frogwomen in the video.



There is a slight audio issue in this video as I positioned the camera underwater on a plastic platform (counter-current system that wasn’t working at that time).

From time to time, you will hear some minor noise. Like very short “bumps”. No serious issue, but for that, I will reduce the price slightly.


I used the same filters as before (white balance, 10% more brightness in the shadows, text).

The original/raw footage was about some minutes longer but contained some footage where we discussed some aspects in between the shots.

You can download these videos, but only for your personal use.

Don’t share them with anyone…. anywhere!

It’s pretty simple, I had to spend a lot of money, especially on scuba gear and location rent.

A lot of my …limited… savings were used up for that.

If I don’t make enough money with these videos…..I won’t be able to make new videos.

So…. I hope you appreciate these videos and want to see more in the future.

Wanna watch this video?

Well, then send 6.99 Euro in my direction (aka 6,99 Euro depending on in which country you live in).

Every video that will be for individual sales like this one will have an individual price… so I know instantly what video you want by the amount that you send.

The details can be found on this page (scroll down to video 8):


Every Euro I get by this and the donations for the VIP club will support me in doing more video shooting like this in the future as I can save that money for rent location, additional gear, and to pay the frogwomen.

The frogwoman who got trapped under a buoy

[1st post for today]

That’s quite difficult to do …. but this vintage frogwoman did get trapped under a buoy 😉

Time for a new video outside “Project F”.

In this one, we go back to the 60s to a TV show with a friendly dolphin.


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

The first version of the video was a little over 6 minutes but it was blocked in most countries. I edited the video down to slightly under 4 minutes and that was then seemingly ok for Youtube.

Yeah, I don’t get how she managed to get trapped under that thing but ok. 😆

And normally she should be able to get out…or would have some serious injuries, but seemingly she doesn’t have a scratch.

Yeah, it’s a TV show for kids…

But it’s a nice peril scene in vintage gear even I would have preferred her wearing a rubber wetsuit as that would have fit to the 60s perfectly.

I am not a fan of these bathing caps, but I know that some are.

All in all a solid scene.

The scene and the end is pretty funny…

Wanna know in which episode this happens?


What do you think of that scene?

Feel welcome to leave a comment!



My new Youtube channel is now at over 400 subscribers, don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE if you haven’t already.

With 500 subscribers the “community tab” will be activated for the channel.

Frogwoman Uma and a Rubick’s Cube [7th video of Project F]

Sorry for the delay, some logistical problems needed to be resolved first…

Today I wanna present another video of Project F!

In this one, Frogwoman Uma is diving with a Mares Abyss regulator while wearing a Camaro Speedskin.

Both the divemaster and Uma were filming here. I wasn’t at that filming as I was actually at a train station to pick up Frogwoman Kara (video 3), and due to the storm that train got delayed big time….as I mentioned here and there.


Frogwoman Uma and a Rubick’s Cube, 1080p, 60 frames, 3:59 minutes

Frogwoman Uma is wearing a Camaro Speedskin wetsuit (smooth skin) in here.


Some preview pictures:

(click to enlarge)

In this one, you can see Frogwoman Uma filming herself in some scenes! There was quite some material available for this video and I edited it from the videos from both cameras.


I used the same filters as before (white balance, 10% more brightness in the shadows, text).

The original/raw footage was longer than this cut, but I cut quite some minutes.

Just enough so the video would be under 4 minutes, so you guys in the VIP club could have another video included.


It will be available again in the VIP club in August!

Here is a quick overview of the content of this month:


…get the video any time you want:


You can download these videos, but only for your personal use.

Don’t share them with anyone…. anywhere!

It’s pretty simple, I had to spend a lot of money, especially on scuba gear and location rent.

A lot of my …limited… savings were used up for that.

If I don’t make enough money with these videos…..I won’t be able to make new videos.

So…. I hope you appreciate these videos and want to see more in the future.

Wanna see more of Frogwoman Uma …aka…. “Granola Kitty”?

Check out her Facebook page where you can see much more of her:

Meanwhile on Maskripper….

On my other blog you can find a villainess in an unusual gas mask:

Yeah, a gas mask would fit here too, but this time I decided it would fit better to the other blog since the villainess has a secret identity she wants to disguise.


Don’t forget to subscribe to the new Frogwoman Youtube channel + the new Instagram:

A trailer for the first 5 videos of “Project F”

Today I wanna present a short trailer with scenes from the first 5 videos of “Project F”.

So, you can actually see some moving images and sound from these videos, instead of just some screenshots.


Here is the video:

The page with all the videos of “Project F” can be found in the menu above or here:


At first, I thought about including some music in the trailer but then you couldn’t hear the actual underwater sound not as good.

My next idea was to make an alternative trailer version with some music from Thunderball, but I wasn’t satisfied with how the music would fit the scenes, so I discarded that idea… least for now. Perhaps I will make an alternative version of the trailer in the future.

And in case you haven’t read my post about how that shooting went:

Update on the Youtube channel + another link for you

As some of you may have seen already, I have re-uploaded the videos to the newest posts here to my new Youtube channel over the last days:

So, the new channel has 162 subscribers right now, so that is a start to get back to where the old channel was (6000).

So, please, if you haven’t already….SUBSCRIBE to my new channel!-

Today I re-uploaded 15 (unlisted) videos from “My Thunderball project”.

So, most of these videos are back up now. I would have uploaded the rest of the videos as well, but as it seems “new” Youtube channels can’t upload more than that per day.

I have started a Frogwoman Org Instagram account this week:

Not many posts for now, but it too will grow over the next weeks.

Feel welcome to check it out and subscribe to it!

Next week there will be a lot more activity here:

The trailer for the first 5 videos of Project F will finally be uploaded in the next few days.

Also, the 7th video will be available for the VIP club next Sunday.

And I wanna squeeze in a new post with a new video as well.




The new Frogwoman Org Youtube channel

After my old Frogwoman Org Youtube channel got killed by Youtube I have set up a new one: Frogwoman Org Reloaded 😉

It will take some months to re-upload all videos with all the settings, but sooner or later all the videos from the old one will be on this new channel.

So, check it out, and please SUBSCRIBE to it!

(It will get a much cooler link after 100 subscribers and one month)


It took me 4 years to get to 6000 subscribers with the old one…I hope that number can be reached (much) sooner.

I’m counting on you guys!

Feel welcome to leave likes and comments 😉