So, it’s time for the fifth video of the 3rd video shoot of “Project F”!
In this video, Alice and Caity are diving in the pool with full face masks! They pose for the camera and dive around… but one of them has sinister plans 😉
Frogwomen Alice and Caity in “The Sneaky Frogwoman”, 1080p, 60 frames, 4:21 minutes
Some preview pictures:
(click to enlarge)
+ a short teaser:
Feel welcome to hit the LIKE button of the video on YouTube!
Video contains:
2 frogwomen, neoprene, 2 smooth skin wetsuits (both beavertails, one of them also vintage-style), scuba peril, scuba fight, modern scuba gear,
vintage gear, vintage FFM, modern FFM, hoods (2 of 2), gloves, fins, scuba knife, surface shot
Lethal or non-lethal ending for at least one of them?
Background info:
I thought about including more pictures of their fight, but I don’t wanna post too many spoilers 😉
Yeah, this video is over 4 minutes and still in the VIP club, consider these 21 seconds as extra bonus for free. I thought about a longer version for an individual sale, but the extra footage wasn’t making this a better video.
Then I thought to cut it just below 4 minutes… but that felt somehow wrong as then something would be missing.
When we are doing the video shoot I always feel a little bit too rushed, as the time in the pool is limited and every hour costs money.
I need to get a bit more relaxed there so that cleaning up the background (pictures 1 and 2) should be done, but I was too rushed.
So, … involuntarily… these pictures include some behind-the-scenes footage …but your focus should be on them anyhow.
The video is mainly divided into 3 parts: Some surface shooting where they strap on their masks (incl. breathing sounds), some close-up footage underwater, and then a fight scene at the end.
I used a (simple) script on this one, and it worked out quite well, the scenario is rather simple.
I want to include real storylines in the future as well, even if that makes things more complicated. Especially continuity errors can happen very easily underwater and communication underwater is very limited… even when you use simple tools.
So, the quantity of video we can film in one session will go down… but if the quality improves on the other hand, that should be a good thing.
Alice and Caity did deliver a really good performance here again and their scuba experience paid off. The vintage Technisub FFM that Alice is wearing isn’t easy to handle with the lower straps and their locking mechanism. It’s also not very comfortable to dive with, especially in comparison to the OTS Guardian that Caity is using.
There is certainly room for improvement here, but all in all, I’m happy with how the video turned out for the limited time that was available.
I used some filters (10% more brightness in gamma and gain, text)
Where to watch it?
The video will be available again in May in the VIP club alongside the other content!
Here is a quick overview of the content of this month:
…get the video any time you want:
You can watch and download these videos in the VIP club, but only for personal use!
Don’t share them with anyone…. anywhere!
It’s pretty simple, I had to spend a lot of money:
All that scuba gear, location rent, and the money for the frogwomen and the safety diver.
If I don’t make enough money with these videos….. I won’t be able to make new videos at some point.
I hope you appreciate these videos and want to see more in the future!
After all, you get all those Project F videos + additional content for just 12 euros (or even less per month if you get into the VIP club for more than one month).
I would say that is quite a bargain!
Also, I do hope that the amount of VIP club members will be higher with the current price as it would be with a higher price.
The rotation periods for each video will get a little longer though. When a video leaves the VIP club it will be out for at least 4 months.
But still, there will be 5-6 Project F videos in it each month