—- The History of Project F —-
(and some links)
Last updated: December 15
“Banner 2” made for Project F by “sky50783”
>>> If you are interested in helping out with “Project F” in any form, please let me know! (use the “contact” page”) <<<
You could help with the shooting (gear assembly, camera etc.) or could participate in the video itself.
Links for Project F:
Scuba gear of Project F + Wanted scuba gear:
What I do wanna see in these videos, and what I don’t wanna see:
On this page, I wanna post all the info on Project F.
What is “Project F”?
Let’s start with this teaser (from before I made any of the Project F videos):
Here is the trailer with scenes from the first 5 videos of “Project F” (back in 2021):
1st post, August 8, 2021:
Update, August 14, 2021:
Here is some of the gear in color and with a frogwoman in it 😉
None of these pictures are taken by me…
(click on the picture to enlarge it to full size)
Update, August 22, 2021:
Today I wanna explain a little more about what I do like and wanna include in such videos, so you know what to expect:
– Frogwomen in sexy wetsuits! And by that, I mean suits that you don’t see normally in scuba scenes from today. I mean suits that are designed like vintage wetsuits (like the one above from Elios) …and/or… have smooth skin. A skin that looks like rubber. Modern neoprene suits are nice and will be included in the videos as well, but in most cases, I don’t think they are very sexy.
– Realistic underwater action! Not insanely long drowning scenes where someone is without air and it takes 3 or more minutes to drown like in some fetish videos.
No scenes where the battling frogwomen are just holding onto each other and aren’t really fighting with each other.
I want energetic, gritty fights. Fights, where you don’t know from the first second who is gonna win. Fights were the upper hand changes, fights with real suspense.
– “Oxygen action”! I wanna see air hoses sliced…spewing bubbles, pulled out regulators, oxygen valves turned shut…..and more.
For example: How many scenes with frogwomen and a sliced corrugated, oxygen hose do you know? I bet not more than one or two ….max.
– Unusual gear in underwater action! I wanna include oxygen masks (#RAF #Thunderball) and gas masks in underwater action/fight scenes. I think such gear offers a lot of interesting possibilities in action scenes 😉
If I would have a really BIG budget (some million $) I would love to remake all the underwater scenes from Thunderball with a MUCH higher female quota.
A remake of Sea Hunt with a female lead and vintage gear would also be awesome as well.
But these are rather unrealistic dreams that I can’t realize without winning the lottery and finding some millions in cash in my fridge.
What I can do…is putting all my passion and dedication into making videos that include sexy frogwomen in good action scenes.
I know this will be hard.
I know there will be many obstacles.
I know it could end in me wasting my savings for nothing.
But I have to try!
Update, August 29, 2021:
Some more scuba gear for Project F:
None of these pictures are taken by me…
(click on the picture to enlarge it to full size)
Update, September 26, 2021:
The search for locations is underway and quite difficult so far.
I guess some patience is needed….
The search for a cameraman/camerawoman was quite successful, I’m very optimistic in this regard.
The hunt for the frogwoman in front of the camera isn’t very easy, but I got some ideas left to explore. The hunt for curious women who wanna try scuba and take part in the project in rather simple scenarios without real action is easier for sure as there are much more women without a scuba certificate.
And, on the good side, there is no deadline other than my impatience 😉
I will find some frogwomen that want to participate in this project….. if I have to live in a tent in front of my scuba school to ask every woman who enters….I would do it 😆
I will keep working on script and equipment testing in the meantime.
Update, October 1, 2021:
I made two new pages! Check them out!
Scuba gear of Project F + Wanted scuba gear:
What I do wanna see in these videos, and what I don’t wanna see:
Update, October 17, 2021:
There are bad and good news on Project F.
The bad news is that the process of finding female divers for this had some setbacks. As soon they hear or read the word fetish they are out. And I don’t wanna lie to them. If they ask why these videos are being made….I tell them the truth. Most of them aren’t even interested in the first place as they have a hunch on what kind of videos there will be.
My initial plan of finding “normal” women with a diving certificate isn’t working out as I imagined.
And the original idea to start shooting in October was too optimistic. But well, as I am new to all of this…. it doesn’t surprise me that there are some setbacks.
I will now change the focus of the search and try to find women who are into this kind of content by their own interest (for example: scuba, breath play, wetsuit, rubber, and so on).
Also, I will look for models that are willing to do fetish videos.
This won’t be easy as well….but I will keep looking!
The good news is that I now booked a whole house for the first shooting. The house is very much booked in the next weeks and months but I reserved it for 2 nights (well 41 hours to be precise) in late November/early December.
I looked for quite a while and this house is quite expensive as it has 4(!) bedrooms.
So why did I book that one? Well, as it is a whole house you have privacy, there isn’t anyone else there, no one can say what you can and can not do.
It has an indoor pool so you can shoot at that time of the year and there are no neighbors who could see you there.
There weren’t many alternatives with a private indoor pool.
This one is not far away from here and I always wanted to be in a pool with no one else around….for some private …fun.
I will test out a lot of scuba gear and ideas I have for scenes.
Also, I will make some videos of some tests with a static camera as well.
I will try everything to also shoot the first videos with frogwomen then, but of course, that depends on some factors.
Let’s hope it all will work out!
Luckily I do have some more time now to hopefully find a frogwoman or two for these two days.
Update, October 21, 2021:
I wanna present two banners that a very nice and talented guy on Deviant Art made for me and this project:
Update, November 21, 2021:
So, time for an update on Project F after one month has passed!
The first shooting is only 10 days away…and there are some news:
Right now it looks like there will be 4 women for the shooting (at different times of the day), so I made quite some progress lately in that regard.
I’m a little worried about the pandemic here in Germany, but as long there won’t be a total lockdown, the rented house should be available.
This week I bought 2 more wetsuits and thinking about getting another one. Check out the available suite here.
Also, I bought some more additional gear, so everything that is needed is available for the shooting.
The indoor pool isn’t perfect as it is not very deep, but we will manage that. On the good side, the pool has some nice extra features and I am planning on making good use of them. But you will see soon enough 😉
I’m getting very excited as the shooting will happen very soon. Yeah, it’s my first shooting and I am a little anxious already about all the things that may go wrong, but in the end, this shooting will provide some nice videos, even if not everything goes as planned.
And to witness all that in “real” life should be quite a “treat”.
Update December 5, 2021:
My little review about the first shooting for Project F:
Update December 12, 2021:
The first video is available, in this case in the VIP club!
Technisub FFM test dive
…check out the blog post for more info:
Update December 17, 2021:
The second video of Project F is now also available!
Smaco 1L test dive with Frogwoman Lucy
…check out the blog post for more info:
Update December 19, 2021:
The third video of Project F is now also available!
First scuba lesson with Frogwoman Kara and Frogwoman Uma
…check out the blog post for more info:
Update December 22, 2021:
The fourth video of Project F is now also available!
Poseidon FFM dive with Frogwoman Uma
…check out the blog post for more info:
Update December 26, 2021:
The fifth video of Project F is now also available!
Frogwomen rivalry with Frogwomen Alice and Lucy
…check out the blog post for more info:
Update January 2, 2022:
The sixth video of Project F is now also available!
Avon S10 gas mask dive with Frogwoman Uma
…check out the blog post for more info:
Update January 12, 2022:
And here is the trailer with scenes from the first 5 videos of “Project F”:
Update January 18, 2022:
The seventh video of Project F is now also available!
Frogwoman Uma and a Rubick’s Cube
…check out the blog post for more info:
Update January 23, 2022:
The eighth video of Project F is now also available!
Angelo (from Thunderball) is testing scuba gear
…check out the blog post for more info:
Update January 31, 2022:
The ninth video of Project F is now also available!
Frogwoman Uma with Royal Mistral double hose regulator
…check out the blog post for more info:
Update March 3, 2022:
The tenth video of Project F is now available!
Frogwoman Uma with an Auer S3 gas mask and a Viking drysuit
…check out the blog post for more info:
Update March 3, 2022:
The eleventh video of Project F is now also available!
Frogwoman Uma with Mares Abyss regulator + bonus scenes with a Cressi snorkel mask
(click to enlarge)
…check out the blog post for more info:
Update June 19, 2022:
Preparations for the 2nd video shoot are underway:
Update September 25, 2022:
Video 12 of Project F is now also available! (the first one from the 2nd video shoot)
Frogwomen Kara and Lucy battle each other in “Scuba Spy”
(click to enlarge)
…check out the blog post for more info:
Update October 14, 2022:
Video 13 of Project F is now also available! (the second from the 2nd video shoot)
Frogwomen Ruby and Lucy battle each other in “Treasure Hunt”
(click to enlarge)
…check out the blog post for more info:
Update October 22, 2022:
Video 14 of Project F is now also available! (the third one from the 2nd video shoot)
Frogwoman Lucy in full vintage-style gear!
(click to enlarge)
…check out the blog post for more info:
Update November 6, 2022:
Video 15 of Project F is now also available! (the fourth video from the 2nd video shoot)
Frogwoman Lucy attacks Swimmer Kara!
(click to enlarge)
…check out the blog post for more info:
Update November 6, 2022:
I managed to get a modern FFM for a reasonable price!
Normally this mask costs 1100 Euro and more in new condition.
The one I got was only underwater once and it was MUCH cheaper.
Ok, I would have preferred it in all black, but the price was much too tempting…
Still, this was a big investment for me…. but such a mask was on my wanted list.
Looking forward to using it on the next video shoot! Perhaps in a duel against the vintage Technisub FFM 😉
Update November 20, 2022:
Video 16 of Project F is now also available! (the fifth video from the 2nd video shoot)
Frogwoman Lucy attacks Frogwoman Kara who took pictures of something she wasn’t supposed to see!
(click to enlarge)
…check out the blog post for more info:
Update December 11, 2022:
Video 17 of Project F is now also available! (the sixth video from the 2nd video shoot)
Frogwoman Lucy and Frogwoman Kara wanna find out who the better scuba fighter is….
(click to enlarge)
…check out the blog post for more info:
Update December 22, 2022:
Video 17XL of Project F is now also available! (the seventh video from the 2nd video shoot)
Frogwoman Lucy and Frogwoman Kara wanna find out who the better scuba fighter is….
(This is the XL cut incl. interesting bloopers)
(click to enlarge)
…check out the blog post for more info:
Update February 12, 2023:
Video 18 of Project F is now also available! (the first video from the 3rd video shoot)
Frogwoman Caity and Frogwoman Alice are practicing their scuba combat skills!
(click to enlarge)
…check out the blog post for more info:
Update February 24, 2023:
Video 19 of Project F is now also available! (the second video from the 3rd video shoot)
Frogwoman Kara and Frogwoman Demi are practicing basic scuba skills!
(click to enlarge)
…check out the blog post for more info:
Update March 12, 2023:
Video 20 of Project F is now also available! (the third video from the 3rd video shoot)
Freediver Alice gets surprised by Frogwoman Caity!
(click to enlarge)
…check out the blog post for more info:
Update March 26, 2023:
Video 21 of Project F is now also available! (the fourth video from the 3rd video shoot)
Frogwomen Kara and Demi are practicing their scuba combat skills!
(click to enlarge)
…check out the blog post for more info:
*NEW* Update April 7, 2023:
Video 22 of Project F is now also available! (the fifth video from the 3rd video shoot)
In this video, Alice and Caity are diving in the pool with full face masks! They pose for the camera and dive around… but one of them has sinister plans 😉
(click to enlarge)
…check out the blog post for more info:
Update April 23, 2023:
Video 23 of Project F is now also available! (the sixth video from the 3rd video shoot)
In this video, Alice and Caity are practicing their scuba combat skills!
Who will triumph?
(click to enlarge)
…check out the blog post for more info:
Update May 14, 2023:
Video 24 of Project F is now also available! (the seventh video from the 3rd video shoot)
In this video, Agent Kara is taking pictures of a secret underwater base of Spectre (#some imagination required) and gets attacked by an evil frogwoman…
….and only ONE of them will survive!
(click to enlarge)
…check out the blog post for more info:
Update August 13, 2023:
Video 25 of Project F is now also available! (the first video of the 4th video shoot)
In this video, Frogwomen Lucy and Kara are practicing their scuba combat skills in some training sessions!
(click to enlarge)
…check out the blog post for more info:
Update August 27, 2023:
Video 26 (“Deadly Water”) of Project F is now also available! (the second video of the 4th video shoot)
In this video, Frogwoman Kara wants to go on a final scuba dive of her dream vacation.
Lucy, whom she just met 2 days ago… is very eager to join her…. for some reason. 😉
(click to enlarge)
…check out the blog post for more info:
Update September 10, 2023:
Video 27 (“Sabotage”) of Project F is now also available! (the third video of the 4th video shoot)
In this one, Kara and Lucy, who are good friends, go on a scuba dive.
But one of them has an evil plan…
(click to enlarge)
…check out the blog post for more info:
Update September 22, 2023:
Video 28 (“Scuba Combat Training 5”) of Project F is now also available! (the fourth video of the 4th video shoot)
In this video, Frogwomen Lucy and newcomer Tessie are training their scuba combat skills so they are always ready for a mission.
(click to enlarge)
…check out the blog post for more info (incl. pictures and a trailer):
Update October 8, 2023:
Video 29 (“Surprise Attack”) of Project F is now also available! (the fifth video of the 4th video shoot)
In this video, Frogwomen Lucy and Kara are testing some scuba gear in the pool. But things are not as they seem… and a scuba battle for survival enfolds!
(click to enlarge)
…check out the blog post for more info (incl. pictures and a trailer):
Update October 22, 2023:
Video 30 (“Scuba Combat Training 6”) of Project F is now also available! (the sixth video of the 4th video shoot)
In this video, Frogwomen Kara and Tessie are testing their scuba-combat skills!
(click to enlarge)
…check out the blog post for more info (incl. pictures and a trailer):
Update March 24, 2024:
Video 31 (“The Trap”) of Project F is now also available! (the first video of the 5th video shoot)
In this video, Frogwoman Lucy wants to test some new scuba gear in the deep pool!
Rachel and Alice are also there to train their freediving skills and they have a sinister plan in mind… What will happen?
(click to enlarge)
…check out the blog post for more info (incl. pictures and a trailer):
Update April 7, 2024:
Video 32 (“The Cop, the Cat, and the Bat”) of Project F is now also available! (the second video of the 5th video shoot)
In this video, a certain female thief wants to retrieve some stolen diamonds.
But a greedy female Cop wants to get her hands on them too!
And a female vigilante wants to catch the thief….
(click to enlarge)
…check out the blog post for more info (incl. pictures and a trailer):
Update April 21, 2024:
Video 33 (“Scuba Combat Training 7”) of Project F is now also available! (the third video of the 5th video shoot)
In this video, Rachel, Lucy, and Alice are testing their scuba combat skills in 5 rounds of scuba action!
For the first time in my Project F, a second camera was used to film from a POV perspective of one of the frogwomen.
(click to enlarge)
…check out the blog post for more info (incl. pictures and a trailer):
Update May 12, 2024:
Video 34 (“Hunt for Gold”) of Project F is now also available! (the fourth video of the 5th video shoot)
In this video, Korra is diving around to test her new FFM.
Suddenly she finds a golden coin…. and before she knows it… she gets attacked by 2 frogwomen!
(click to enlarge)
…check out the blog post for more info (incl. pictures and a trailer):
Update May 26, 2024:
Video 35 (“Learning Scuba 2”) of Project F is now also available! (the fifth video of the 5th video shoot)
In this video, Korra is teaching Demi and Kara some basic scuba exercises!
(click to enlarge)
…check out the blog post for more info (incl. pictures and a trailer):
Update June 9, 2024:
Video 36 (“Escape of a Villainess”) of Project F is now also available! (the sixth video of the 5th video shoot)
In this video, the leader of the evil frogwomen is now on her own after a big scuba battle.
Completely exhausted she tries to escape but the team leader of the good gals is chasing after her to get her revenge!
(click to enlarge)
…check out the blog post for more info (incl. pictures and a trailer):
Update August 25, 2024:
Video 37 (“Scuba Combat Training 8”) of Project F is now also available! (the first video of the 6th video shoot)
In this video, frogwomen Kara and Scarlett are practicing their scuba combat skills for several rounds of training!
There are 6 rounds of them forcing each other to the surface… or killing each other (in the training scenario).
As a bonus, you also get an alternative take on one of the rounds!
(click to enlarge)
…check out the blog post for more info (incl. pictures and a trailer):
Update September 8, 2024:
Video 38 (“FFM testing”) of Project F is now also available! (the second video of the 6th video shoot)
In this video, frogwomen Alice and Meg are testing the OTS Guardian full-face mask!
(click to enlarge)
…check out the blog post for more info (incl. pictures and a trailer):
Update September 22, 2024:
Video 39 (“Good VS Evil”) of Project F is now also available! (the third video of the 6th video shoot)
In this video, the leader of the evil female agents is still at large during a scuba battle.
The good gals will try everything to finally stop her!
(click to enlarge)
…check out the blog post for more info (incl. pictures and a trailer):
Update October 6, 2024:
Video 40 (“RAF oxygen mask”) of Project F is now also available! (the fourth video of the 6th video shoot)
In this video, Frogwoman Rachel wants to try an RAF oxygen mask… underwater!
(click to enlarge)
…check out the blog post for more info (incl. pictures and a trailer):
Update October 20, 2024:
Video 41 (“Scuba Combat Training 9”) of Project F is now also available! (the fifth video of the 6th video shoot)
In this video, frogwomen Rachel and Eva test their scuba combat skills in 6 rounds of action!
There is a second camera in use to get the ego perspective (and breathing sounds) of one of them.
(click to enlarge)
…check out the blog post for more info (incl. pictures and a trailer):
Update November 3, 2024:
Video 42 (“Learning Scuba 3”) of Project F is now also available! (the sixth video of the 6th video shoot)
In this video, Frogwoman Scarlett gets the first scuba lesson (for real) as Frogwoman Meg teaches her the most basic scuba skills!
(click to enlarge)
…check out the blog post for more info (incl. pictures and a trailer):
Update November 17, 2024:
Video 43 (“View of the Frogwoman”) of Project F is now also available! (the seventh video of the 6th video shoot)
In this video, Frogwoman Kara is filming from her perspective and takes you on a special inside view.
A mixture between a “Behind the Scenes” video and a “Scuba Combat Training” video… all that from a POV perspective.
(click to enlarge)
…check out the blog post for more info (incl. pictures and a trailer):
Update December 1, 2024:
Video 44 (“Selfie Stick Dive”) of Project F is now also available! (the eighth video of the 6th video shoot)
In this video, Frogwoman Kara is taking you on a scuba dive as she films with a selfie stick.
There are two versions of this: One with music (an epic action score) and one with underwater sounds only
(click to enlarge)
…check out the blog post for more info (incl. pictures and a trailer):
*NEW* Update December 1, 2024:
Video 45 (“Training “Accident””) of Project F is now also available! (the ninth video of the 6th video shoot)
In this video, Frogwomen Kara and Scarlett are on a mission to eliminate a witness.
It should look like a training accident….
(click to enlarge)
…check out the blog post for more info (incl. pictures and a trailer):
Feel free to leave comments on this page as well!
(You can use whatever name you want and any email address you can think of)
I love your passion for this and can’t wait to see what you can produce. Please keep the updates coming on your blog. Have you had any inquiries/interest from women with dive qualifications who would be interested in being cast in your scuba scenarios?
Thanks! Well….the search for a director will begin very shortly and the search for frogwomen will quickly follow. Maybe both next week, will update the blog on that as well.
Also, women without dive certificates are wanted as well….but “only” for the “just dive around in sexy gear” scenarios without big action….if they fulfil the other requirements (sporty, look).
Will be very suspenseful weeks….
I don’t think it’s a very good idea to put completely uncertified people in scuba gear, at least not without having somebody there who’s been specifically trained in how to deal with a panicked diver and to teach them how to safely use the equipment (a crash course in scuba gear fundamentals from a nonprofessional diver is not enough imo).
Also, please have every safety measure in place when doing this. Some of the people involved are going to be in rather stressful situations and you never know how they might react to that underwater.
Well, the camera/director man/woman I will be looking for has to be an experienced diver. In the best case, he/she has also done the rescue diver course.
Of course, I would prefer to have certified frogwomen for all the videos, but I don’t know how many will be interested in doing such kind of videos….yet.
For the very simple, “look good in sexy gear” videos the frogwoman/frogwomen just have to dive around in 1 to 2 meters depth in a swimming pool. They won’t have to do any action or peril scenes. With a little introduction and a safety guy/girl close by….this should be ok to do.
And I guess it’s rather easy to get some women who never dove before to be interested as they basically get a scuba crash course not only for free…they are also being paid while testing it out for themselves. I think/hope that might interest enough potential frogwomen.
If I would rule out uncertified divers for these simple scenarios….I would rule out …let’s say 98 or 99 out of 100 women because they aren’t certified. (I don’t think more than 1 or 2 out of 100 have a scuba certificate).
But in the end, it all depends on how the reaction to the “job offer” will be. Hard to say how many are interested. Of course the money will be one tool to raise more interest if needed.
I can’t wait to see these scenes, also you might want to do a ( making of ) and interview the none diving ladies to get their views on what it was like to get all geared up.
I think in regard to safety, as long as it’s water shallow enough for them to stand up in they should be safe enough provided you have a safety diver near them to assist. The trick of a good camera operator and director is that they shoot it in a way that the water looks deeper and you don’t see the Saftey diver. Failing that it would be great to see these sexy ladies all geared up wandering about on dry land, you could invent a scenario where the air is poisonous so they have to wear the scuba gear ( suffocation could still be a thing, or tying one up in that Cressi FFM and turning her air off, she can’t spit the Reg out , she can’t take the mask off, she’s going to suffocate and writhe round in her sexy gear on dry land.
Or you could have none diver model s enter the water in their sexy gear then cut to real female divers , if they are in the same gear and hooded and masked it will be quite difficult to tell the difference.
Any way I can’t wait to see the fruits of your labour and passion. I think it’s great you are doing this to begin with.
Live the dream! And keep those incredible ladies safe and they may enjoy it so much they come back for the sequel.
Yeah, some sort of “making of” or interviews are an option, already thought about it. Ok, with interviews I don’t know how many of these women would share their (real) view on such a topic, that normally people don’t talk about. But I will offer the option that the frogwoman can stay anonymous. She could choose a name (I choose the character’s name) for herself and if she doesn’t wanna show her face (fully) that it can be arranged. She then will only be filmed from certain angles or always with the mask on….for example.
I have an analog notebook where I write down my (rough) story ideas. And the one with the “air is poisonous” is already in it as I like that scenario as I have seen that one in 2 movies and one short film. And it wouldn’t need a pool or lake as a setting. I guess you mean the Technisub FFM? As I don’t have a Cressi FFM or think that make these.
And thanks for the kinds words 🙂
Yeah, for too long I just thought about doing it and was afraid of all the risks. But by starting to buy scuba gear for these frogwomen I pushed myself….as I wanna see that invested money bringing some good results.
There are so many ideas and settings I wanna see….and realized that I now have to take the risk and “just” do it.
And regardings ladies to “come back for the sequel”: I wanna have recurring characters to build up a bond between the audience and them. I don’t wanna have just nameless frogwomen that get all killed off or written off. It would be great if the folks really care about certain characters.
I like the idea of their thoughts and feelings being done anonymously, that’s soo cool, that mask 2nd from the left that you have for the evil frog woman looks very like a Cressi FFM , I do own one, ( for canal diving and when the waters frozen over.
I really hope this plan of yours comes together, it sounds amazing.
Ah, the 2nd one. Well, seems like there are actually a couple of companies that all produce are very similar…very simple….FFM.
The plan will 100% come together….the question is only if others and myself are happy with the results. 😉
I wanna make quite a lot of videos as I do have a lot of ideas. And in the long run….I do wanna make videos for the Maskripper channel as well, and these are …in comparison to scuba videos….much cheaper to make.
All of these videos you are planning can only make the world a better place. Good luck.
Well, as long no one will replay them in “real” life (the ones with a drowning).
Perhaps some of the videos will need a disclaimer 😆
I agree, these are fantasy stories but not one with misogynistic intent , I think the admiration for these amazing and unique women has to come across.
I hope you get quite a few genuine applications for your frogwomen who want to be on camera. I’m genuinely excited for this project and wish you all the best and will certainly be supporting you once you’re able to get some video content produced. Keep the updates coming!
Thanks! Glad to hear that 🙂
Yeah, getting these frogwomen might not be easy, but let’s see how many will reply.
It’s more difficult than I thought to put the word out as for example the internet site of my town, where you can put such things on….. don’t want to publish it as it wouldn’t address all people.
I’m “just” looking for women and for certain types of women and that would exclude others. So…can’t put it up there….
To be honest I find the idea of women who have had absolutely no previous idea / experience in diving, trying on all this gear and being asked to submerge even in a shallow pool quite alluring . It’s like they are having the real experience of a full gear scuba adventure while filming a scuba adventure. You never know you might even make converts of a few of them.
Yeah, that would be really awesome if one of them would have the first try of scuba diving on this project and then would get her scuba certificate….and then return to the project! 😉
And there are not many frogwomen in comparison to women without a certificate.
But in the end, I will need certified divers for the action scenarios 😉
Sorry to hear about your lack of interest from certified lady divers. But thinking back to an unfinished story about a buxom fashion model. I really like the idea of a lady having this experience of trying on all this gear for the first time, while this doesn’t help you with open water action, have you thought about shooting the scenes in the pool and making them look open water ,
They did this in jaws and with Karen Black in Killer Fish, hang some weighted black trash bags around the edger of the pool so it’s darker . Put a bit of milk into the pool to make it a little ( a little) murkier and lower the lighting and camera angles so you can’t see the surface in the shots. The effects could still be amazing and you have the added bonus of much greater ease in setting up the shots and you can film regardless of weather. The ladies will also be more amenable to multiple takes of action work underwater when they have access to toilet facilities/ hot food and drink and a place to take a break that isn’t rocking exposed to the elements and cold ( very important if they are sitting round soaking wet) look after the ladies and make it fun for them and they will get you your shots, these will be professional amazing women ,even if they aren’t certified divers .
Your film will look amazing.
Well, I will shoot everything in pools in the first months.
Easier to handle in many ways. Getting cold here anyhow.
The viewers will just need some imagination to think that the action doesn’t take place in a pool.
Just imagine some ocean surrounding 😉
Thanks for the recos!
I hope that you can fix the problems and start the project. The location found is a good start. That indoor pool is good news.
I know that you have your plan and your ideas. I just hope that some match what I would like to see. It would be nice to see front zip wetsuits, and some scenes of the women out of the water (or getting out of the pool) with their wet wetsuit 🙂
Do you remember the scene from The Man from Atlantis in which Dr. Elizabeth Merrill enters the submarine and we see her with her totally wet wetsuit? That is my paradise, ha ha.
Anyway, this is your project and I understand that your ideas are more oriented to breathing and fighting underwater. I trust that you will make great videos.
If your project progresses, maybe in the future I can contribute money so that it can continue.
Don’t you worry! I like to see wet wetsuits out of the water as well.
Especially in the simple scenarios without peril/action, I wanna have three stages:
A) Frogwoman getting into the wetsuit, putting on the scuba gear
B) Frogwoman dives around
C) Frogwoman exists water, showing off her wet wetsuit….
Well, you can always buy some of the videos, that way you can contribute to more videos 😉
Of course!
I am happy with stages A, B, C 🙂
Good luck finding models.
And please note this: the perfection of the universe is the weight belt buckle exactly in the middle of the wetsuit zip, ha ha.
Siggi, one more thing: you say that it is difficult to find models. Have you tried to show them pictures of frogwomans, gear, diving scenes, etc?
When the director of the film Underworld proposed the character to Kate Beckinsale, she did not want to make that film, but when she saw drawings of her character, with the latex catsuit, boots, cape and weapons, she really liked it. and agreed to give life to Selene. Maybe in your case something like this could happen.
At some point, I used to send a link to my blog to them, that often scares them away 😆
At least the “normal” frogwomen.
That’s why I am looking now more into women who have some fetish or are interested to try out some things.
Didn’t know that about Underworld. Well, good that they did and could convince her! 🙂
Ha ha! Okay. I know that you will find the right models.
The model in the picture of the Elios front zip wetsuit would be too perfect 😀
Need to find a granddaughter of Luciana Paluzzi (who played Fiona Volpe in Thunderball), if she looks anything like her….she needs to get into the Elios Suit 😉
What I would give for some minutes of Fiona in black SPECTRE scuba gear….
Sounds amazing, I can’t wait to see the final product. It’s great to hear you have four ladies committed to the shoot. What is their background experience in? I know divers were reluctant to take part but I am fascinated by who agreed to do this underwater shoot.
Of these 4 actually only 1 has dive experience (and freediving experience).
2 of the other 3 are very interested in taking a scuba course in the near future.
I hope that won’t change after this shooting 😆 , and that they wanna do it even more.
That ordinary women want to do this in scuba gear and rubber suits, that actually makes this more interesting and exciting.
I definitely think it would be worth you doing a director’s commentary for this, and get all the ladies to contribute on why they did it and what they thought of the whole experience.
I reckon that would put this production head and shoulders above anything else like this.
Well, they are all more or less camera shy in terms of fully showing their faces. But I will see to post their thoughts about it (if they would like that) and my comments as well.
Actually, none of these suits are really made of rubber, but the smooth skin make it look like it 😉
That’s the beauty of neoprene, it serves a legitimate purpose, but it’s also very sexy and damn kinky, even more so when the lady wearing it has absolutely no idea how sexy she looks wearing it.
I can’t wait to see the results.