Two banners for Project F!

Today I wanna present two banners that a very nice and talented guy made for me and Project F:

(click on the image to enlarge it to full size – these are only thumbnails)

These images do show what I would love to see in Project F (among other things)!

Take banner 2 for example: Jane Bond in her red rubber wetsuit encounters a SPECTRE frogwoman and that fight can only have one winner!

Perhaps inspired by the fight with James Bond and the frogman below the Disco Volante. 😉


Here is the link to his DeviantArt account, check it out for more gorgeous women in scuba gear:

Thanks again for these banners!

They will be put to good use in representing the Project.

5 thoughts on “Two banners for Project F!”

  1. I love those banner pictures! If you could actually succeed in getting female divers with breasts that look like the women in the banner pictures I will be an active patron. Seems too good to be true!


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