3 female lifeguards in smooth skin wetsuits

The bad news first: Today, there won’t be a scuba scene in this post.

The good news: There will be a video with 3 stunning female lifeguards in smooth skin wetsuits!

Let’s start with some pictures:

(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Well, I don’t know about you….but I love such smooth skin wetsuits! Especially in black.

Funny how they tried to get rid of the “Orca” lettering on the wetsuits with different grades of success πŸ˜†

This first guy is really lucky, I mean she is already a gorgeous-looking woman…and now in such a suit….oh man!

The scene continues with an American flag being dropped in the ocean like the first one, but that was only more of slow-motion with heroic music, so I edited that out as it’s repetitive.

And this scene marked the end of the episode, the season, and the whole series as the show was cancelled after one season.

But quite a sexy way to end it πŸ™‚

Wanna know from which TV show this is?


What do you think of these scenes?

Feel welcome to leave a comment!



1 thought on “3 female lifeguards in smooth skin wetsuits”

  1. They are not my favorite clothes to see women in water activities, but they look great.
    Damn, that canoe should have capsized. No injured people. Only wet skin suits πŸ™‚


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