Thanks to a nice visitor of this site I can present this one today, thanks for the reco.!
(click to enlarge)
Here is the video:
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Watch the video before you continue!
Yeah, sadly the video quality is rather poor. Hopefully, a better quality will be available in the future.
This scene follows the classic “trapped in a net” storybook for a while.
She gets stuck in the net (why the hell there is no one with her? #Buddy), and she can’t get out + of course… her air is completely depleted already?!?
Wow, she/they don’t follow many rules for safe diving 😆
She gets rescued but doesn’t care about her rescuer at all until she is on the boat… #nextbuddyfail
Then he gets stuck also in the same net… how did he manage to do that? Where is his knife?
Why does he lose his regulator? So many questions…
In the end, it all is just a bad dream of hers… maybe that’s why the two behave so recklessly/dumbly.
On the good side: Her stressed, rapid, loud breathing sounds as the camera gets so close are really well done!
All in all a solid peril scene in my opinion.
Wanna know the title of the movie?
That scene is from episode 1 of Life is Beautiful, a South Korean TV show
As of now… you can find the whole episode on YouTube, but there are no more scuba scenes in it.
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After my old Youtube channel was killed about one year ago I had to re-upload all the videos to the new channel and had to edit hundreds of blog posts here.
Basically, I finished that in the first part of last year, but a handful of blog posts are still left that need a proper video and text.
Deep Gold is one of my all-time favorite scuba movies and for that, I wanna present each interesting scuba scene with a blog post in the next weeks.
And then I will …finally ….also update the links in the Hall of Fame section to this movie.
That movie has a LOT to offer and I actually have the 3D Blu-ray in my collection.
The 3D isn’t really good here, but it looks (even) better than in 2D 😉
And right now, even the 2D Blu-ray isn’t available on US Amazon anymore.
Here in the blog post, 2D will have to suffice… and don’t worry, these scenes are very special.
So, let’s start with the first scene!
(click to enlarge)
And here is the video:
…. and that was only a moderate entry as the first scuba scene. MUCH more to follow 😉
This first scene is a nice short scuba peril scene for starters. Not often do you see a female scuba diver sabotaging another boat/yacht.
And I kind of like that she gets entangled in her own net. Not a good place to be when the yacht is about to start moving 😉
In this scene she has a rather “normal” scuba outfit on… in comparison to later when the naughty producer (of this movie) puts her in a totally unusual, sexy/bizarre scuba outfit 😆
Also, a nice aspect here is that we have this couple who speak German and won’t get dubbed or subbed for some reason.
Maybe the German producer of this movie just wanted some lines of German in the movie? Hard to say….
I will post the next scene next week and then is get even more interesting 😉
But I only had a pretty bad copy (worse than DVD) that was black and white.
Now this movie was restored to MUCH better quality as it now has Blu-ray quality… and also got colorized!
Quite a gigantic quality upgrade. 🙂
So, I wanna present the most interesting scene from this movie today.
(click to enlarge)
And here is the video:
Ok, I don’t speak Italian but have seen subtitles for this scene….so let me give you some backstory to this scene.
She asks the guy if she could try on the FFM (does someone know the type/model?).
As he leaves he asks to take it off again…he is in a hurry as he says.
Well, as you can see she ignores that and goes diving.
He later mention to another guy that the system he gave to her was nearly empty as he was diving with it prior to giving it to her.
In the end, her father is really angry about her being that reckless while only one of the guys takes her side and defends her.
I guess this may be one of the earliest female scuba peril scenes in existence as this movie was made in 1953!
The scenario is rather cliche and classic as she is very reckless and also gets trapped in that net.
Sadly it is not shown how she gets entangled in the net in the first place.
But I really love the scuba gear! A FFM with a single corrugated air hose… very sexy! Would love to see a scuba fight with a frogwoman equipped like that 🙂
Also interesting that there is a valve on that mask to switch from snorkel to rebreather (as the guy explains to her).
Really happy that this scene can now be watched in such a picture quality 🙂
This is another classic that deserved an UPGRADE, and now it’s finally time!
We have a classic “female scuba diver gets trapped in net” scene 🙂
(click to enlarge)
And here is the video:
Initially, I planned on releasing a 10-minute long cut with subtitles. But for some reason, the subtitles didn’t show up in the final file.
So I decided to put up the shorter peril cut as the main video.
You will find the longer video below (without the subtitles).
But back to the scene:
A classic, cliche “frogwoman clumsily dives into a net with very little air left” scenario.
The breathing sounds are pretty loud and done quite well, I am pretty sure they recorded them afterward and included them in the movie.
A pretty sexy result…in my opinion.
She was initially diving with a guy (which you can see in the longer cut) and they both screwed it up in my opinion. He got on the boat again without waiting for her… and she just stopped and decided to go diving on her own. And for some reason she didn’t have a knife… which could have been quite useful here 😉
Even she most likely would have lost it in this cliche scenario… while trying to escape.
Her scuba gear is ok, but I rather hate these old inflatable vests as they totally obscure the … view…
Here is the much longer version of the scene with before and after surface shots (not on my public Youtube channel):
In case you don’t speak Dutch … he basically blames her and tells her all the mistakes she made underwater. Nothing of big interest.
In the mid of next week, I will make a post about a very unusual scuba fight from the same TV show.
Sadly without women… but a very interesting scuba fight nonetheless.
…but don’t you worry, she won’t be sliced into parts, this isn’t from a horror movie 😉
I posted all the good female scuba scenes from seasons 1-9 of Baywatch in HD.
Seasons 10 and 11 were not available in HD for a long time….that has changed now, so it’s time to present the good female scuba scenes from these episodes as well!
This one is a rather famous one that I wanna post first, even there are interesting scuba scenes earlier in the season.
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And here is the video:
Ok, this is so absurd that it is really funny! 🙂
A net cutting through a modern regulator hose like that???? Oh man! That is very……creative….to say at least 😉
It’s already pretty hard to cut such a hose with a scuba knife. But this net seems to be the sharpest net in history! A net right from hell, it would slice all fishes to pieces 😆
The lifeguards and the other diver behave quite strangely….
The two lifeguards aren’t well prepared. First, shouldn’t they have scuba masks stored on their jetskis? Would be useful! They dive down to her, can’t free her and one has to surface to get a knife from the scuba guy. Why isn’t he down there to help them? His scuba tank doesn’t seem to be empty, he could provide air for the rescue. Then they realize that they might need air and one surfaces to get 2 spare air tanks. Why didn’t they take those in the first dive? And the scuba guy had a scuba tank and a knife…why didn’t he use his knife to free her earlier?
But ok, realism and strange behavior aside….this is quite a nice scuba peril scene!
The camera zooms in relentlessly on the ….”well equipped”….. diver, she gets into peril and illustrates that very well with her ….moaning… sounds. 🙂
Also, it’s good to have a change to the classic “trapped in a net setting” where a diver which almost no air left gets stuck in it.
Here she is trapped, but seemingly has enough air left for a while. The scene only gets really perilous as her air hose gets sliced by that net from hell which puts her into immediate danger.
It’s unclear if she has a 2nd regulator, but maybe she couldn’t have reached it the way she is entangled in the net.
The sound of the escaping air and the sight of the cut air hose spewing bubbles… quite sexy!
Interesting that the scene on the surface wasn’t cut in another way…interesting that they let the frames in where the lifeguard gropes her right breast.
Time for 2 more scenes from Flipper (the newer series)!
This episode has 2 really good peril scenes with a frogwoman that keeps getting in trouble underwater! 😉
I divided it into 2 videos as there was so much material.
Preview, Scene 1:
(click to enlarge)
And here is the 1st video:
A really fine peril scene….and a rather unusual one!
She was lucky this time…. but she soon gets into trouble again.
Will she get out of it alive again?
Preview, Scene 2:
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And here is the 2nd video:
Well, as soon she was trying to free Flipper it was rather obvious what would happen 😉
Divers in movies have the tendency of losing their knives and getting entangled in the net, so they would need to be saved.
Here is seems quite strange that she couldn’t get out of the net as it clearly looks as she should be able to get out of it in some scenes.
But well, then we wouldn’t have the fine scene in the show 😉
Another standard trope was missing this time. Normally when a scuba diver in a movie or TV show gets trapped he/she normally has only a few % of air left… 😉
I like how they all work together here to free her and Flipper from the net.
And I also enjoy how many scenes with women in full-face scuba masks this show has to offer. 🙂
I know about this scene for quite a while but haven’t posted it here so far.
A nice guy asked if I would know it and now, I wanna make a post about it.
Here we have the two scuba scenes of the movie.
In the first one, a young couple dives around…each on their own(!), and soon the guy gets into trouble…
In the main scene at the end of the movie they are diving again, and this time the frogwomen gets into trouble….big trouble!
(click to enlarge)
And here is the video:
Sorry, but that is actually the best picture quality available for this rare greek movie.
Well…..I would say….WOW! And not really a good wow…. 😆
They have a gorgeous woman in a solid wetsuit. She dives into a net. A good scenario!
But so many aspects here are really badly done….
First the music: Sounds like a madman on drugs playing some most annoying sounds on his electric keyboard. I get headaches from that…..
And there are so many logic plotholes I don’t know where to start!
Ok, why the happy couple is always diving each on their own….I don’t know….pretty reckless, but ok, not unlogical at least.
Two times she reaches for her knife more or less, why doesn’t she get it???? She isn’t so trapped that she couldn’t reach it.
I guess her tank is supposed to be empty at one point but she is exhaling all the time through her mouthpiece on regular basis. When is she supposed to be out of air?
Of course, it’s the usual theme: when a diver is trapped he/she has only a few % of air left…. oh man.
Why are they cutting SO often (in way too long scenes) to him setting on these rocks???? That interrupts way too often her dramatic scenes.
He decides that she may be in trouble so starts looking for her. Good idea! But why is he diving as slow as a 100-year-old grandma? The love of your life seems to be in trouble… man! She is diving alone and her tank must be pretty empty!!!! You should HURRY….a bit at least….
Often it seems like she isn’t really trapped in the net as it is floating pretty high above the ground. It looks like she even could reach the surface sometimes.
He finally finds her! And what does he do??? He starts yanking on the net! ARGGGGGGGGHHHHHH
Perhaps she needs air???? You could give her some!!!! You also have a knife! Use it, damn it!
All the time she is still conscious and kicking. Just before they reach the surface she doesn’t move anymore. Is he sharing his air with her? NOOOO, still he does nothing like that.
They reach the surface, she still has the regulator in her mouth, which would be very unusual for someone out of air….
But what then? Does he give her mouth to mouth? No, she pushes and pulls a little on her!!!?! Ok, I know that mouth to mouth rescue isn’t a very old technique. And there were older ones before that.
But good god, he moves so slowly! So very slowly …like she would be a puppet on a first aid exercise….no rush….she isn’t breathing…but take your time.
Then she is seemingly conscious for some seconds….but quickly dies afterward??????
And he is still very relaxed… maybe he is thinking: “what the hell, my beloved is dead now….well, then I can go home now and make dinner”.
WHAT???? Who comes up with all that madness?
I guess the screenwriter/director was as mad as the music composer.
Ok, I admit I haven’t seen the full movie as it is in greek language. But so much is going wrong in this final dive scene which could have been so much better!
*EDIT*Here are some background news I got from the nice guy who reminded me about this movie:
The translate of the title is “that summer”. She is scuba teacher but has cancer as the script says. Althought decided to dive with her ex husband. At the second dive she didn’t felt ok underwater because of her illness and finally died. For this reason her ex husband didn’t do her anything to save her.
Well, there you can see how important a background story can be to understand this weirdness better.
But still, I am convinced of many of the things I wrote above.
For you folks I edited the final scene to a much BETTER version …with an open ending (blog exclusive):
The title of the movie is already in the video…but here is the IMDB page:
I guess you all heard about Lassie the wonder-dog and Flipper the friendly dolphin. But what about Robbie, the sea lion? 😉
I am sure that 99% of you haven’t heard about him. Well, it was a TV series about a family with a sea lion…mostly for kids of course.
It seems to have several dive scenes, and this one is interesting!
A frogwoman dives alone and gets careless. And well, surprise…..she runs into trouble….big trouble! Can she be saved?
(click to enlarge)
And here is the video:
Well, you got it all in this scene… many mistakes and cliches:
She dives alone…gets careless…..doesn’t seem to have a knife (why?)….can’t get loose from that net (why?), that holds just one leg of hers….and, of course, she is out of air in no time 😆
For once I wanna see such a scene where the diver doesn’t only have some moments of air left 😉
But of course, it wouldn’t be as dramatic if the diver still got plenty of air…
However, it is a good scuba peril scene for sure! A classic “stuck underwater and out of air” scene 🙂
In case you wanna know from which episode this is:
This recording has a better picture quality and now I added interesting beach footage of our frogwoman and her stunning wetsuit. This video has over 9 minutes, pretty much double-length in comparison.
What it is all about? Well, a female scientist works underwater in great scuba gear. She and her male buddy gets trapped by a floating net. She grabs her knife and starts to cut the net….
Problem solved? No! It gets much worse…..
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And here is the video:
(I cut some scenes with Lassie and that bird out of the video to get it under 10 minutes, all scenes with her in that wetsuit are included)
That scene has quite a lot to offer!!!
A sexy frogwoman in a stunning rubber wetsuit underwater and on the surface, and all that in color!
And a rather…hilarious… scuba peril scene 🙂
She manages to cut her own air hose(!)….and then even drops the vital knife!! (instead of stashing it away for later use)
Her male buddy doesn’t do anything to help them escape, why? Doesn’t he have a knife? Or does he have one and want to be stuck in that net with her? 😉
So he can buddy breath with her and save her from drowning? 😉
Questions over questions!
Well, and the rescue chain……bird checks on divers, senses they are in trouble, alert a dog, who alerts a man…. oh man!
However, it’s a great scene! Not often do you see a frogwoman who cuts her own air hose….
This is the episode in which you can find this scene(s):