The female scuba diver and the sharpest net in history!

…but don’t you worry, she won’t be sliced into parts, this isn’t from a horror movie 😉

I posted all the good female scuba scenes from seasons 1-9 of Baywatch in HD.

Seasons 10 and 11 were not available in HD for a long time….that has changed now, so it’s time to present the good female scuba scenes from these episodes as well!

This one is a rather famous one that I wanna post first, even there are interesting scuba scenes earlier in the season.


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Ok, this is so absurd that it is really funny! 🙂

A net cutting through a modern regulator hose like that???? Oh man! That is very……creative….to say at least 😉

It’s already pretty hard to cut such a hose with a scuba knife. But this net seems to be the sharpest net in history! A net right from hell, it would slice all fishes to pieces 😆

The lifeguards and the other diver behave quite strangely….

The two lifeguards aren’t well prepared. First, shouldn’t they have scuba masks stored on their jetskis? Would be useful! They dive down to her, can’t free her and one has to surface to get a knife from the scuba guy. Why isn’t he down there to help them? His scuba tank doesn’t seem to be empty, he could provide air for the rescue. Then they realize that they might need air and one surfaces to get 2 spare air tanks. Why didn’t they take those in the first dive? And the scuba guy had a scuba tank and a knife…why didn’t he use his knife to free her earlier?

But ok, realism and strange behavior aside….this is quite a nice scuba peril scene!

The camera zooms in relentlessly on the ….”well equipped”….. diver, she gets into peril and illustrates that very well with her ….moaning… sounds. 🙂

Also, it’s good to have a change to the classic “trapped in a net setting” where a diver which almost no air left gets stuck in it.

Here she is trapped, but seemingly has enough air left for a while. The scene only gets really perilous as her air hose gets sliced by that net from hell which puts her into immediate danger.

It’s unclear if she has a 2nd regulator, but maybe she couldn’t have reached it the way she is entangled in the net.

The sound of the escaping air and the sight of the cut air hose spewing bubbles… quite sexy!

Interesting that the scene on the surface wasn’t cut in another way…interesting that they let the frames in where the lifeguard gropes her right breast.

Maybe they thought no one would notice…. 😉

Wanna know in which episode this scene is in?


What do you think of that scene?

Leave your comment below!



3 thoughts on “The female scuba diver and the sharpest net in history!”

  1. I also noticed that she also had a dive knife! But chose not to use it ( better to be rescued by hunks and look helpless I guess) also as soon as the net was open she took her gear off and swam out, so if she could take her gear off, then why didn’t she remove it as soon as her hose was cut and sip air from the free flowing hose ? ( all divers are trained to sip from a free flow and know how to do this)
    This perplexed me greatly until I remember it was bay watch so it wasn’t meant to make sense.

    • Yeah, one of the many odd aspects! Maybe she couldn’t reach the knife because of her entanglement. Overall the scene could have used better writing.
      But well, this way it provided quite a sexy peril scene 😉


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