Recommendation week….reloaded!

Today I’m not very motivated to post anything which is on the way too short list of stuff I could post.

It’s time for some fresh input!

Folks, what can you recommend that isn’t on the blog already?

Any hidden gems that I might not know?

Of course, it has to be something interesting with either:

  • Scuba peril
  • Scuba fights
  • Frogwomen in sexy wetsuits


For good recommendations you can -as always- earn a free month for the VIP club (or free monthS for really good ones!)

You can use the contact form on the About+Contact site to get in touch with me! Or comment on this post with your mail address (only I can see it).


…speaking of the VIP club:

There are only some days left in September to get the videos for this month….

Here is the content for September!

You are very welcome to join and thereby support this blog!



On October 22nd the german Blu-ray of Breaking surface will come out and I can finally see that movie!!! I am waiting for that one since February!

And then I can enjoy it in a language I can understand and in the best picture quality. 🙂

I will make a post about the movie shortly after! 😉

Check out “Aqua Girls”

Today I would like to recommend a Youtube channel to you folks!

First of all here are my 3 favorite videos from that channel:

On the Aqua Girls Youtube channel you can see much more videos with sexy frogwoman in scuba gear!

I really like that he offers different, gorgeous women in all sorts of scuba gear.

Off course I especially love the videos with double hose regulators 😉

He also has a Vimeo page where you can buy videos and if you want to donate you are welcome to do that! He can certainly use it, as all these frogwomen, the scuba gear and the rent for the pool are pretty expensive.

What do you think of these videos?

Feel welcome to leave a comment!

The female record-pilot and her deadly mistake(?) [oxygen mask]

Yeah, I know, this post isn’t about scuba diving at all…but from time to time I like to post about other breathing devices too.

The movie to which these scenes belong is by far the oldest which I ever posted about…it’s from 1933!

The chances are big I never would have stumbled upon this one if not a friendly user had recommended it to me.

I watched the whole movie and this scene was the dramatic finale!

It’s important to know the story behind it:

A woman becomes a pilot in an era where women weren’t “supposed” like that. She gets into an affair with a married man and ends badly.

She thinks about him as she tries to get the world record flight altitude title.


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Well, that happens when you are without oxygen for too long…..

She was thinking about the tragic love of her life and pulled off her oxygen mask perhaps without thinking about the danger.

I love that moment as she realizes how badly she needs her oxygen mask again.

Hastily she tries to get it back on, but too late….she gets unconscious and the plan gets out of control.

The actress is actually is Katharine Hepburn who was 26 when this movie came out!

Ok, hard to say how realistic that scene is, as she is only without oxygen for some moments. I think it might actually take a bit longer from what I read.

However, this peril scene is quite unique! Never saw that type of oxygen mask and a woman passing out in such a scene…. that’s certainly something new for me!

And the moment from which she realizes her error until she tries hastily to get her mask back on….that’s quite thrilling for me. It seems that for a second she forgot where her oxygen mask is. Hard to say if that was in the script or not.

However, she is in great distress as she tries to get the mask back on.



A second theory is that she wanted to kill herself. She had some seconds thought about it….but too late……

This is the movie title:


What do you think of that scene?

Leave a comment below!


Greek frogwoman trapped in a net! [+special cut bonus video]

I know about this scene for quite a while but haven’t posted it here so far.

A nice guy asked if I would know it and now, I wanna make a post about it.

Here we have the two scuba scenes of the movie.

In the first one, a young couple dives around…each on their own(!), and soon the guy gets into trouble…

In the main scene at the end of the movie they are diving again, and this time the frogwomen gets into trouble….big trouble!


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Sorry, but that is actually the best picture quality available for this rare greek movie.

Well…..I would say….WOW! And not really a good wow…. 😆

They have a gorgeous woman in a solid wetsuit. She dives into a net. A good scenario!

But so many aspects here are really badly done….

First the music: Sounds like a madman on drugs playing some most annoying sounds on his electric keyboard. I get headaches from that…..

And there are so many logic plotholes I don’t know where to start!

Ok, why the happy couple is always diving each on their own….I don’t know….pretty reckless, but ok, not unlogical at least.

Two times she reaches for her knife more or less, why doesn’t she get it???? She isn’t so trapped that she couldn’t reach it.

I guess her tank is supposed to be empty at one point but she is exhaling all the time through her mouthpiece on regular basis. When is she supposed to be out of air?

Of course, it’s the usual theme: when a diver is trapped he/she has only a few % of air left…. oh man.

Why are they cutting SO often (in way too long scenes) to him setting on these rocks???? That interrupts way too often her dramatic scenes.

He decides that she may be in trouble so starts looking for her. Good idea! But why is he diving as slow as a 100-year-old grandma? The love of your life seems to be in trouble… man! She is diving alone and her tank must be pretty empty!!!! You should HURRY….a bit at least….

Often it seems like she isn’t really trapped in the net as it is floating pretty high above the ground. It looks like she even could reach the surface sometimes.

He finally finds her! And what does he do??? He starts yanking on the net! ARGGGGGGGGHHHHHH

Perhaps she needs air???? You could give her some!!!! You also have a knife! Use it, damn it!

All the time she is still conscious and kicking. Just before they reach the surface she doesn’t move anymore. Is he sharing his air with her? NOOOO, still he does nothing like that.

They reach the surface, she still has the regulator in her mouth, which would be very unusual for someone out of air….

But what then? Does he give her mouth to mouth? No, she pushes and pulls a little on her!!!?! Ok, I know that mouth to mouth rescue isn’t a very old technique. And there were older ones before that.

But good god, he moves so slowly! So very slowly …like she would be a puppet on a first aid exercise….no rush….she isn’t breathing…but take your time.

Then she is seemingly conscious for some seconds….but quickly dies afterward??????

And he is still very relaxed… maybe he is thinking: “what the hell, my beloved is dead now….well, then I can go home now and make dinner”.

WHAT???? Who comes up with all that madness?

I guess the screenwriter/director was as mad as the music composer.

Ok, I admit I haven’t seen the full movie as it is in greek language. But so much is going wrong in this final dive scene which could have been so much better!


*EDIT* Here are some background news I got from the nice guy who reminded me about this movie:

The translate of the title is “that summer”. She is scuba teacher but has cancer as the script says. Althought decided to dive with her ex husband. At the second dive she didn’t felt ok underwater because of her illness and finally died. For this reason her ex husband didn’t do her anything to save her.


Well, there you can see how important a background story can be to understand this weirdness better.

But still, I am convinced of many of the things I wrote above.

For you folks I edited the final scene to a much BETTER version …with an open ending (blog exclusive):

The title of the movie is already in the video…but here is the IMDB page:


So, what do you think of all of that?

Leave a comment!

Frogwomen in Rubber by Osvaldogreco [Art]

Today I wanna present some great art by Osvaldogreco!

I follow him for a while now on Deviant Art and he made some great pictures I wanna present here:


(click on the image to enlarge it to full size)

Well, that is art I really love! 😉

And I hope that that “Science fiction bondage thriller” will get done at some point! Sounds SO promising!

From the picture above the first one is my favorite. The combination of hot women in stunning suits concealed by these masks….is near perfection!

I would pay some serious money to see a good video adaption of that. Especially if they would be underwater with some nice added peril touches 😉

Check out the art of Osvaldogreco on DA with more fine art from him:

Osvaldogrecon on Deviant Art

What do you think of these pictures above?

Which one is your favorite?

Feel welcome to leave a comment!


“More Dry Scuba” by Vicky Devika

Part 5 of my series of posts on Vicky Devika videos. The final part (for this series).

In this series, I wanna present some videos from Vicky Devika who has made a lot of videos in sexy rubber outfits.

So, why is this interesting for this blog? Well, the answer is quite simple: She has done several scuba videos while being in rubber catsuits!

In these videos, some great fantasies of mine come to life, and I am sure that many of you will love these videos as well!

Today I wanna present the video “Rubber Scuba with Full Face Mask”.


Official description:

I just loved my experience shooting my previous clip “Dry Scuba” so much I decided to do it again! This time I use my new 3M gasmask for that double hose FFM scuba look…

The cool compressed air from the tank is so fresh and pure. I’m completely sealed off from the outside world and perfectly safe in my hermetically sealed rubber suit. Such a pleasurable and luxurious thing to breathe from a tank. It’s almost like designer air! I know, I’m a bit crazy… but that’s why you adore me 😉

Not to mention that I have propped the tank on the rubber bed and I’m riding it as I lose myself in my sexy new gasmask… 


Here are some images from the video:



And a preview snippet:

Had to edit one of the screenshots to stay on the safe side. Don’t want trouble with the hoster 😉


Well, an unusual scenario and on dry land, but very exciting nonetheless!

She already had that fantastic gas mask in the first video I posted here, and again it’s a big plus point in the video.

I enjoy how she puts it on, attaching the hoses to the mask, turning on the air so she could breathe in that closed system.

Totally encased in rubber she starts riding on the tank and her breathing gets faster while you can hear her excitement. 🙂

A great scenario! Especially as she starts playing with herself while breathing faster and faster.

And as the highlight, she turns off the air for a while as she is close to the ….peak….which is quite a turn on….and not only for her! 😉


Of course, I have several ideas on how you could add some more peril to this scenario…..

Here are the important links for you:

“More Dry Scuba” on Clip4sale

Vicky Devika on Clip4sale

Vicky Devika’s website/links

What do you think of her unusual scuba gear and this scenario?

You are welcome to post a comment!

Frogwoman VIP Club 2.0: September

New month, new content for the VIP Club here on Frogwoman!


   (the picture is just a logo for the VIP Club)

The VIP-Club 2.0 has been updated with new material, enjoy! 8 new scubalicious videos!

 4 mystery videos

+ a video where a frogwoman is looking for her missing scuba buddy…..and someone is already waiting for her! Scuba fight!
+ 3 more videos with scenes from the epic Deep Blue Sea 3 (posted about it in early August)


  • 7 scuba fetish stories (the complete versions)….written by myself: “Vulcan down” + “Vulan down: Part 2 – Scuba battle” + “Catwoman – The masked scuba thief” + Vulcan down – Version 2 – Angelo VS Fiona (each at least 15 pages) + “The Scuba Avenger”: Ep 1 – James (6 pages) + The Scuba Avenger”: Ep 2 – Jessica (13 pages) + *NEW* The scuba instructor (2 versions)
  • Here is the site with the preview versions of my stories

Wanna donate some bucks, show your support for this blog (actually help to keep it running) and get good videos and fetish stories in return?

>>>>> ….then join the VIP club on Frogowman! <<<<<


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+ now you can pay with credit cards as well, even if you don’t have Paypal!