Avon S10 gas mask dive with Frogwoman Uma [6th video of Project F]

Today I wanna present another video of Project F!

In this one, Frogwoman Uma is diving with an Avon S10 gas mask!

The nice divemaster who can be seen in video 3 is the one who is filming her, I wasn’t even in the pool room at that time as it was very late and I was pretty exhausted from the day and all the preparation beforehand.


Avon S10 gas mask dive with Frogwoman Uma, 1080p, 60 frames, 3:31 minutes

Frogwoman Uma is wearing a Viking drysuit here.


Some preview pictures:

The picture quality in the video does actually look a little better than the screenshots

(click to enlarge)


Video contains:

1 frogwoman, drysuit, gas mask, shallow pool, no fins, rubber, breathing with gas mask underwater


Lethal or non-lethal ending?


As you can see it’s the first time in a Project F video that the camera is above the water, even if it was only for a brief scene, but you can hear Frogwoman Uma breathing above the surface.

This gas mask was provided by the divemaster who is also a friend of hers, he also did the filming here.

The Viking drysuit should be really great for fans of heavy gear. The suit here was also provided by the divemaster. It’s pretty wide for her, even Frogwoman Uma is very tall.

But I think she looks really good in it!

At the very end, there is also an unintended “action” scene as the attached regulator wasn’t working at the end as it should have 😉

The first minute of the video is pretty dark, but don’t worry, the rest is better like in the screenshots above.


I used the same filters as before (white balance, 10% more brightness in the shadows, text).

The original/raw footage was longer than this cut, I left out one dark video scene.

Just enough so the video would be under 4 minutes, so you guys in the VIP club could have another video included.


How can you watch this video?

This video isn’t available in the VIP club anymore as the videos from video shoot 1 slowly leave the VIP club forever as the new videos from video shoot 6 are coming in.

But it can still be purchased in a video package:



You can download these videos, but only for your personal use.

Don’t share them with anyone…. anywhere!

It’s pretty simple, I had to spend a lot of money, especially on scuba gear and location rent.

A lot of my …limited… savings were used up for that.

If I don’t make enough money with these videos…..I won’t be able to make new videos.

So…. I hope you appreciate these videos and want to see more in the future.

Wanna see more of Frogwoman Uma …aka…. “Granola Kitty”?

Check out her Facebook page where you can see much more of her:


A frogwoman in black rubber in a shark documentary from 1971

I stumbled upon a very new documentary “Playing with sharks: The Valerie Taylor story” about the (very remarkable) life of Valerie Taylor.

Until then I haven’t heard about her…but that knowledge gap could be closed 😉

That documentary is well worth a watch, I highly wanna recommend it!

But this post is actually (mostly) about another documentary….a documentary that is mentioned several times in “Playing with sharks”.


A documentary from 1971, with sharks…and Valerie Taylor in black rubber for most time underwater!

The film crew is on the hunt for a great white shark as they wanna film him underwater as he is feeding….something that was never done before (before 1971)!

For you folks I made a highlight cut with my favorite scenes 😉


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Watch the video before you continue!

There are a lot more scenes of her in that rubber suit, but then the video would get way too long 😉

Some years earlier she might also have used a double hose regulator, but those were already on the retreat since the mid-’60s.  🙁

But I really love her suit…for me, it can’t get much better than such a black rubber wetsuit!

And did you realize that fish did bite in her air hose at around 2:38???!


That fish was just curious…luckily for her, that bite wasn’t strong enough to puncture her only air hose.

Of course, even that wouldn’t have been a problem for her as she is a very skilled diver and help would have been nearby.

But still, I really like that scene! I wonder what would have happened if she had had a corrugated air hose…. as these are way easier to damage/puncture.


The documentary itself….is very problematic….from today’s point of view.

The research on sharks was only at the beginning and it shows big time. This documentary was watched all around the world and I think it’s safe to say that it played an important role in the development of Spielberg’s blockbuster “Jaws”.

Taylor did actually film some shots for it some years later with her husband.

I still really love that movie, even I know it’s fantasy and that sharks don’t behave like that.

For the sharks that movie was surely catastrophic in many ways.

In the new documentary “Playing with sharks” that I mentioned earlier….Valerie Taylor reflects a lot on how her attitude towards sharks and sea life in general has changed over the years.

So, I can recommend to watch both documentaries as you then get the whole “picture”, even you should have a strong stomach for watching the old documentary as there is a lot of cruelty vs aninmals….especially whales….in it.

Here is a picture of the new documentary:

Also….a lot of interesting scuba gear from the ’50s onwards…in this one.

Wanna know the title of this documentary?


“Wreck Dive in Vintage Mask” by Vicky Devika

Time to present another stunning video from Vicky Devika!

Over the last months, I presented 7 videos of her in which she wore stunning outfits and used all sorts of different scuba masks.

In these videos, some great fantasies of mine come to life, and I am sure that many of you will love these videos as well!

Today I wanna present the video “Wreck Dive in Vintage Mask”.


Official description:

Following the tremendous success of my previous clip Reef Dive in Rubber I’ve decided to take you on another beautiful dive in the warm waters of the Dominican Republic! Let’s go dive on the Astron, a russian-owned cargo ship that sank in 1978.

It was a beautiful day with almost perfect diving conditions: no wind, warm sun and superb visibility. Once again I joined the local dive shop and shared the boat with a bunch of strangers. This time I was accompanied by 5 German tourists. They certainly knew what was up when they saw me get geared up in full rubber!

For this dive I’ve also donned my favorite dive mask: a vintage US Divers Aqualung oval mask. My newly serviced faithful Dacor reg, a custom rubber BCD and a pair of vintage rubber fins complete the frogwoman outfit. All black rubber.

Double check your gear, make sure your valve is open, your reg is flowing and jump with me in the warm tropical waters!

Here are some images from the video:

And a preview snippet:

I like this video even better than her ocean dive! Wreck dives are always very interesting as there is “more” to see and it’s also a great setting for potential perilous situations.

I posted quite a lot of videos with wreck scenes over the years. In many movies or TV shows, divers get trapped in such wrecks ….or even get locked up by other divers 😉

Of course, I do envy my fellow countrymen who had the chance to be on the same dive with her. The dive shop should actually pay Vicky to participate in these dives 😉

Her Aqualung US Divers mask surely screams “Thunderball” to me as the Navy frogmen used that in a blue version! And everything related to Thunderball is always a bonus for me.

As I watched the video for a while I realized that Vicky was actually losing air during her dive, as you can see best on picture 6 above^ (behind her, right where her regulator is mounted on the tank)! I would guess that one of the O rings needs to be changed?

Even the amount of lost air doesn’t seem that much, it’s a nice little peril factor for sure 😉

I also noticed that she reached for her rubber hood quite a few times during the video. Perhaps the isolation didn’t work perfectly? I can only guess.

Certainly, this setting is just perfect to imagine some fine peril scenarios!

What if one of the other divers would be hiding inside the wreck for a surprise attack? What if she would get trapped inside the wreck?

What if her tank would lose more air as the leakage gets worse?

Just some of my thoughts 😉

Looking forward to her future underwater adventures!

Here are the important links for you:

“Wreck Dive with Vintage Mask” on Clip4sale

Vicky Devika on Clip4sale

Vicky Devika’s website/links

What do you think of her wreck dive in this gear?

You are welcome to post a comment!


“Reef Dive in Rubber” by Vicky Devika

Time to present another stunning video from Vicky Devika!

Over the last months, I presented 6 videos of her in which she wore stunning outfits and used all sorts of different scuba masks.

In these videos, some great fantasies of mine come to life, and I am sure that many of you will love these videos as well!

Today I wanna present the video “Reef Dive in Rubber”.


Official description:

I’ve been wanting to go scuba diving out in the ocean in full rubber gear for quite some time, and I finally made it happen! This is the footage from 2 fun boat dives with a local dive shop. Yes, I geared up in full rubber on the dive boat! The other divers were definitely curious about my “wetsuit”. The dive master on the other hand is used to my craziness by now.

Full head to toe rubber, vintage rubber fins and my old faithful Dacor regulator adorn my sexy body as I swim around the reef, enjoying the view. Now in this clip, I don’t get as sexual as I usually do in my other releases… for obvious reasons of course, being with a group of 5 strangers on a dive boat…

Still, I did manage to fall behind the group a little bit and “scratch that hitch” for a few seconds. Honestly, this only made me feel more aroused… Now I’m hooked, I have to do it again!

Join me for fun times in scuba! What are you waiting for? Just dive in!!

Here are some images from the video:

And a preview snippet:

The new scenario in this video is really great!

I read the description before I watched the video and immediately my mind started spinning 😉

I mean she was on that dive boat with 5 strangers (+the dive master) and actually put on that rubber suit!

Not too hard to imagine what the others have thought about it 😉

And I can applaud her for having the courage to do that! Not many would do that I would say.

I wonder how the others reacted to her in that outfit? I guess some blushed a bit and tried desperately not to gaze at her too obviously.

Pretty sure that’s what I would do…. 😆

Diving in such an outfit must be quite a sensation and I think the other did enjoy the view she offered as well. Well, perhaps the straight women not so much, as they became rather jealous (I guess).

Also, it is great to be able to just go to a local dive shop and get on such a dive. If I want to go diving at some place where you actually can see something (in both meanings) I need to get onto a plane.

The scuba mask and the great Dacor regulator are a great addition to her stunning rubber suit!

And this video will be only the start, there is more ocean footage to come! Even with a double hose regulator 🙂

Here are the important links for you:

“Reef Dive in Rubber” on Clip4sale

Vicky Devika on Clip4sale

Vicky Devika’s website/links



If you click on the last link of those above….you can find a preview of a great picture collection of 34 smashing pictures of Vicky in rubber with all kinds of scuba gear and gas masks!

(the big version of this picture can be found on her page)


The picture collection is another bonus if you follow Vicky on Onlyfans. 😉

My favorites are her in that gas mask with the twin hoses (just PERFECT!) and the pictures with her double hose regulator.

What do you think of her ocean dive in this gear?

You are welcome to post a comment!

Frogwomen in Rubber by Osvaldogreco [Art]

Today I wanna present some great art by Osvaldogreco!

I follow him for a while now on Deviant Art and he made some great pictures I wanna present here:


(click on the image to enlarge it to full size)

Well, that is art I really love! 😉

And I hope that that “Science fiction bondage thriller” will get done at some point! Sounds SO promising!

From the picture above the first one is my favorite. The combination of hot women in stunning suits concealed by these masks….is near perfection!

I would pay some serious money to see a good video adaption of that. Especially if they would be underwater with some nice added peril touches 😉

Check out the art of Osvaldogreco on DA with more fine art from him:

Osvaldogrecon on Deviant Art

What do you think of these pictures above?

Which one is your favorite?

Feel welcome to leave a comment!


“More Dry Scuba” by Vicky Devika

Part 5 of my series of posts on Vicky Devika videos. The final part (for this series).

In this series, I wanna present some videos from Vicky Devika who has made a lot of videos in sexy rubber outfits.

So, why is this interesting for this blog? Well, the answer is quite simple: She has done several scuba videos while being in rubber catsuits!

In these videos, some great fantasies of mine come to life, and I am sure that many of you will love these videos as well!

Today I wanna present the video “Rubber Scuba with Full Face Mask”.


Official description:

I just loved my experience shooting my previous clip “Dry Scuba” so much I decided to do it again! This time I use my new 3M gasmask for that double hose FFM scuba look…

The cool compressed air from the tank is so fresh and pure. I’m completely sealed off from the outside world and perfectly safe in my hermetically sealed rubber suit. Such a pleasurable and luxurious thing to breathe from a tank. It’s almost like designer air! I know, I’m a bit crazy… but that’s why you adore me 😉

Not to mention that I have propped the tank on the rubber bed and I’m riding it as I lose myself in my sexy new gasmask… 


Here are some images from the video:



And a preview snippet:

Had to edit one of the screenshots to stay on the safe side. Don’t want trouble with the hoster 😉


Well, an unusual scenario and on dry land, but very exciting nonetheless!

She already had that fantastic gas mask in the first video I posted here, and again it’s a big plus point in the video.

I enjoy how she puts it on, attaching the hoses to the mask, turning on the air so she could breathe in that closed system.

Totally encased in rubber she starts riding on the tank and her breathing gets faster while you can hear her excitement. 🙂

A great scenario! Especially as she starts playing with herself while breathing faster and faster.

And as the highlight, she turns off the air for a while as she is close to the ….peak….which is quite a turn on….and not only for her! 😉


Of course, I have several ideas on how you could add some more peril to this scenario…..

Here are the important links for you:

“More Dry Scuba” on Clip4sale

Vicky Devika on Clip4sale

Vicky Devika’s website/links

What do you think of her unusual scuba gear and this scenario?

You are welcome to post a comment!

“Rubber Scuba with Full Face Mask” by Vicky Devika

Part 4 of my series of posts on Vicky Devika videos. One last one to come next week.

In this series, I wanna present some videos from Vicky Devika who has made a lot of videos in sexy rubber outfits.

So, why is this interesting for this blog? Well, the answer is quite simple: She has done several scuba videos while being in rubber catsuits!

In these videos, some great fantasies of mine come to life, and I am sure that many of you will love these videos as well!

Today I wanna present the video “Rubber Scuba with Full Face Mask”.


Official description:

After having so much fun in my top selling clip “Kinky Scuba in Rubber” I wanted to try a Cressi full face scuba mask, so I went and obtained one! This is my first time diving with a full face, even though I’ve been diving with a standard regulator for over a decade.

It only takes me a few minutes to get used to the full face and how it tends to make my reg free flow in certain positions. Nothing I can’t handle 😉 After getting comfortable I unzip my sexy rubber suit and start fondling with my pussy as I relax and sink into underwater bliss.

Here are some images from the video:



And a preview snippet:

Above or below the water surface….a stunning sight!

The famous mask conceals her face completely, only her eyes are visible, providing a very mysterious appearance yet again! 🙂

Easy to imagine how much she enjoys being underwater in this outfit….

And again the audio here is very important….I recommend turning up the volume and using headphones for the best experience. ?

Here are the important links for you:

“Rubber Scuba with Full Face Mask” on Clip4sale

Vicky Devika on Clip4sale

Vicky Devika’s website/links

What do you think of her unusual scuba gear and this scenario?

You are welcome to post a comment!



“Peril in scuba” by Vicky Devika – [Rubber frogwoman tied up underwater]

Part 3 of my series of posts on Vicky Devika videos.

In this series, I wanna present some videos from Vicky Devika who has made a lot of videos in sexy rubber outfits.

So, why is this interesting for this blog? Well, the answer is quite simple: She has done several scuba videos while being in rubber catsuits!

In these videos, some great fantasies of mine come to life, and I am sure that many of you will love these videos as well!

Today I wanna present the video “Peril in scuba”.


Official description:

Vicky wakes up underwater with a scuba regulator in her mouth and her hands tied to a post. As she struggles to remember what happened to her and how she got there, she quickly starts to panic and drops the regulator. With no air to breathe, she tries to reach for the regulator before it’s too late…

Here are some images from the video:


And a preview snippet:

Wow, that’s a fine peril scenario! Waking up underwater, tied up, with a scuba tank providing air…for the moment.

She is really in trouble! And however tied her up like that, seemed to suit her up in a special way 😉

If he didn’t capture her dressed like that….

The video is rather short in comparison to her other videos, but I like the fact that the scenario wasn’t dragged out for too long to the point where it would get boring or unrealistic.

I would like to talk about the ending, but I won’t spoil it here for you.

Will she escape this trap? You will find out if you buy the video 😉

And again the audio here is very important….I recommend turning up the volume and using headphones for the best experience. ?

Here are the important links for you:

“Peril in scuba” on Clip4sale

Vicky Devika on Clip4sale

Vicky Devika’s website/links

An idea for a follow-up video for this scenario:

Perhaps there would be a sinister frogwoman next to her in part 2 of “Peril in scuba”.

She could play with her tied-up victim.

Steal her regulator for a while….put it back in.

Shut off the air valve for a while….to open it up again.

And perhaps the tied up victim manages to free herself at some point and a deadly scuba fight would decide who will survive….. 😉

What do you think of her unusual scuba gear and this scenario?

You are welcome to post a comment!

“Kinky Scuba in Rubber” by Vicky Devika – [Rubber frogwoman with single hose regulator]

Part 2 of my series of posts on Vicky Devika videos.

In this series, I wanna present some videos from Vicky Devika who has made a lot of videos in sexy rubber outfits.

So, why is this interesting for this blog? Well, the answer is quite simple: She has done several scuba videos while being in rubber catsuits!

In these videos, some great fantasies of mine come to life, and I am sure that many of you will love these videos as well!

Today I wanna present the video “Kinky Scuba in Rubber”.

Official description:

My first scuba clip, at last! This is something I’ve been wanting to do for quite sometime: get some scuba gear, blow some bubbles, relax and enjoy a dive in full head to toe rubber. Needless to say I had to take some time to pleasure myself

Here are some images from the video:

(click on the image to enlarge it to full size)


And a preview snippet:

Another fine video from Vicky!

Her rubber suit in combination with that single hose regulator and that scuba mask…

In comparison to the last video, I presented here her gear is a little more “normal”.

Well….normal…besides her rubber suit of course 😉

The red lipstick was a stunning contrast to her all-black outfit.

It’s fun to see her enjoying her scuba dive….fully encased in rubber.

And again the audio here is very important….I recommend turning up the volume and using headphones for the best experience. 🙂

Here are the important links for you:

“Kinky Scuba in Rubber” on Clip4sale

Vicky Devika on Clip4sale

Vicky Devika’s website/links

Two ideas how I would have ended this video:

1) She pleasures herself while consuming a lot of air. She forgets the time and runs out of air. As she wants to ascend to the surface she realizes in horror that she is stuck on something (that was placed there beforehand)!

She struggles frantically to get loose….

Does she make it to the surface? Perhaps yes…perhaps no 😉

2) As she is distracted by her underwater fun….the camera-frogwoman approaches and slices Vicky’s air hose in a swift move.

A big stream of bubbles ascends from the sliced hose.

Vicky tries to get to the surface but the evil camera-frogwoman holds her down.

A fight for life and death starts….



As the camera-frogwoman would be occupied in the epic scuba fight a static camera would film it from a perfect distance 😉

What do you think of her unusual scuba gear and outfit?

You are welcome to post a comment!