More scenes of the female police diver

[2nd post for today]

Time for more scenes from a certain movie!

Last week’s post:

Today I wanna post 3 more scenes of her combined into one video (2 are really short).


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Watch the video before you continue!

I edited the first scene a little and cut out about a second or so to (hopefully) prevent getting an age restriction by Amish Youtube even though that scene may be totally harmless by US standards.

Quite a dark scene in several ways. But I love the sounds and her dive mask is interesting as well.

Later on, she is her house, which used to be the house of her parents who got killed some years ago.

Quite a nice pool and I like that she has all the scuba gear at her house.

Of course, it’s rather shallow but still, great to have such an indoor pool.

Later on, she seemingly stays a while underwater to relax and clear her head.

Maybe she enjoys that pool in other ways as well, but I can only speculate about that 😆


Wanna know the movie title?


The whole movie is available to watch for free here… for now (if you are in Germany):


Feel welcome to leave a comment here or on Youtube!


Frogwoman Uma with Auer S3 gas mask and drysuit [10th video of Project F]

[Post 1 of 2 for today]

So, finally a new video from Project F, sorry for the delay. And this won’t be the only new video I will present today.

In this one, Frogwoman Uma is diving with an Auer S3 gas mask while wearing a Viking drysuit.

The filming for this video here was done by the friendly Divemaster.


Frogwoman Uma with Auer S3 gas mask and drysuit, 1080p, 60 frames, 3:34 minutes

Frogwoman Uma is wearing a Viking drysuit in here.


Some preview pictures:

(click to enlarge)


Video contains:

1 frogwoman, dry suit, rubber, gas mask, rubber gloves, close-up, “special” breathing sounds due to the mask and connected regulator


When you see the screenshots you may suspect what I will buy first before the 2nd shooting 😉

Sadly the indoor lights weren’t sufficient, but that’s no news to you if you followed this project for a while.

But still, I think many will enjoy seeing a Frogwoman in a rubber drysuit and gas mask underwater…as this is rather….unusual 😉



I used the same filters as before (white balance, 10% more brightness in the shadows, text).

The original/raw footage was longer than this cut, but I cut quite some stuff.


Where to watch it?

This video isn’t available in the VIP club anymore as the videos from video shoot 1 slowly leave the VIP club forever as the new videos from video shoot 6 are coming in.

But it can still be purchased in a video package:



You can download these videos, but only for your personal use.

Don’t share them with anyone…. anywhere!

It’s pretty simple, I had to spend a lot of money, especially on scuba gear and location rent.

A lot of my …limited… savings were used up for that.

If I don’t make enough money with these videos…..I won’t be able to make new videos.

So…. I hope you appreciate these videos and want to see more in the future.

Wanna see more of Frogwoman Uma …aka…. “Granola Kitty”?

Check out her Facebook page where you can see much more of her:

Avon S10 gas mask dive with Frogwoman Uma [6th video of Project F]

Today I wanna present another video of Project F!

In this one, Frogwoman Uma is diving with an Avon S10 gas mask!

The nice divemaster who can be seen in video 3 is the one who is filming her, I wasn’t even in the pool room at that time as it was very late and I was pretty exhausted from the day and all the preparation beforehand.


Avon S10 gas mask dive with Frogwoman Uma, 1080p, 60 frames, 3:31 minutes

Frogwoman Uma is wearing a Viking drysuit here.


Some preview pictures:

The picture quality in the video does actually look a little better than the screenshots

(click to enlarge)


Video contains:

1 frogwoman, drysuit, gas mask, shallow pool, no fins, rubber, breathing with gas mask underwater


Lethal or non-lethal ending?


As you can see it’s the first time in a Project F video that the camera is above the water, even if it was only for a brief scene, but you can hear Frogwoman Uma breathing above the surface.

This gas mask was provided by the divemaster who is also a friend of hers, he also did the filming here.

The Viking drysuit should be really great for fans of heavy gear. The suit here was also provided by the divemaster. It’s pretty wide for her, even Frogwoman Uma is very tall.

But I think she looks really good in it!

At the very end, there is also an unintended “action” scene as the attached regulator wasn’t working at the end as it should have 😉

The first minute of the video is pretty dark, but don’t worry, the rest is better like in the screenshots above.


I used the same filters as before (white balance, 10% more brightness in the shadows, text).

The original/raw footage was longer than this cut, I left out one dark video scene.

Just enough so the video would be under 4 minutes, so you guys in the VIP club could have another video included.


How can you watch this video?

This video isn’t available in the VIP club anymore as the videos from video shoot 1 slowly leave the VIP club forever as the new videos from video shoot 6 are coming in.

But it can still be purchased in a video package:


You can download these videos, but only for your personal use.

Don’t share them with anyone…. anywhere!

It’s pretty simple, I had to spend a lot of money, especially on scuba gear and location rent.

A lot of my …limited… savings were used up for that.

If I don’t make enough money with these videos…..I won’t be able to make new videos.

So…. I hope you appreciate these videos and want to see more in the future.

Wanna see more of Frogwoman Uma …aka…. “Granola Kitty”?

Check out her Facebook page where you can see much more of her:

“Breaking Surface” – My review….2 videos and much more!

After a really long time of waiting for this movie, I was finally able to see it last Thursday.

I could have seen it already but I wanted a full HD picture and a language I can actually understand.

The german blu-ray has the original language on it (Swedish) and a german language option of course. You can switch on german subtitles as well.

I watched the movie in german once and watched the underwater scenes again a day later with original Swedish audio and German subtitles.

The movie has a runtime of 82 minutes. At least 40(!) minutes of that is placed underwater! You won’t find many movies that can offer that….especially with female divers.

And it’s pretty unique because there are actually no sharks or other creatures in it like in the horror flicks (examples: “47 meters down” and “47 meters down – Uncaged”).

It’s a survival movie. Two sisters fight to survive a really bad situation underwater.

Also, after 9 minutes in….you won’t find a single man in the whole rest of the movie! As far I can remember that happens only in one other movie I have in my movie collection: “The Descent”, where 6 women explore a cave system and encounter some monsters there. I know quite a lot of movies with no women in them (mostly war movies) but the other way around is a rare thing.

The fact that there are over 40 minutes of underwater scenes in the movie is awesome but turns out to be kind of problematic for this post. I won’t show all of them of course. But which scenes should I present here?

Also I don’t wanna show scenes with major spoilers to the story here.

Today in this post I wanna present two scenes to motivate you to buy and watch this movie. More on that….later.

For now, let’s start with….

Scene 1!


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

A nice peril scene for starters! Even it was pretty predictable….and hard to understand what the idiots on the bridge were doing as it was known that she was working down there.

A good idea of her to get rid of her tank to jam the propeller, as it was pretty much her only option besides waiting for those idiots to turn it off. But then it might have been too late….

Scene 2

Tuva, the younger sister is trapped behind a rock at 32 meters depth! Her oxygen is gone and Ida hastily returns to her with a full tank…



(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Great scenes! It’s no secret that I really like scuba peril scenes. And seeing both of them here in desperate need of air….is quite …well….sexy 😉

Also, the swapping with their full-face dive masks and their “normal” scuba masks is also interesting! I normally like full-face dive masks, but I must say this Ocean Reef mask with the fully transparent faceplate isn’t so attractive in comparison to other masks like the Interspiro mask that Tania Raymonde is using in Deep Blue Sea 3.

Now back to the movie in general.

It has some flaws, no doubt. The scene above with Ida looking for that oxygen tank for example.

She is without air for around 130 seconds! She is not a professional diver like her little sister and isn’t a really good athlete or in great shape. I hardly doubt that she could hold her breath that long while being in such a stressful situation. Her sister is trapped, she is without air, searching for that oxygen tank in the darkness. She gets lost for a while and yet is pretty calm as she finally reaches Tuva again…

I would have shortened that scene. Let her dive without air for 60 seconds and then swim back on the brick of total panic. That would be more dramatic and more realistic in that case. Yes, there are apnoe divers that can go on much longer without air….but Ida isn’t one, she is highly stressed and not in a condition to stay without air that long.

Another thing is that tank she is searching for. I checked the scenes several times and can’t explain where it is coming from. It appeared out of nowhere! Where did Ida get that from?

Spoiler title
They start with their tanks on the dive. 2 tanks are lost due to the rock slide. 2 tanks are in the car. That leaves 4 usable tanks. Both swap their tanks once and that tank is suddenly there as well. Really odd…..

Also, a big rock falls on Tuva. She is trapped under it but isn’t hurt at all!? I guess that is ….possible…but damn, a “little” hard to buy. But in the end, it has to be like that so that the story could develop like it does.

There are one or two other aspects but I don’t wanna sound too negative.


All in all it is a really good, thrilling movie! The desperate atmosphere is suspenseful and I tried to come up with solutions myself as Ida is trying to free her sister from down below! And as I said, more than 40 minutes of underwater scenes with women in one movie is pretty unique, especially without CGI sharks or other monsters.

Both actresses did a really good job and did most of the underwater scenes themselves after they both learned to scuba dive for the movie as I heard from an interview with the director (on the Blu-ray).

Ok, the drysuits aren’t exactly attractive, but well it’s Norway and not the Caribbean. Also, the darkness below at over 30 meters adds to the grim survival-fight-atmosphere. It wouldn’t work that well in a bright, beautiful setting like in the Bahamas for example.

Folks, I can only recommend this movie to you! This movie belongs in every collection of someone who likes survival movies OR scuba movies OR movies with female divers OR movies with scuba peril scenes.

So folks, ORDER this movie. BUY this movie!

Such movies must be supported, so other producers would make movies with scuba scenes too!

Scuba scenes are expensive, many producers are afraid of doing them.

This year there were two new movies with great scuba scenes…I hope that is a new trend!

The German Blu-ray has some extras:

  • Trailer (pretty useless as you see that before you watch the movie)
  • an automated picture “show” with music (end credits song)
  • an interview with the director (16 minutes, interesting!)

I had hoped for a “Behind the scenes” feature as well…but no luck.

Oddly enough I am sure I saw such a video floating around the web some months ago. It was rather short but interesting and showed the filming in a water tank.

….so, this post is long enough now…

I will post more about this movie another time.

I have some story ideas of my own on this one. 😉

Have you seen it already?

What do you think of it?






Flipper…and a frogwoman who has to dive too deep!

I checked all 4 seasons of the newer Flipper TV show by now and found quite a lot of good scenes. Some of them were even new to me 🙂

So, in this one, a woman in a dry suit has to dive to defuse some missiles. And she has to dive very deep….and that is where the problems start!


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

[SPOILERS ahead, watch the video first!]

A pretty solid peril scene if you ask me!

I am not sure, but I guess she suffers from nitrogen narcosis as she dives way too deep.

But she had to get to these dangerous warheads.

Again, Flipper saves the day by offering his ride along services 😉

Not the biggest fan of drysuits…but don’t worry this will be the last one you will see in this show.

This is the episode:


What do you think of this scene?

Leave a comment!

One woman in wetsuit, swimsuit and drysuit [scuba]

While I am still waiting for youtube…. 🙄 (sorry, for the delay)…. another video for you folks:

For today I combined 3 scenes from german actress Yvonne Catterfeld into a single clip.

In the first one, we see her in a pretty normal wetsuit. In the 2nd we see her in a swimsuit fighting against evil showers…..and in the 3rd one, she is actually diving in a lake to find a sunken car.


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Yeah, some nice scenes. Not often do we see a woman in three different “aqua”-outfits in one movie… and she looks good in all three of them 😉

Of course, I would have preferred the bad guy (who cut her reserve tanks loose) to actually dive down to her…and fight against her. But well… no luck.

What do you think about the scenes?

Please leave your comment below!

And here is the movie title:
