I am very much divided about this one, but it clearly has some interesting aspects in it!
Thanks to the friendly guy who recommended me this one!
It’s a fine example of how one video can be really good and really bad at the same time 😉
Nice wetsuits!
Is it a sea monster? A scuba diver? A mermaid? Take your guess 😉
Frogwomen in sexy wetsuits!!
(click to enlarge)
And here is the video:
Quite a rollercoaster ride! You have two frogwomen in great vintage wetsuits, really great!
On the other hand, you have completely murky underwater shots where you can see not much or even nothing.
Oddly enough, their scuba gear changes as they are underwater. No one is ever seen with a double hose regulator above the surface….but as soon they are underwater they mostly use double hose regulators….WTF?! Also, the wetsuits tend to change and have stripes they don’t have had on the surface.
It seems like they made all underwater scenes with stunt divers and not with the actors. But why does no one notice the different types of gear? And why do they film in such murky waters where you have to guess what is going on? If they would have filmed that in some tank or pool it might have looked weird (like many underwater shots in Baywatch) but at least you would see what is going on. So, the underwater parts are totally uninteresting for me, and I think many see it like that.
But back to the good aspects. The black wetsuits look really great on the 2 women and it would have been great to actually “see” these women underwater. Especially as one of them gets into trouble as she is stuck on something for a while.
[2nd post for today, you can find the other one below]
Time to present another stunning video from Vicky Devika!
Over the last months, I presented 8 videos of her in which she wore stunning outfits and used all sorts of different scuba masks.
In these videos, some great fantasies of mine come to life, and I am sure that many of you will love these videos as well!
Today I wanna present the video “Scuba time”.
Official description by Vicky:
It’s scuba time, and we’re taking this to the next level: a new high definition camera, a new suit, amazing angles and perfect crystal clear water like you’ve never seen before!
Remember the amazing location from my previous clip Cenote Adventure in Latex? Ever since I found that unique location, I had been wanting to scuba dive in this perfect crystal clear warm fresh water.
A lot of thinking and preparation went into making this scene a reality, as I had to take a 30 minute walk into the jungle with all my scuba gear in order to get there. For this reason, I’m donning a small 19cf tank. Anything bigger would have been impossible to carry with me!
You might notice the loud screeching noise made by my failing first stage reg. For those who are into peril scenarios, you’ll certainly take great pleasure in knowing that my gear was in the process of failing.
Indeed, as soon as I hooked up the old vintage reg, I knew something was up because of the horrific sound it made. Nonetheless, after walking this far into the jungle, there was no way I’d abort the dive. I went and dove in, knowing full well that my reg was in its last miles. What would you know, the reg actually failed the next day at home! Knowing this could have happened at any point during the dive really adds to the excitement, don’t you think?
More than half this clip is shot using a new high definition underwater camera in third person view. I’ve also included some second-person footage shot using the action cam as per my previous clips’ style.
Video quality here is incredible crisp, and at many points you can’t even see the water. It just looks like I’m floating in space.
Dive with me for another completely unique scuba adventure!
Here are some images from the video:
(click on the image to enlarge it to full size)
And a preview snippet:
As you should know by now I love masked women, therefore I do have my other blog Maskripper.
If a woman is wearing a mask that she also uses as her breathing device…..it hits two of my fetishes at the same time.
So, I really enjoy seeing Vicky using a gas mask to breathe underwater!
Her new latex suit is pretty awesome as well. With the black zipper and the beavertail, it is cut like a vintage wetsuit…with the big difference that it is actually made from latex.
As you can read in the description above her regulator was close to failing….and yeah, that’s a nice detail to keep in mind while watching this video 😉
I think my all-time favorite Technisub scuba mask would also look awesome on her:
Back to the video:
That water is really crystal clear and offers a look that is just perfect for such a video. You won’t find better conditions in open water.
Much clearer as is most oceans. Reminds me of Silver Springs, Florida where they shot big parts of Sea Hunt.
With the rocks and the wood, you would also have a great setting for an underwater action video 😉
I imagine two frogwomen fighting each other down there, struggling to get the upper hand, while massive formations of bubbles are heading towards the surface.
The new(er) Flipper TV show offers a lot of scenes with female scuba divers as you may already know.
I already posted some of them and today I wanna present another one!
Our diver….
…is in danger!
Can she get help from the nearby sub?
(click to enlarge)
And here is the video:
A fine peril scene, even it has some obvious flaws 😉
Ok, don’t know if any dolphin could distract/fend off a great white shark…but that’s one of the less problematic points. Still, the shark is so much faster than she is, he could easily catch up with her again, even there is Flipper around.
I don’t remember the full episode but she obviously has some trauma with sharks. Which is quite a problem if you work half the time underwater as she does in her job….
But overall the scene has its plus points as well. I always enjoy seeing women in full-face masks in action. Quite rare stuff, even today.
If I would ever make a shark movie, I guess these sharks would be trained to have a taste for air hoses instead of human meat 😆
With all the crazy shark movies out there, I wonder why no one did that so far. 😉
There is another scene with her in scuba gear as she tags a shark from a really thin shark cage. But that’s very short and without action.
Time for a new post about female astronauts in peril!
As you should know by now, I’m interested in all sorts of peril that includes any breathing device, if it’s a scuba regulator, an oxygen mask, a gas mask, or astronauts and their spacesuits.
And I’m pretty sure that many of you, you are interested in scuba peril are interested in other sorts of breathing gear as well. 😉
Today I wanna present one great perilous story that was posted on Deviantart lately.
Normally I would create a gallery here, but there is a better solution for this case.
Preview picture:
Click on the link below, watch the picture AND read the text below….you would miss something without the text!
….then click on the LEFT arrow to proceed to the next picture! (arrows only show when the mouse cursor is near the picture)
Come back here after you have seen all pictures and read the text fields below them!
So, by now you should have seen and read the whole story.
Don’t continue until you have!
[SPOILERS ahead]
I love a LOT about this story! But let me start at the beginning.
It’s very sexy how Sarah (2) starts to play with Jess (1) and how excited Jess gets in the process.
Jess gets so carried away from her pleasure that she doesn’t realize how dangerous it quickly gets for her.
I love how Sarah rips away that badge and the air hose on Jess’s suit and the air escaping quickly.
She is already more or less finished but her helmet gets removed as well which gives her a quick(er) death.
“Aloo123” made these pictures from a suggestion of “zerocrimson” as you can read on these pages.
Pretty sure that the “Halo: Last Breath” fetish video was a massive inspiration for this middle part 😉
I really LOVE what happens next. Sarah has just killed her victim as she gets betrayed by the man/organization that gave her the kill order.
Her shocked face as she realizes that she is losing a lot of oxygen really quickly is great. I can almost hear the oxygen escaping! 😉
The aspect that the killer gets betrayed by the ones who hired them and is about to be killed himself is a great theme that you can also find in my favorite movie!
In Thunderball, Angelo goes on board a Vulcan bomber as an imposter who just killed the original Major Derval. He then gasses the crew by pumping gas into the main oxygen supply and thereby gassing them with their own oxygen masks that are supposed to keep them alive.
But after the plane arrived at the bottom of the ocean, his safety harness is jammed and he can’t get out…..and you all should know what happens then. 🙂
Here Sarah runs for the ladder that would get her to safety (and oxygen). But as the oxygen is escaping so fast, she can’t breathe anymore and collapses.
The image before the last one is a very strong one. So close to rescue, but she finally suffocates as she doesn’t have any more oxygen left in her suit.
What I would give to have this scenario come to life in a fetish video with 10-15 minutes!
I always hope to find scenes in this direction in sci-fi movies and shows, but there is not much to be found in the field of female astronauts and oxygen peril.
But perhaps…one day….there will be a scene like this or somehow similar.
Thanks a lot to both “zerocrimson” on DA for suggesting this story and to “Aloo123” for bringing it to life!
You should check out Aloo123’s other work on Deviant Art as he has some more sexy stories with female astronauts in peril!
It shows how you can incl. a pretty good scuba peril scene into a complete mess of filming.
My jaw dropped open pretty wide as I saw this for the first time. Thanks again to the guy who recommended me this episode!
I edited the peril scene heavily so I cut out all the few bits as they were constantly showing some of the folks on the yacht while she was diving.
It was insanely scripted…but more on that later on 😉
Some seconds underwater….
…and already trapped!
She is in big trouble….
….and “loses” her regulator!
(click to enlarge)
And here is the video:
Well………WOW! What the hell is going on here? And how can you film it like this?
Let’s start at the beginning. I don’t know what they are talking about at the beginning as I don’t speak Turkish.
But I would guess they aren’t so happy that she is diving alone. But seemingly there is no other dive equipment on the yacht or no one wants to dive with her.
As most know it’s not the best idea to dive alone.
But within seconds she gets managed to trap herself as her leg gets stuck in some rocks (always think about Thunderball when that happens 😉 ).
And almost instantly the situation gets out of control as she is breathing very heavily. I mean she is underwater for such a short time…she should have at least around 40 minutes of air if she remains calm. Plenty of time to get rescued, plenty of time to free herself.
But what does she do? She passes out and loses her regulator?????? Well….. how can that happen?
Whoever it was who wrote that scene, doesn’t really have knowledge about scuba diving. And seemingly no one in the production had.
But what happens next? She is underwater for a minute or two and already they are thinking that something is wrong and the guy jumps into the water.
Why? They couldn’t have had any clue about something being wrong.
He puts the regulator back in her mouth and we can see her clearly breathing from it.
He gets her on the ship and starts to resuscitate her. Check out how he positioned his hands:
Certainly, no method from which I ever heard of 😀 ….that naughty guy!
Oh boy….so many strange things. Well, yeah, it’s a Turkish soap opera. And you shouldn’t expect much from such a diving scene in it.
But some sort of logic in all of that would be nice….
However, the scene in which she struggles to get free and starts heavily sucking on her regulator….is very sexy!
Sadly that’s just some seconds…but well, that’s at least something.
As I mentioned above I cut out all the little parts where they are constantly cutting from her in struggle underwater to one of the random folks on that yacht for some seconds which interrupts the underwater scene constantly and is a very irritating method.
Time to present another stunning video from Vicky Devika!
Over the last months, I presented 7 videos of her in which she wore stunning outfits and used all sorts of different scuba masks.
In these videos, some great fantasies of mine come to life, and I am sure that many of you will love these videos as well!
Today I wanna present the video “Wreck Dive in Vintage Mask”.
Official description:
Following the tremendous success of my previous clip Reef Dive in Rubber I’ve decided to take you on another beautiful dive in the warm waters of the Dominican Republic! Let’s go dive on the Astron, a russian-owned cargo ship that sank in 1978.
It was a beautiful day with almost perfect diving conditions: no wind, warm sun and superb visibility. Once again I joined the local dive shop and shared the boat with a bunch of strangers. This time I was accompanied by 5 German tourists. They certainly knew what was up when they saw me get geared up in full rubber!
For this dive I’ve also donned my favorite dive mask: a vintage US Divers Aqualung oval mask. My newly serviced faithful Dacor reg, a custom rubber BCD and a pair of vintage rubber fins complete the frogwoman outfit. All black rubber.
Double check your gear, make sure your valve is open, your reg is flowing and jump with me in the warm tropical waters!
Here are some images from the video:
(click on the image to enlarge it to full size)
And a preview snippet:
I like this video even better than her ocean dive! Wreck dives are always very interesting as there is “more” to see and it’s also a great setting for potential perilous situations.
I posted quite a lot of videos with wreck scenes over the years. In many movies or TV shows, divers get trapped in such wrecks ….or even get locked up by other divers 😉
Of course, I do envy my fellow countrymen who had the chance to be on the same dive with her. The dive shop should actually pay Vicky to participate in these dives 😉
Her Aqualung US Divers mask surely screams “Thunderball” to me as the Navy frogmen used that in a blue version! And everything related to Thunderball is always a bonus for me.
As I watched the video for a while I realized that Vicky was actually losing air during her dive, as you can see best on picture 6 above^ (behind her, right where her regulator is mounted on the tank)! I would guess that one of the O rings needs to be changed?
Even the amount of lost air doesn’t seem that much, it’s a nice little peril factor for sure 😉
I also noticed that she reached for her rubber hood quite a few times during the video. Perhaps the isolation didn’t work perfectly? I can only guess.
Certainly, this setting is just perfect to imagine some fine peril scenarios!
What if one of the other divers would be hiding inside the wreck for a surprise attack? What if she would get trapped inside the wreck?
What if her tank would lose more air as the leakage gets worse?
Just some of my thoughts 😉
Looking forward to her future underwater adventures!
Time for 2 more scenes from Flipper (the newer series)!
This episode has 2 really good peril scenes with a frogwoman that keeps getting in trouble underwater! 😉
I divided it into 2 videos as there was so much material.
Preview, Scene 1:
But someone gets….
….in trouble!
(click to enlarge)
And here is the 1st video:
A really fine peril scene….and a rather unusual one!
She was lucky this time…. but she soon gets into trouble again.
Will she get out of it alive again?
Preview, Scene 2:
Flipper is trapped!
And so is she!
Entangled in the net!
(click to enlarge)
And here is the 2nd video:
Well, as soon she was trying to free Flipper it was rather obvious what would happen 😉
Divers in movies have the tendency of losing their knives and getting entangled in the net, so they would need to be saved.
Here is seems quite strange that she couldn’t get out of the net as it clearly looks as she should be able to get out of it in some scenes.
But well, then we wouldn’t have the fine scene in the show 😉
Another standard trope was missing this time. Normally when a scuba diver in a movie or TV show gets trapped he/she normally has only a few % of air left… 😉
I like how they all work together here to free her and Flipper from the net.
And I also enjoy how many scenes with women in full-face scuba masks this show has to offer. 🙂
Time to present another stunning video from Vicky Devika!
Over the last months, I presented 6 videos of her in which she wore stunning outfits and used all sorts of different scuba masks.
In these videos, some great fantasies of mine come to life, and I am sure that many of you will love these videos as well!
Today I wanna present the video “Reef Dive in Rubber”.
Official description:
I’ve been wanting to go scuba diving out in the ocean in full rubber gear for quite some time, and I finally made it happen! This is the footage from 2 fun boat dives with a local dive shop. Yes, I geared up in full rubber on the dive boat! The other divers were definitely curious about my “wetsuit”. The dive master on the other hand is used to my craziness by now.
Full head to toe rubber, vintage rubber fins and my old faithful Dacor regulator adorn my sexy body as I swim around the reef, enjoying the view. Now in this clip, I don’t get as sexual as I usually do in my other releases… for obvious reasons of course, being with a group of 5 strangers on a dive boat…
Still, I did manage to fall behind the group a little bit and “scratch that hitch” for a few seconds. Honestly, this only made me feel more aroused… Now I’m hooked, I have to do it again!
Join me for fun times in scuba! What are you waiting for? Just dive in!!
Here are some images from the video:
(click on the image to enlarge it to full size)
And a preview snippet:
The new scenario in this video is really great!
I read the description before I watched the video and immediately my mind started spinning 😉
I mean she was on that dive boat with 5 strangers (+the dive master) and actually put on that rubber suit!
Not too hard to imagine what the others have thought about it 😉
And I can applaud her for having the courage to do that! Not many would do that I would say.
I wonder how the others reacted to her in that outfit? I guess some blushed a bit and tried desperately not to gaze at her too obviously.
Pretty sure that’s what I would do…. 😆
Diving in such an outfit must be quite a sensation and I think the other did enjoy the view she offered as well. Well, perhaps the straight women not so much, as they became rather jealous (I guess).
Also, it is great to be able to just go to a local dive shop and get on such a dive. If I want to go diving at some place where you actually can see something (in both meanings) I need to get onto a plane.
The scuba mask and the great Dacor regulator are a great addition to her stunning rubber suit!
And this video will be only the start, there is more ocean footage to come! Even with a double hose regulator 🙂
If you click on the last link of those above….you can find a preview of a great picture collection of 34 smashing pictures of Vicky in rubber with all kinds of scuba gear and gas masks!
(the big version of this picture can be found on her page)
The picture collection is another bonus if you follow Vicky on Onlyfans. 😉
My favorites are her in that gas mask with the twin hoses (just PERFECT!) and the pictures with her double hose regulator.
New month, new content for the VIP Club here on Frogwoman!
(the picture is just a logo for the VIP Club)
The VIP-Club 2.0 has been updated with new material, enjoy!
5 new scubalicious videos + a great, sexy scuba picture story (30 pictures) with two stunning frogwomen in great scuba gear!
3 mystery videos
+ a Frogwoman Org trailer version with no music, but the actual sound of all the scenes
+ a video where a frogwoman is attacked by male scuba diver
7 scuba fetish stories (the complete versions)….written by myself: “Vulcan down” + “Vulan down: Part 2 – Scuba battle” + “Catwoman – The masked scuba thief” + Vulcan down – Version 2 – Angelo VS Fiona (each at least 15 pages) + “The Scuba Avenger”: Ep 1 – James (6 pages) + The Scuba Avenger”: Ep 2 – Jessica (13 pages) + The scuba instructor (2 versions)