Wearing a breathing device can be a big disadvantage! (inspiring scenes from the Avengers)

This post will be a little different…

The bad news: There are no female scuba divers in this one, not even any woman at all.

But…. but… I think many of you will find this interesting nonetheless 😉

Some weeks ago I finished the Emma Peel episodes of “The Avengers” (the 60s TV show, not the superheroes).

No scuba women to be found there… but I did stumble upon two very interesting scenes!

In both scenes a man is wearing a breathing device (gas mask/FFM) and in both cases that becomes a massive problem.

Why that? And why is this inspiring? Check it out….



(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

(unlisted on Youtube as there are no frogwomen in it…)


Watch the video before you continue!

Ok, let’s start with the man with the gas mask who emerges from the closet…

There should have been gas in the room which should have knocked Steed out, but Steed found out about it.

So, no gas in the room and this actually gives Steed an easy opportunity to put the sneaky gas mask attacker to sleep.

He pinches his air hose thereby denying him any air. The attacker tries to get the gas mask off but Steed manages to prevent that.

So the attacker passes out.

I really like this scene a lot! Very inspiring….

Steed is thinking really quickly here as he immediately grabs the air hose of the guy, good job.

Now imagine the same scene… with a female attacker…. in color…. and with some sexy suit maybe 😉

Damn…. that would be even (much) more awesome!

In the second scene, Steed is the one with the breathing device and that quickly becomes his downfall!

The guys wrestle him down, turn off his air, and make sure that he can’t get the mask off…. nice thinking!

Very interesting that the producers have two very similar scenes like that in that season!

Maybe they had some kinks for such things 😉

It’s a little odd how quickly Steed passes out but ok.

Also, the air hose isn’t even connected anymore to the mask at the end… they cheated there.

But the principle stays the same….

I am thinking about having such a “stop the airflow” scene at the surface as well in a future video 😉

And then with a frogwoman… of course!

Wanna know the title of the movie?


(the scenes can be found in episode 5 and 15 of season 4)

Feel free to leave a comment here or on YouTube!

And don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel if you haven’t already.

A female diver in FFM, a villain, great whites and a wreck [# 2]

Time to present another scene from this movie…

Post from last week:



So, what do we have here?

The villain and our frogwoman are diving down to the wreck again to collect some drugs.

Soon she won’t be “useful” to him anymore…. 😉



(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Feel welcome to hit the LIKE button on YouTube (thumbs up icon)!

Watch the video before you continue!

I cut out some non-scuba scenes here to keep the video under a certain length… incl. a flashback scene of her as a kid and her father who dies in a boating disaster (storm).

Hmh… an interesting peril scene for sure!

You don’t see that often… a guy who knocks out a female diver and then locks her up underwater? Quite unique 🙂

But there are some weird aspects to it…

Yeah, he closes the heavy doors on her, and she might not get them open again, I’ll buy that.

But I think he has seen the openings in the deck structure before… so… why does he think that she can’t get out of there?

And what about that second knock that hits her dive mask?

She was unconscious already, was his idea to destroy the visor of the mask so that her mask would flood and she would basically drown while being unconscious?

If that was his plan… why didn’t he realize that the visor was still intact?

However he then just swims away…

Of course, I would have preferred if he would have sneaked up on her and sliced her air hose! That would have been awesome…

A real scuba fight between her and the villain would have been a great addition to the movie, but …no luck.

Her plan to attract one of the sharks to the villain by launching his BCD in his direction was interesting… also it was odd that they ignored him previously.

A very risky plan…

However, the whole scene is very interesting, and my highlight of the movie!

The scenes are often quite dark (lighting) but well that’s realistic after all ….down there it IS dark so we only have the flashlights of the divers.

All in all, I was positively surprised by this movie.

I mean I saw the trailer and just thought about another crappy shark movie with perhaps 30 seconds of scuba scenes… but no… I was wrong!

The Blu-ray will be in my collection….

Wanna know the title of the movie?


Feel free to leave a comment here or on YouTube!

And don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel if you haven’t already.

A female diver in FFM, a villain, great whites and a wreck [# 1]

Watched a new movie last week with a LOT of scuba scenes 🙂

Time to present a first scene today!

I will make another post next week with my favorite scuba scene of that movie…

So, what do we have here?

A female scuba diver with FFM who hides in a wreck!

Why? Well, you will find out soon enough…


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Feel welcome to hit the LIKE button on YouTube (thumbs up icon)!

Yeah, I really like the sounds that she is making. A solid perilous situation!

I don’t like that ugly FFM type very much but it’s seemingly very popular with producers of new movies as the whole face is visible in it…

Putting Madalina Ghenea in a wetsuit wasn’t a bad idea… a frogwoman with such twins… a VERY rare sight!

… and the producers made sure to feature them properly throughout the movie 😆

Of course, the movie uses the fantasy of hyper-aggressive killer sharks, but ok, if that results in perilous scenes like here, I am all for it 😉

I will post a bit more about the movie next week when I post my favorite scene from the movie.

*EDIT* The second post:


I do recommend that you check out the movie! I mean it’s not great, but entertaining enough with only about 85 minutes and has several scuba scenes in it.

Always good to get the chance to watch a new movie with some scuba scenes 🙂



Here is the odd/bad German Blu-ray cover:

Hmh…. not the best cover to promote the movie 😆

(The shark effects in the movie are quite ok for most of the time)

Wanna know the title of the movie?


Feel free to leave a comment here or on YouTube!

And don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel if you haven’t already.

Updates on the “VIP club” and “Project F videos” pages

I added some links to the VIP club pages so you can find the blog post for each video more easily.

Also, I added another set of “Project F” video links to the VIP club so you can have all the links in one compact space.


Contact me if you have any questions regarding the VIP club, the Project F videos… or anything else.

(contact info also in the site menu)

Evil frogwoman wants to drown a man with the help of a rope

I know this scene for a while and it’s a fascinating one.

There is one major issue though that prevented this one from getting posted earlier:

The available picture quality is quite bad…

Hopefully, I will find a better source with hopefully much better picture quality and better colors.

But still, it is certainly a scene worth watching!


(click to enlarge)

Feel welcome to hit the LIKE button on YouTube (thumbs up icon)!

*EDIT* November 6: A got the full movie (still in crappy quality) … so I got some background info. These characters are working in the same company and

are performing underwater ballet! But they have some serious issues and so people get murdered.

I really love the scenario! A female diver who wants to drown a guy with the help of a rope. That’s unusual!

It’s hard to say how realistic this is. I mean the guy is very buoyant and she needs to be strong enough to keep him underwater.

Perhaps… if she has a lot of weight on her dive belt… that is doable.

It’s a common trope that the swimmer just tries to get away instead of attacking the diver which might be the best option.

I mean as long as he isn’t attacking her she can attack him again and again.

She has scuba gear incl. a mask, fins, and a tank… she is far better equipped than him.

If he would attack her he could eventually turn the tables by ripping off her mask and stealing her regulator.

But he just tries to get to the surface and just drowns… I guess the female swimmer could try to revive him, but she keeps following the frogwoman.

The frogwoman just swims away, which is quite odd. I mean she has a big advantage over the female swimmer as well, but maybe she was impressed by her fighting skills.

*EDIT* November 6: I checked to full movie to see what is happening after the villainess unmasks herself at the beach:

Well, she walks away, and the female swimmer follows her unnoticed until the villainess reaches a hotel and just walks in… still in wetsuit and with her scuba tank.

Sadly, the camera only shows it from behind… and the picture quality is bad.

Hopefully, a version with better quality is available somewhere!

A scene where a female swimmer fights against a female diver is VERY rare stuff….

*EDIT* November 6: The title is something like:

Underwater Ballet Murder Case – A midsummer nightmare!

(translated from the Japanese title)

Feel free to leave a comment here or on YouTube!

And don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel if you haven’t already.



I am now also on Tumblr!

Feel free to follow me there:



Frogwoman VIP Club 2.0: November 2023 + VIP club news

New month, new content for the VIP Club here on Frogwoman!


   (The picture is just a logo for the VIP Club)

The VIP-Club 2.0 has been updated with new material, enjoy!


9(!) scubalicious videos are waiting for you this month:

 2 mystery videos (never shown before here)

+ Video 2 from Project F – Frogwoman Lucy tries a tiny Smaco tank

+ *NEW* Video 3 from Project F – Frogwomen Uma and Kara are getting some basic scuba lessons (over 8 minutes!)

(never before shown in the VIP club before)

+ Video 9 from Project F – Frogwoman Uma with a Royal Mistral double hose regulator

+ Video 12 from Project F – Frogwomen Lucy and Kara in a scuba spy battle

Video 17/17XL from Project F – Lucy and Kara are battling each other and targeting the air hoses of each other!

Video 21 from Project F – Kara and Demi are testing their scuba combat skills in several rounds of scuba action!

Video 26 from Project F – Kara wants to have a great last dive on her vacation… but Lucy has sinister plans!

(click to enlarge)

Previews for all the videos of Project F can be found on this page:



+ Another little Bonus for VIP club members:

An Excel file for every video I uploaded to this blog! Incl. the movie title or TV show name (+episode number), a short description, my personal rating, the title of the post, and a link to that post. Basically, it’s a directory if you are looking for a scene from a specific movie. Or the description gets you interested so you can check it out 😉

*UPDATE* November 1: The list now has 317 entries and can now be found in the VIP club (will be updated regularly).


+ a Frogwoman Org trailer version with no music, but the actual sound of all the scenes


+ Scuba Fetish Stories:

7 scuba fetish stories (the complete versions)….written by myself: “Vulcan down” + “Vulcan down: Part 2 – Scuba battle” + “Catwoman – The masked scuba thief” + Vulcan down – Version 2 – Angelo VS Fiona (each at least 15 pages) + “The Scuba Avenger”: Ep 1 – James (6 pages) + The Scuba Avenger”: Ep 2 – Jessica (13 pages) + The scuba instructor (2 versions)

+ The freediving instructor (9 pages)

Here is the site with the preview versions of my stories


Wanna show your support for this blog and get good scuba-fetish videos and stories in return?

Then donate some bucks and…

>>>>> …. join the VIP club on Frogwoman! <<<<<


I also accept Amazon gift codes for Amazon.de, Amazon.com, and Amazon.co.uk!

+ You can also pay with credit cards, even if you don’t have PayPal!

(details on the VIP club entry page)



The next video shoot finally has a date!

I was hoping to get one in January and asked about that a time ago.

But it’s very difficult to get an 8-hour slot in that pool and they are booked solid.

Now I finally have a new date: March 10

Yeah, that’s still a little over 4 months until then.

Not what I hoped… but at least I do have a new date for the fifth video shoot now.

P.S. 2:

Some news about the future of the VIP club:

(originally posted in October 2023)


– Prices for the VIP club will go up in January 2024

The content of the VIP club has grown a lot in quality and quantity over the past years.

Especially since I published my “Project F” videos there.

Now you have up to 7 videos from “Project F” each month + the additional content.

So… the prices will rise around 20% in January (from 10 to 12 Euro for one month, for example).

I wanted to say that early in advance so you don’t get surprised by it.

I think the prices will then be …still … pretty low in comparison to what others demand for their videos.

Yeah, the videos are often rather short, and there is room for improvement for sure… but still you get quite a lot for what you pay… I would say 😉

With the still rather low prices I hope to continue to attract a wider audience… hopefully that will work out.

Until January you can still get the memberships for the current prices, so you might consider that 😉


– Folks who get long-term memberships in the VIP club (6 or 12 months) from January 2024 on… will get an extra perk.

You can then choose 1 or 2 videos and receive a link for them immediately… no need to wait for them to be released again in the VIP club.


– All videos will be for sale individually and in packets (starting in January 2024 as well)

If you don’t wanna be in the VIP club you can then order videos in packages.

This option to get certain videos will be more expensive than through the VIP club but you can then get every video from Project F… any time you want.


– As a bonus, videos 3 and 5 will be published for the first time in the VIP club in November (video 3) and December (video 5) … with no extra costs.


– The option to …also… pay in US Dollars is now implemented!

That option is a little more expensive for most folks, but if you don’t wanna pay in Euros, for whatever reason, you can also pay in US Dollars.

I have to then convert these US Dollars to Euros to be able to withdraw them from my PayPal account.

PayPal is earning a little bit with each currency conversion, so I will have to adjust the US Dollar prices accordingly.