Frogwomen rivalry with Frogwomen Alice and Lucy [5th video of Project F]

Today I wanna present another video of Project F!

A very special one as this contains a nice action scene 😉


Frogwomen rivalry with Frogwomen Alice and Lucy, 1080p, 60 frames, 4:25 minutes

Frogwoman Alice is wearing the Elios vintage style beavertail smooth skin wetsuit. For the most part, she is using a Scubapro C370, later on, a Royal Mistral Double Hose Regulator.

Frogwoman Lucy is wearing the Aquasphere Pursuit smooth skin wetsuit and a Mares Abyss regulator.


Some preview pictures:

The picture quality in the video does actually look a little better than the screenshots

(click to enlarge)

A short trailer that also includes scenes from this video:

Video contains:

2 frogwomen, neoprene, 2 smooth skin wetsuits, scuba peril, scuba fight, modern scuba gear, vintage scuba gear, double hose regulator

2 hoods, no fins, scuba knife, air hose slicing/cutting, air hose damage


Lethal or non-lethal ending for at least one of them?

Spoiler title


I thought hard if I should publish the 4th picture above. I mean it spoils the action scene, but in the end, it has to be there so that you folks know that there is this action scene at the end.

And from that picture, you still don’t know how it’s gonna end so… I think it’s good to have it.


In parts of this video, I am using the small 1L Smaco tank that Lucy used in video 2 as I wanted to be at the bottom of the pool so the two frogwomen could dive above me.

For the most part of the video Frogwoman, Alice is wearing a Cressi mask with a mirror effect so that you only can see through the glass from certain angles. I think it’s a really cool mask for a mysterious frogwoman. For the last scene, they swapped their masks as I think that mask fits better to the “evil” frogwoman.

I recommend that you watch the video before you continue!


(click on the “Spoiler title+” field below IF you wanna read the spoilers)

Spoiler title
I am very happy that the two agreed to make that last scene as not everyone would be OK with actually doing that. Frogwoman Lucy had only perhaps one hour or less of scuba experience (in total) and was willing to do something that nearly no diver has actually ever done. Frogwoman Alice had to react fittingly to the action, which she did really well, especially considering this was all very much improvised as time was running out quickly.

But I am happy with the outcome, especially as a scene like that wasn’t done like that, at least not to my knowledge. I mean how many scenes do you know where a hose of a frogwoman with a double hose regulator gets sliced by another diver? I know exactly one fetish video where that happens…..and there they cheat big time as the outtake hose gets cut…which isn’t a real problem for the “victim”. I do know not a single movie where that happens.

If you look closely you can see that the two hoses of her double hose regulator are different. I swapped the original hose from the ’60s (!) with a modern version that was less flexible and thicker. With the first slice, Frogwoman Lucy damaged the air hose as you can see air is already escaping. The second slice severed the hose at another place as the “salvaged” air hose showed later. Perhaps the damaged air hose would have ripped also as the air was pumping through it later on….hard to say.

And this all was just a test run for much more scripted scenes I have in mind for the next shooting! These will have a (simple) storyline with more action and “deadly” outcomes as well…. and then my camera skills and lightning skills will have improved as well 😉

I underestimated how loud the noise would be as she surfaced and the air was still blown out of that sliced hose….. Above the surface, I quickly closed the valve, but damn, that was QUITE loud! I actually filmed that as the camera was still running as I closed the valve.

Also if you look closely at the buddy breathing scene, it looks like Lucy is pulling the octopus regulator away from Alice….perhaps on purpose as a foresign of the next scene? 😉



I used the same filters as before (white balance, 10% more brightness in the shadows, text).

The original/raw footage was about some minutes longer but contained some footage where we discussed some aspects in between the shots.

Wanna watch this video?

This video isn’t available in the VIP club anymore as the videos from video shoot 1 slowly leave the VIP club forever as the new videos from video shoot 6 are coming in.

But it can still be purchased in a video package:


You can download these videos, but only for your personal use.

Don’t share them with anyone…. anywhere!

It’s pretty simple, I had to spend a lot of money, especially on scuba gear and location rent.

A lot of my …limited… savings were used up for that.

If I don’t make enough money with these videos…..I won’t be able to make new videos.

So…. I hope you appreciate these videos and want to see more in the future.

7 thoughts on “Frogwomen rivalry with Frogwomen Alice and Lucy [5th video of Project F]”

  1. They look fantastic, I love the suits and gear they are wearing. I hope they really had fun making these videos.
    How do you get around cutting the hoses without actually damaging your precious regs ?

    • They had fun 🙂
      Well, the first stage is free-flowing for a while, but that isn’t a problem, nothing broken.
      Never heard that that might be a problem…

    • Sorry, I had to edit your comment a little as there were spoilers in it 😉
      Yes, there were no tricks involved. It was 100% real.
      I don’t wanna use tricks, the ___ was perfectly fine before the scene.
      I will send you an email with more info 😉

  2. The action sequence is very well done! Far more realistic than most of the movie/TV stuff. I can´t imagine how it feel to watch the scene in nearby in the same pool.

    • Thanks! And that was only a pretty short one. Much more is planned for future shots 😉
      Actually, I was so occupied with filming and checking that it works out that I didn’t “see” the scene as a normal spectator would do.


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