Frogwomen Kara, Demi, and Korra in “The Cop, The Cat, and the Bat” – [32nd video of Project F – 5th video shoot]

So, it’s time for the second new “Project F” video in 2024!

This is video 32 and the second from the 5th video shoot.

In this video, a certain female thief wants to retrieve some stolen diamonds.

But a greedy female Cop wants to get her hands on them too!

And a female vigilante wants to catch the thief….


Frogwomen Kara, Demi, and Korra in “The Cop, The Cat, and the Bat”, 1080p, 3:18 minutes

(incl. 29 seconds in total of intro and outro with music)


Some preview pictures:

(click to enlarge) 

The music in the trailer is from “Batman Returns”.

(There is music in the video as well, but only in the intro and outro)

Feel welcome to hit the LIKE button of the video on YouTube! 😉

Video contains:

3 frogwomen, neoprene, 2 smooth skin wetsuits, 1 normal neoprene wetsuit, scuba peril, scuba fight, modern scuba gear,

Batgirl cowl, swimming goggles (under cowl/mask), freediving mask (under cowl/mask), Catwoman cowl, 1 hood, 1 pair of gloves, scuba knife, fins


Lethal or non-lethal ending for at least one of them?

Spoiler title

(will add such info on the other videos as well in the next weeks)

Background info (without spoiler):

Well, this video is certainly a little different, I hope you like it!

That is why I sent links to the VIP club members yesterday to surprise them with the video link without them having had the chance to see any “spoilering” pictures, text,  or the trailer today.

As you may know, I do have another blog:

So I do have some masks in store… so I thought why not mix it up a little?

For a long time already I have been fascinated by masked women like Batgirl, Catwoman, Black Scorpion etc.

So I wanted to create a scuba video with such masked women.

The Batgirl cowl (Arkham video games style) is a high-quality piece that was certainly not cheap and is handcrafted.

The Catwoman cowl (“Batman Returns” style) is solid, but nothing fancy… a mass-produced mask.

The first challenge was that you can’t wear a normal scuba mask on top of such a mask as they would flood when the scuba mask isn’t 100% on the skin (#noseal).

Kara wore a (noseless) freediving mask under the cowl, which worked really well.

That Batgirl cowl isn’t very tight and the rubber material is quite flexible, it was a good fit with the scuba hood and the freediving mask.

I had planned that Korra would wear black swimming goggles under that Catwoman cowl… and we tried to make it work, but these goggles didn’t fit well enough under that tight mask.

So, Plan B was activated when we tried the swimming goggles that Alice had provided for the video shoot. Luckily that worked out, even the tight Catwoman mask made it difficult as well.

But Korra patiently tried several options and it worked out!

Batgirl and Catwoman could have worn more unique costumes with special suits etc. … but that wasn’t possible within the budget.

Of course, you can get pretty cheap suits for both of these characters… but they look pretty crappy…. so they wore regular smooth-skin wetsuits in black.

I would have loved to get some nice iconic claws for Catwoman… but well, any sort of claws, even plastic ones… are problematic when smooth skin wetsuits are involved.

Smooth-skin wetsuits look great… but they certainly are pretty fragile. That’s why the frogwomen on my video shootings mostly wear gloves when getting in or out of them. (#fingernails).

In the future, I wanna make another video with Batgirl and Catwoman and then add some more gadgets, and costume pieces.

Without regular scuba masks, Kara and Korras noses were exposed to the water. That was pretty unusual to them… but they quickly managed to adapt to it very well!

We made multiple takes of some scenes, but still… I wish we made some more. But all that mask/goggles testing took quite some time.

All in all, I think the video turned out pretty good and the 3 did a great job!

It is the first video here with Korra and her vast scuba experience paid off as she had the role with the longest screen time in this video.


In the VIP club, you will find additional info on this video.


I used some filters (10% more brightness in gamma and gain, text)


Where to watch it?

This video will be available again in October in the VIP club alongside the other content!

Here is a quick overview of the content of this month:


…get the video any time you want:

You can watch and download these videos in the VIP club, but only for personal use!

Don’t share them with anyone…. anywhere!

It’s pretty simple, I had to spend a lot of money:

All that scuba gear, location rent, and the money for the frogwomen and the safety diver.

If I don’t make enough money with these videos….. I won’t be able to make new videos at some point.

I hope you appreciate these videos and want to see more in the future!

After all, you get all those Project F videos each month  + additional content for just 12 euros (or even less per month if you get into the VIP club for more than one month).

I would say that is quite a bargain!

Why are my videos not on sites like Clip4sale?

Well, Clip4sale are a bunch of cutthroats that want 40%(!) of each video that you sell.

Yes, they offer those videos to a wide audience, but I don’t wanna give someone 40% for “just” providing the platform to sell the videos.

Also, that would mean that you would have to pay a lot more to get the videos…

I guess I could have made more money if my videos were on Clip4sale… but well, I won’t do it.

I will check out other sites like Vimeo though, if that would be an option or not.

The future of Project F?

I will upload another new Project F video from this video shoot every 2 weeks from now on…. 6 or 7 in total!

In the summer I wanna finally have my first video shoot in a lake (June?)

And there will be another video shoot this year in this cool deep pool …around September.

So, there will be many more new videos for the VIP club for sure 😉

A sunken city, a gold treasure and a frogwoman…. that gets attacked! (+bonus video)

Now, it’s time for the scuba fight I promised the last week.

After our frogwoman and her boyfriend explored the sunken city, they now returned with reinforcements. Her boyfriend convinced his army buddies (a special unit stationed in Serbia) to raise the nazi gold from the sunken city. Of course, this undertaking doesn’t go unnoticed. The local Serbian commander still hunts these soldiers after a previous encounter. He knows what they are after and he and his men are on patrol boats right above our frogwoman and her buddies…. The commander sends 3 divers down to investigate and stop the intruders. Our frogwoman and one soldier are salvaging gold as a Serbian diver discovers them….


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Well, here is my opinion on the scene [SPOILER ahead]:

The setting is a little dark, some more lights would have been cool (even it is more realistic this way). And the action is paced very fast, a little too fast for me…

…but those are the only real negative aspects to me.

Besides that… the scene offers A LOT:

The guy sneaks up on her…and punches her regulator out of her mouth. Wow, pretty rough solution, but it works and should provide a big shock for her. Don’t know if I ever saw a female diver attacked like that (punching out the regulator).

Then he quickly goes for her mask and rips it down (….which will prove to be a FATAL mistake*).

I love her facial expression and the sounds she makes while he rips off her mask. Very …sexy scene! 🙂

Now she has lost her regulator and her mask and he is about to finish her with his knife while she is defenseless.

She is saved by her buddy and manages to put her mask back on, her regulator back in. And she clears her water-filled mask.

So she can return the favor and save her buddy just in time. And the Serbian seal gets finished off rather violently as well. Stabbed and shot….not many divers die that way…. 😆

Well, now to the fatal mistake* of the Serbian seal…IF he had pulled off her mask by pulling it up and off her head…she couldn’t be ready for action that fast (if she could recover her mask at all). She wouldn’t have saved her buddy and might be killed afterward.

But I like that she recovers from the sneaky attack so fast and even stabs the attacker. She wasn’t the (usual) easy victim. And even it is pretty dark, you can spot her quite well because of her partly colored equipment (her buddy’s equipment is all black).

Well, the Serbian diver is pretty optimistic to attack these two. I love his double hose regulator. She should have used her knife to slice his air hose… leaving him to drown….but well, you can’t have everything.

There are many more scuba minutes in that movie…but nothing special enough to upload it too. I recommend you, to watch the whole movie if you want to see all her scuba scenes. The movie is quite good, besides the scuba scenes. However, the IMDB rating is pretty low…

And here is the movie title:


But, I got another video for you!

If you wanna know, what happens to the other 2 Serbian divers….I have here the full scuba fight for you:


And now, what do YOU think of this scene?

Leave your comment below!



No AIR left for the female scuba diver! [Quality upgrade]

One of my earlier posts had this (pretty famous) scene:

A sexy female scuba diver goes on a dive. Quickly she runs out of air (she got a near-empty bottle) and tries to activate the reserve. But…someone sabotaged it 😉

Double Sabotage!

Recently I found out that they released a DVD of that movie some weeks ago. Of course, I bought it and it is indeed a big improvement over the old VHS rip. I made this first video as a big quality upgrade for you to enjoy!


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

The title of the movie:

Ein toter Taucher nimmt kein Gold  (Deadly Jaws)

If you wanna own that sensational scuba movie on DVD too:


You can switch the site to English language.

The movie is on 16:9 on the DVD (on the DVD it says 4:3…).

German audio-only, but if you don’t understand it… it won’t matter much if you want to watch it for the scuba scenes.






Female scuba diver gets drowned by evil divers [quality upgrade]

Remember this famous scene? One of the oldest posts on this blog and certainly one of the “best” scuba drownings you will find!

Now I have this scene in better quality! Well, not Bluray or DVD quality (not available), but it’s definitely a big improvement from the old video file.


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

*EDIT* February 15, 2022:

Time to write a better text for this great scene!

A female scuba spy gets attacked by evil frogmen and drowns in the process…. very rare stuff!

I love that she really fights back and manages to fight off several frogmen, but of course, she is up against 3 divers who eventually overpower her and rip out her mouthpiece.

But she really is determined to keep her live-giving regulator in her mouth and manages to get rid of the first guy who was pulling on it.

The drowning comes way too fast but ok, as they cut away from her you could say that perhaps some more seconds pass until they cut back to her face.


A real shame she didn’t have any more frogwomen by her side.

I imagine 3 frogwomen fighting against these guys….that would be SOOOO awesome. 😉

Wanna know from which show this is?


What do you think about that scene?

Leave your comment!



Watertank scuba…woman

…sort of 😉

In this scene, I edited scenes from a tv-episode into one clip.

You will see a hot woman in some kind of wetsuit and underwater in a tank with a (diving) regulator.


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

And if you wonder about the title of the TV show:

LINK: Title


A female diver goes too deep….

So, I edited another fine scene for you. 3 divers incl. 1 scuba lady are underwater.

Here is a little preview:

(click to enlarge)

And here is the full video:


Interesting gear, a good scene, and a nice movie!

Movie title:



Unknown movie – Scuba fight – 2 men and one frogwoman

For today I have a mystery video! I don’t know the title of the movie, maybe someone does?

Would be really great… It has a very nice scuba fight in it!

(click to enlarge)

EDIT (April, 19th): Better quality, longer scene + additional bonus scene!

Check it out:

Quality upgrade



Scuba fight with 4 men and 1 woman!

Well, I wish it was 4 women and 1 man in a scuba fight but here’s a video for you folks to start the new year!

(click to enlarge)

And here is the video with our frogwoman:


Here is the new post with better quality:

Do you wonder what series/movie that is? Here’s the answer

LINK: The title

A good scene in my eyes, even though it’s hard to keep track of who’s who in the fight…

Little note to the producers: Use different colors and equipment on the divers….. 😉


Black Widow – Female diver runs out of air! – (Hall of Fame)

I guess at least 70% of you folks know the scene, it shouldn’t miss here on this blog!

Two female divers go on a little dive. They get separated (on purpose?) and one of them has no air left in her tank…

(click to enlarge)

Here is the video, with all the underwater action:


*EDIT* MARCH 2022:

Check out the new(er) post with a longer scene in better quality!

Great scene! Nice little fight and sexy sounds… really great stuff!
