A sunken warship, sharks, and 2 frogwomen with FFMs

Today I have a very fresh video from a very new movie!

I had this one on my radar for some months and watched it just 2 days ago.

We have 5 friends who wanna explore a newly found warship from WW2.

2 of these 5 friends are women and we get around 60 minutes of scuba scenes in the movie!

I made a highlight video for you folks to enjoy….


Here is the video:

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These scenes are my personal highlights from the movie.

Of course, I could have made a much longer video… but the longer it gets the bigger the chances are that it gets taken down by Youtube.

Yeah, the movie has a lot of standard “shark horror flick” elements in it, as the CGI fantasy sharks that are attacking the divers the whole time.

Plus ….you shouldn’t think too much about some aspects 😉

As I mentioned, there are around 60 minutes of scuba scenes in this one… can’t post all that. 

I definitely recommend watching the whole movie and I will get the Blu-ray for my collection… if they will publish one.

I like that the 5 divers here are using real FFMs instead of some Hollywood-invented masks that show the whole face.

The 5 divers have some different scuba gear…. and at least there are some differences so that you can more easily see who is who.

As the 5 are trapped in the wreck by sharks … the air is running low, and that adds a lot to the intensity of the movie! 🙂

Ok, there are quite a few odd scenes with the air management here:

The dive leader says they should head back when they have two-thirds left… a reasonable thing to do, especially in a wreck.

He then checked his console and he had less than 100 bar left… which is less than half. Huh? What?

Later he says that he has more than two-thirds left… ? WHAT? Later in the dive and he has suddenly more air left? MAGIC!

Also, at the time… one of the women had less than 15% air left… hmh, very hard to believe that a much shorter and fit woman would use THAT much air in comparison to him!

But ok, I can ignore such things in …such…. a movie.

It has quite a lot of peril elements and it’s certainly entertaining if you accept the fantasy sharks.

The moment when the frogwoman runs out of air is certainly a highlight!

Great job Mr. Soundguy 🙂

She remains calm and has quite some freediving skills. Even it is quite odd that she doesn’t clear her scuba mask!

Not much sense in swimming around in a flooded mask…

The scene where she hides from the shark and breathes from the air pocket is also quite intense!

I’m quite happy that we had some good new scuba movies in the last few years 🙂

Wanna know the title of the movie?

IMDB link

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