[1st post for today]
This episode of Sea Hunt is a great one where you have a hot vintage frogwoman in a rubber wetsuit for most of the episode!
She is a famous diver/swimmer and challenges Mike Nelson to an underwater race with scooters!
But things don’t go as planned….
(click to enlarge)
Here is the video:
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I had to cut down the video quite a bit so it wouldn’t get too long, but I think that the best scenes of the episode are in it.
The premise is a little weird: She thinks she can outswim any man including Mike and then challenges him to an underwater scooter race?
Wouldn’t the one who weighs less have quite an advantage there? And why scooters when she thinks she can outswim him?
Well, anyhow… that much footage with her in a full rubber wetsuit is awesome! Even in black and white….
Hmm, so he wants to give the sexy rubber frogwomen “a good spanking” for her cheating at the race. Interesting 😉
Also, in the segment where she talks about “no one complained about the view” … quite a naughty line.
The peril segment with her turning and twisting around is nice, even if it is just acting and playing around.
In the end, she apologizes to Mike for cheating in the race and thanks him for saving her life by risking his.
So there is a redemption ending for the arrogant/cheating frogwoman.
Wanna know the episode name?
What do you think about this scene?
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