Woman in makeshift diving gear is in danger of drowning

So, time for one last post in 2024!

It’s a pretty great one… so luckily the year gets a strong finish 🙂

Remember this one I posted just 5 weeks ago?


Well, now…. in the same TV show… the same character/actress …is in a similar danger AGAIN!

She nearly suffocated in her own makeshift hazmat/space suit… and now she is in big trouble as she uses makeshift diving gear…

The first scene was already really good, but this one is even better…. for my taste 🙂



(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

I kept the video under 5 minutes and had to make some cuts… so it might stay on YouTube (new TV show).

I also brightened the picture a bit.

Please leave a LIKE if you enjoyed the video!

And don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to my Youtube channel!

Watch the video before you continue!

The goal of the dive was to turn on the pumps so the water level would lower instead of rising higher.

Ok, the scuba gear itself isn’t very sexy… to say at least.

It’s mostly makeshift gear and she isn’t wearing a wetsuit.

The closeups with her are already great … and then there is that peril scene!

Well, it’s really well done 🙂

I love how she realizes that she doesn’t get air anymore and then desperately sucks on her mouthpiece.

She even puts it out, knocks on it, and puts it back in… hoping for a small miracle and that it might start working again somehow.

The sounds the regulator and she make… are very sexy! Great job sound guys and gals 🙂

Somehow reminds me of this scene:


…with the big difference that here no other diver is present.

The way she surfaces quickly is done very well. Funny enough the guy who talked to her before the dive told her about the possibility of getting the bends.

She was supposed to dive 8 floors down… that would be at least 20 meters. But she was down there for a rather short time.

So I guess…. she might realistically survive such an emergency ascend, but I’m no expert.

Also, the hose that is connected to her regulator looks like a garden hose… somehow I think that just might burst if used for scuba diving 😉

Now the big question is what happened on the surface! Seemingly there was a fight at the surface and someone wanted her to drown.

Well, that will be resolved in the next episode… I guess (airs on January 3).

So, she nearly suffocated early in the season… and now she nearly drowned.

What’s next for her? Will she wear a gas mask and the filters won’t work anymore? 😉

Or someone rips it off and she gets gassed?

We will see… but…. realistically…she will wear a makeshift space/hazmat suit again as she wants to return to her place.

Maybe she will get into some more trouble on the way…. if that happens… I will make another post.

This one is very close to getting into my Hall of Fame, but I guess the missing wetsuit and rather ugly diving mask… just “prevent” that.

Close call….


*EDIT* January 5:

So, one more episode aired this week and she actually gets the bends after the dive!

She feels it in one of her legs and she has problems walking.

Then she jumps into the water taking the long hose with her.

She stays for some minutes in the water, breathing from that hose until the effects of the bends get better.

The hose then stops giving her air and she swims back to the surface.

Wanna know the name of the show and the episode?

IMDB link


Frogwomen Alice, Kara, and Scarlett in “Training “Accident”” – [Video 45 of Project F – 6th video shoot]

So, it’s time for the last “Project F” video of the last video shoot from August!

This is video 45, the ninth from the 6th video shoot.

In this video, Frogwomen Kara and Scarlett are on a mission to eliminate a witness.

It should look like a training accident….


Frogwomen Alice, Kara, and Scarlett in “Training “Accident””

You get 3(!) videos:

Video 1: Version “Raspberry”, 1080p, 04:05 minutes

Video 2: Version “Strawberry”, 1080p, 03:37 minutes

Spoiler title
0:40 minutes
of new footage, minus the outro of the other version)

Video 3: Alternative Takes, 1080p, 02:04 minutes


Some preview pictures:

(click to enlarge)


Some pictures of version “Strawberry” here:


+ a short teaser:

The music in the trailer is from the video game “Max Payne”

The music in the Raspberry version (intro/outro) is from the video games “Max Payne” (intro) and “Heavy Rain” (outro)

The music in the Strawberry version is from the video game “Max Payne” (intro)

Feel free to hit the LIKE button on the video on YouTube! 😉

Videos contain:

One version: 1 free diver, free diving fins, 2 frogwomen, neoprene, 3 smooth skin wetsuits, modern scuba gear, 2 hoods, scuba fins

scuba fight, scuba peril,

Spoiler title

One version: 2 free divers, free diving fins, 2 frogwomen, neoprene, 4 smooth skin wetsuits, modern scuba gear, 2 hoods, scuba fins

scuba fight, scuba peril,

Spoiler title
scuba mask ripped off


Lethal or non-lethal ending for at least one of them?

Spoiler title
Lethal (one version), non-lethal (one version)


Background info (*edited December 28*):

There are TWO versions (Codename: “Raspberry” and “Strawberry”) of the events that happened in the pool.

You can then decide which you like better 😉

Plus you ALSO get a video with alternative takes… that didn’t make it into the final videos.

This video was very demanding of Alice who was the freediver in this one. We did some extra takes and she needed to hold her breath for them as well.

As Alice has extensive freediving training… she was the logical choice for that role and she performed great!

Project F veteran Kara and Project F newbie Scarlett also did a good job here.

This was the last video we shot that day and we filmed on this one until we ran out of time.

I am happy with the video, even though there is room for improvement … of course.

Maybe I will use the “freediver VS scuba diver(s)” scenario again in the future… with more time at hand. It is certainly a very interesting scenario!

(some more info in the VIP club post)


I used some filters (text, more brightness)


Where to watch it?

These videos will be available again in July in the VIP club alongside the other content!

Here is a quick overview of the content of this month:



…get the video any time you want:


You can watch and download these videos in the VIP club, but only for personal use!

Don’t share them with anyone…. anywhere!

It’s pretty simple, I had to spend a lot of money:

All that scuba gear, location rent, and the money for the frogwomen and the safety diver.

If I don’t make enough money with these videos….. I won’t be able to make new videos at some point.

I hope you appreciate these videos and want to see more in the future!

After all, you get all those Project F videos each month  + additional content for just 12 euros (or even less per month if you get into the VIP club for more than one month).

I would say that is quite a bargain!

Why are my videos not on sites like Clip4sale?

Well, Clip4sale are a bunch of cutthroats that want 40%(!) of each video that you sell.

Yes, they offer those videos to a wide audience, but I don’t wanna give someone 40% for “just” providing the platform to sell the videos.

Also, that would mean that YOU would have to pay a lot more to get the videos…

I guess I could have made more money if my videos were on Clip4sale… but well, I won’t do it.

I will check out other sites like Vimeo though, if that would be an option or not.

The future of Project F?

In 2025, the next video shoot in that (deep) pool will be in early March, and then a lake video shoot in the summer (finally!!!).

So, there will be many more new videos for the VIP club for sure!

Evil diver attacks a male and a female diver in a wreck [Hall of Fame]

I got a new… pretty great…. scene for you guys!

A scene that is even good enough to get placed into my Hall of Fame

Thanks to the great guy who recommended this new scuba scene to me! 🙂

We have a young woman and a guy who dive into a wreck to find something special.

I don’t know the background story, but perhaps someone here does so I might add that.

However, they find out that they are not alone down there….


Here is the video:

Link – Full scene_long version

The video was blocked on YouTube for a scene of 1:30 minutes already… so I didn’t try to cut it down further

Watch the video before you continue!

Let’s start with the aspects I didn’t like:

Ok, I get that they try to be really sneaky and don’t want to attract any attention… but are we supposed to believe that they drive that boat and get ready

for a dive without any artificial lights? Just with the moonlight?

Well, it looks quite artificial and bad… as if the picture was heavily edited.

And I actually do wanna see what is going on 😉

Ok, let’s go to the underwater part. Some parts outside the wreck look really CGI-heavy… and not in a good way. #bad #nobudget

But once they are inside the wreck… the scene really lifts off 🙂

I think the guy looks really feminine with the hood and mask on, but it’s easy enough to tell them apart.

He is the one with a regulator that has the red colored parts on it. The one who then gets locked away.

It’s interesting that the bad guy attacks the woman first, but ok… perhaps he didn’t realize who is who before he attacked.

We get a LOT of great scuba scenes here 🙂

He steals her regulator, she puts it back in

He attacks her from behind, steals her regulator again(!), slices her air hose(!!!), AND even steals her whole tank! #overkill

I was nearly surprised that he didn’t also steal her mask, her hood, and her fins 😆

Ok, with her tank still on she could have used her second regulator… but only for a very short time as the hose to the main regulator was sliced.

The scene is done too fast for my taste, but ok… still …. quite an EPIC scene!

It’s also weird that they are so low on air as they just arrived in the wreck… but ok, doesn’t change anything about the scuba fight scene.

What is much more odd is that the good guy who had a spear gun used it to poke that bad guy with it instead of shooting at him. Why?

Maybe he thought he might have hit the woman? Or did he not know how to shoot?

But those are all small aspects… all in all it’s a great scene for my taste!

I love to find such scenes in new TV shows and movies as I know all the good scuba-fight scenes from the past by now… more or less.

AND…. I do have a nice BONUS for you folks!

I edited the scene down to a short video with ONLY the scenes in it where the bad guy attacks the woman!

Check it out:

Bad guy attacks female diver

Wanna know the title of the TV show and the episode name?

IMDB link

What do you think about this scene?

Leave your comment here … or on the fitting Community post on YouTube:


The female diver … and her sabotaged scuba gear

Thanks a lot to the guys who recommended this one, it was at least recommended to me twice… and now it’s finally time to make a post about it!

The scenario is very interesting! A female diver goes on a solo dive… and her scuba gear is sabotaged!

Let’s see if the video is as good as the idea for it….



(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Please leave a LIKE if you enjoyed the video!

And don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to my Youtube channel!

Watch the video before you continue!

Well…. WOW! How many errors of any kind and illogicalities can you build in? The script for these scenes is a total mess 😆

Yeah, it’s a telenovela, so the script is rubbish most of the time 😉

Ok, for some reason the evil guy wants to kill her off, most-likely she would discover something that she shouldn’t know about.

So, he damages the air hose of her regulator.

The air valve seems to be open the whole time (error) and she doesn’t realize above the water that her tank is losing air (error).

With the speed her air reserves are dwindling like on the gauge, the tank would have been long empty before she even hits the water (error).

Underwater she ALSO doesn’t realize that she is losing air she should HEAR(!) that (error)… or see it at one point.

She is diving alone… which is problematic (at least).

Then she realizes that she is out of air and fumbles around with her weight belt.

Why she isn’t surfacing immediately …. remains also a mystery as well (error).

Then she gets rescued and revived by the guy who acts epically bad… wow!

Despite all of that… the scene is interesting and thrilling for me.

There is a female diver with a damaged air hose who runs out of air and drowns. Quite a rare scenario!

So, all in all… a remarkable scene despite the many flaws.

Wanna know the name of the TV show and the episode title?

Check the YouTube link with the whole episode:


What do you think about this scene?

Leave your comment here … or on YouTube!

Frogwomen Kara and Scarlett in “Scuba Combat Training 8” – [37th video of Project F – 6th video shoot]

So, it’s time for the first “Project F” video of the last video shoot from just a week ago!

This is video 37, the first from the 6th video shoot.

In this video, frogwomen Kara and Scarlett are practicing their scuba combat skills for several rounds of training!


Frogwomen Kara and Scarlett in “Scuba Combat Training 8”

1080p, 05:27 minutes


There are 6 rounds of them forcing each other to the surface… or killing each other (in the training scenario).

As a bonus, you also get an alternative take on one of the rounds!


Some preview pictures:

(click to enlarge) 

The music in the trailer is from “Thunderball”.

The music is not in the FULL video.

Feel welcome to hit the LIKE button of the video on YouTube! 😉

Video contains:

2 frogwomen, neoprene, 2 smooth skin wetsuits including 1 shorty (wetsuit), scuba peril, scuba fight, modern scuba gear,

1 hood, fins, regulator stealing, mask stealing, (training) scuba knife, stabbing/slicing (simulated in training)


Lethal or non-lethal ending for at least one of them?

It’s a training scenario… (sometimes with simulated fatal endings)

Background info:

This is Frogwoman’s Scarlett debut in the Project F series.

She is the youngest participant so far and had no scuba experience at all before this video shoot.

She received the usual scuba crash course from a qualified frogwoman/safety diver just minutes before we recorded this video.

I think she did really well and you can already see her progression from round to round as she learns.

Frogwoman Kara has been in all 6 video shoots so far and you can see that in her fighting skills, even though she still isn’t a certified diver.

Both frogwomen wear a Camaro Speedskin. Kara is wearing the “normal” version, and Scarlett is wearing the shorty.

This is actually the first time a frogwoman is wearing a shorty… and I am looking forward to the feedback on that.

This is also the first time that a training knife was used in any Project F video of mine.

I think they are really good for such a scenario and have good quality, so they don’t look cheap.

I hope you like the new videos as well and get VIP memberships.

After all, this video shoot with 9 hours, 4 frogwomen, and 2 women for safety diver/surface help was …quite expensive.

(some more info on this video in the VIP club)


I used some filters (10% more brightness, text)


Where to watch it?

This video is available again NOW in February in the VIP club alongside the other content!

Here is a quick overview of the content of this month:



…get the video any time you want:


You can watch and download these videos in the VIP club, but only for personal use!

Don’t share them with anyone…. anywhere!

It’s pretty simple, I had to spend a lot of money:

All that scuba gear, location rent, and the money for the frogwomen and the safety diver.

If I don’t make enough money with these videos….. I won’t be able to make new videos at some point.

I hope you appreciate these videos and want to see more in the future!

After all, you get all those Project F videos each month  + additional content for just 12 euros (or even less per month if you get into the VIP club for more than one month).

I would say that is quite a bargain!

Why are my videos not on sites like Clip4sale?

Well, Clip4sale are a bunch of cutthroats that want 40%(!) of each video that you sell.

Yes, they offer those videos to a wide audience, but I don’t wanna give someone 40% for “just” providing the platform to sell the videos.

Also, that would mean that YOU would have to pay a lot more to get the videos…

I guess I could have made more money if my videos were on Clip4sale… but well, I won’t do it.

I will check out other sites like Vimeo though, if that would be an option or not.

The future of Project F?

I will release a new video from this video shoot every 2 weeks until 2024 is finished (this one today, and then 2 each month until the end of 2024)

I have at least 9 videos in total that will be released from this video shoot, so the rest of the year is covered with new releases 🙂

Maybe a good idea to now get a 6 month VIP club membership to get all those new videos (plus nearly every earlier release) 😉

Early in 2025, I wanna have the next video shoot in that (deep) pool and then a lake video shoot in the summer (finally!!!).

So, there will be many more new videos for the VIP club for sure!

A female scuba diver gets attacked by a male scuba diver! Can she survive?

This one was recommended to me several times, but so far I didn’t want to make a post about it.

Ok…. I finally surrender!

After all, this scene has some strong aspects and I think many will love it…

So thanks to anyone who recommended this one to me!

A happy couple gets ready for a scuba dive, but someone has murderous plans for the female scuba diver!



(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Please leave a LIKE if you enjoyed the video!

And don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to my Youtube channel!

Watch the video before you continue!

I resisted the temptation of providing the major spoiler in the headline ….even more people would then click on it…

Ok, why didn’t I post about this one earlier?

Well, for me… her reaction to the attack ruins the scene… not completely, but to a certain degree.

She seems like a completely helpless puppet who does absolutely nothing to survive this hideous attack!

Her weird look as he is already chocking her…. let me summarize her thoughts as she plays it:

Oh well, what is happening…. zzzz…. you want to kill me? Well… zzzz…. that is rather inconvenient right now…. zzzzz

Would you please not do that now?

Yeah, this is a scene from a telenovela/soap opera. And you can see that perfectly with her reaction 😆

She doesn’t fight back at all, doesn’t attack him, doesn’t try to escape… doesn’t even move that much. Especially for that situation!

And her guy doesn’t realize that she gets attacked. At least not while it happens.

Ok, it was a rather quick attack, but he should be more aware of his dive buddy….

By the way: This video is from 2 episodes as they had a classic cliffhanger at the very end where she was about to drown.

But there are also some good aspects for me!

The way the bad guy follows them and then waits for his opportunity to strike is well-made.

Even his initial attack is kind of odd ….as grabbing her mask or regulator ….or closing her tank valve as the first move would have been more logical.

Some close-ups of her during and after the attack are really good. I can learn something from that for my Project F videos 😉

I don’t know the story behind the murder, so I could only guess why he killed her and why he killed her like that.

Wanna know the name of the TV show?

The title info I have is:

El diario de Daniela

(episodes 5&6)

What do you think about this scene?

Leave your comment here … or on YouTube!

A sunken warship, sharks, and 2 frogwomen with FFMs

Today I have a very fresh video from a very new movie!

I had this one on my radar for some months and watched it just 2 days ago.

We have 5 friends who wanna explore a newly found warship from WW2.

2 of these 5 friends are women and we get around 60 minutes of scuba scenes in the movie!

I made a highlight video for you folks to enjoy….


Here is the video:

Please leave a LIKE if you enjoyed the video!

And don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to my Youtube channel!

Watch the video before you continue!

These scenes are my personal highlights from the movie.

Of course, I could have made a much longer video… but the longer it gets the bigger the chances are that it gets taken down by Youtube.

Yeah, the movie has a lot of standard “shark horror flick” elements in it, as the CGI fantasy sharks that are attacking the divers the whole time.

Plus ….you shouldn’t think too much about some aspects 😉

As I mentioned, there are around 60 minutes of scuba scenes in this one… can’t post all that. 

I definitely recommend watching the whole movie and I will get the Blu-ray for my collection… if they will publish one.

I like that the 5 divers here are using real FFMs instead of some Hollywood-invented masks that show the whole face.

The 5 divers have some different scuba gear…. and at least there are some differences so that you can more easily see who is who.

As the 5 are trapped in the wreck by sharks … the air is running low, and that adds a lot to the intensity of the movie! 🙂

Ok, there are quite a few odd scenes with the air management here:

The dive leader says they should head back when they have two-thirds left… a reasonable thing to do, especially in a wreck.

He then checked his console and he had less than 100 bar left… which is less than half. Huh? What?

Later he says that he has more than two-thirds left… ? WHAT? Later in the dive and he has suddenly more air left? MAGIC!

Also, at the time… one of the women had less than 15% air left… hmh, very hard to believe that a much shorter and fit woman would use THAT much air in comparison to him!

But ok, I can ignore such things in …such…. a movie.

It has quite a lot of peril elements and it’s certainly entertaining if you accept the fantasy sharks.

The moment when the frogwoman runs out of air is certainly a highlight!

Great job Mr. Soundguy 🙂

She remains calm and has quite some freediving skills. Even it is quite odd that she doesn’t clear her scuba mask!

Not much sense in swimming around in a flooded mask…

The scene where she hides from the shark and breathes from the air pocket is also quite intense!

I’m quite happy that we had some good new scuba movies in the last few years 🙂

Wanna know the title of the movie?

IMDB link

What do you think about this scene?

Leave your comment here … or on YouTube!

Frogwomen Rachel and Lucy in “Escape of a Villainess” – [36th video of Project F – 5th video shoot]

So, it’s time for the sixth “Project F” video in 2024!

This is video 36, the sixth (and last) from the 5th video shoot.

In this video, the leader of the evil frogwomen is now on her own after a big scuba battle.

Completely exhausted she tries to escape but the team leader of the good gals is chasing after her to get her revenge!


Frogwomen Rachel and Lucy in “Escape of the Villainess”

1080p, Main video 02:37 + Bonus video 03:07 (+ a shorter version of the main video)

Video 36 actually contains 3(!) videos:

– The Main video with 02:37 minutes (incl. intro – watch THIS ONE FIRST!)

– A shorter version with 02:05 minutes that doesn’t have the intro and has one major cut in it (details below)

– A “Behind the scenes” bonus video with 03:07 minutes (guest starring Alice!)


Some preview pictures:

(….more to come – click to enlarge) 

The music in the trailer is from “Thunderball”.

In the video, music is “only” in the intro.

Feel welcome to hit the LIKE button of the video on YouTube! 😉

Video contains (main video):

2 frogwomen, neoprene, 2 smooth skin wetsuits, scuba peril, scuba fight, modern scuba gear, vintage scuba gear, double hose regulator

1 hood, fins, regulator stealing, scuba knife, air hose cut

The “Behind the Scenes” video also features a third frogwomen in a smooth skin wetsuit.


Lethal or non-lethal ending for at least one of them?

Spoiler title
Lethal for one of them

Background info:

I’m totally honest with you guys:

This one is kind of a mixed bag for me.

In terms of what I originally planned… this was a disappointment for me, I admit that. And that was very much my fault.

But… if I ignore my plans for this scenario… I think that it turned out to be a really good video!

You don’t know these plans and I bet that many or most of you guys will like or love the final result 😉

I will provide more info on my original plans inside the VIP club.

The main video got quite short already, even with an added intro.

The shorter version is even …well… shorter as it doesn’t have the intro and it has one major cut, that makes sense… but is …kind of… unsexier.

I will let you decide which version you prefer.

To make it up to you folks I edited a third video that contains a good 3 minutes of “Behind the scenes” footage.

I am sure that you will like that one!

It offers an alternative take of the main scene, PLUS a unique view of the things that happen underwater between the takes.

Frogwoman Alice is guest-starring in her role as the safety diver in that one.

Perhaps I will add some pictures of the “Behind the Scenes” video.. even they will contain certain spoilers.

This is the first video where my Dräger PA 61 double hose regulator was used and it performed well.

I am very thankful that it was successfully restored to working condition just 2 weeks before the video shoot.

Frogwoman Lucy is wearing an awesome vintage-style wetsuit from Elios:


I used some filters (10% more brightness, text)


Where to watch it?

This video will be available again in July in the VIP club alongside the other content!

Here is a quick overview of the content of this month:



…get the video any time you want:


You can watch and download these videos in the VIP club, but only for personal use!

Don’t share them with anyone…. anywhere!

It’s pretty simple, I had to spend a lot of money:

All that scuba gear, location rent, and the money for the frogwomen and the safety diver.

If I don’t make enough money with these videos….. I won’t be able to make new videos at some point.

I hope you appreciate these videos and want to see more in the future!

After all, you get all those Project F videos each month  + additional content for just 12 euros (or even less per month if you get into the VIP club for more than one month).

I would say that is quite a bargain!

Why are my videos not on sites like Clip4sale?

Well, Clip4sale are a bunch of cutthroats that want 40%(!) of each video that you sell.

Yes, they offer those videos to a wide audience, but I don’t wanna give someone 40% for “just” providing the platform to sell the videos.

Also, that would mean that YOU would have to pay a lot more to get the videos…

I guess I could have made more money if my videos were on Clip4sale… but well, I won’t do it.

I will check out other sites like Vimeo though, if that would be an option or not.

The future of Project F?

There will be a first video shoot in a lake in June or July.

And there will be another regular, big video shoot this year in this cool deep pool …in August.

So, there will be many more new videos for the VIP club for sure!

The Longest Breath – A horror short film with a female freediver

This one was recommended to me some weeks ago. Thanks again for that!

A female freediver trains alone in a long pool and pushes herself to the limit… until …. well… see for yourself!


(click to enlarge)

I was about to post a spoilery picture here… but I will rather wait a few days so you have the chance not to be spoilered 😉

This is not my upload, you can view the short film here for free (the password to watch it can be found on the page):


Well, that is quite a surprising ending… and you can interpret the hell out of it.

Was she cursed?

Did the janitor guy drown her with magic powers? And if yes… why? Just because she annoyed him?

Was she just disoriented and exhausted? Even that couldn’t explain it fully…

Why didn’t the janitor do anything to help her at the end?

Why didn’t she react at all to him?

Or was it just her nightmare after some intense training day?

It is pretty dark and her sexy wetsuit and body don’t get the light they deserve.

Plus at the end… the camera is way too far away from her final moments (+ some ugly CGI bubbles).

A well-done short movie for sure… very atmospheric and certainly a surprising end!

Plus you won’t find many women in such wetsuits in a horror movie….

What do you think about this scene?

Leave your comment here … or on the “Community” post on YouTube!
