I heard about scuba scenes in an older family TV show with 6 seasons.
I skipped through every episode to check for female scuba scenes. Actually, there were only 3 of interest and only one of them has some interesting action.
Today I wanna present that one!
The scene is quite long and I wanna show it without cuts.
Get ready!
Not a symbol you wanna see that close to you 😉
(click to enlarge)
And here is the video:
I know such heavy gear and drysuits are not for everyone’s taste, but I think some may really enjoy this scene! Her Kirby Morgan hardhat isn’t among my favorites for sure, but I guess some of you may love it.
The clear advantages here are that you can hear the communication between her and the surface and that we can also hear her breathing sounds….a LOT! You won’t find many videos where you can hear a diver breathing to that extend.
It’s nice that they change the classic “diver is trapped underwater with 10% air left” scheme here. It’s a family TV show and perhaps that’s why this is a rather “light” peril scenario.
She is trapped, but she is also not in immediate danger. Her air isn’t running out as she gets air from the surface. Also, she isn’t stuck, but “only” her air hose is, seemingly not damaged at all.
Honestly, I don’t know much about the scuba physics behind hardhat diving like that. She is in 300feet depth and that for quite a while. That is far below any “normal” scuba diving. Don’t know how much or if lengthy decompression stops would be needed with such a hardhat setup, but perhaps they just didn’t show them here.
It’s very odd that he didn’t accompany during the dive in the first place! Why did she go down there alone? Especially as it is an am important and difficult task. Not 100% sure if it’s the actress down there or if it is even a woman at all in the underwater scenes. Very suspiciously they are never showing the inside of her helmet in a way that you can get a good look at her eyes.
In my version, there would be perhaps another frogwoman down there with them. They both hate each other but are forced to work together on this task. As one of them gets trapped the other one sees an opportunity…. Perhaps she would then play with the air hose of the stuck diver….or something like that 😉
Wanna know from which episode of which TV show this is?
Time for certainly one of the best underwater peril scenes from Flipper!
Damn, I wish this newer Flipper series would be released on Blu-ray, HD TV/streaming, or at least on DVD at some point, as the picture quality is rather bad.
But as this show is over 20 years old and isn’t well known…this might never happen 🙁
Nevertheless, I really like this scene as there are quite some interesting aspects to it!
Ready to…
Something isn’t ok!
Look at my ….eyes!
Someone is losing air!
A rather….unusual look!
(click to enlarge)
And here is the video:
Ok, the whole “rock floats down, slices her high-pressure air hose, but doesn’t hurt her at all” aspect is really, really weird and makes no sense.
But besides that realism aspect….it’s a pretty great scene!
First of all, these two are experienced divers in the show, it’s completely irresponsible that her dive buddy decides to leave her and surfaces without her.
Well, the scene dictates that she has to be alone down there as the mysterious guy couldn’t save the “frogwoman in distress” when the other one would be there to help her.
It’s a little odd that she doesn’t react to the other woman trying to contact her and that she seemingly isn’t much concerned that her air hose was ruptured and doesn’t react to it. But ok, maybe she was in shock by the whole development, so…..I guess that’s somehow understandable.
Lucky for her the mysterious guy shows up, yanks her mask off, and puts the octopus regulator into her mouth. Nice timing dude!
And yeah…. spoiler alert….he is a real human…. and not a product of her imagination.
Later in the episode, they have 2 short dive scenes together without action.
And by the way: “My air hose was ruptured!” …..that’s a real trigger sentence for me! 😆
Wanna know from which episode this scene is?
IMDB is all messed up on season 4 of this show.
But it should be season 4, episode 8, “Waterworld”
What do you think of these scenes?
Leave your comment below!
P.S.: BONUS snippet!
Too late I realized that the scene is continued on the boat after the starting credits, so check this out:
“Sure it wasn’t Sean Connery?” she asks smiling big time….
New month, new content for the VIP Club here on Frogwoman!
(the picture is just a logo for the VIP Club)
The VIP-Club 2.0 has been updated with new material, enjoy!
5 new scubalicious videos are waiting for you! 😉
4 mystery videos
+ a video where a frogwoman gets lost inside a wreck….
(+ a Frogwoman Org trailer version with no music, but the actual sound of all the scenes)
7 scuba fetish stories (the complete versions)….written by myself: “Vulcan down” + “Vulan down: Part 2 – Scuba battle” + “Catwoman – The masked scuba thief” + Vulcan down – Version 2 – Angelo VS Fiona (each at least 15 pages) + “The Scuba Avenger”: Ep 1 – James (6 pages) + The Scuba Avenger”: Ep 2 – Jessica (13 pages) + The scuba instructor (2 versions)