A female scuba diver in heavy scuba gear in peril!

I heard about scuba scenes in an older family TV show with 6 seasons.

I skipped through every episode to check for female scuba scenes. Actually, there were only 3 of interest and only one of them has some interesting action.

Today I wanna present that one!

The scene is quite long and I wanna show it without cuts.


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

I know such heavy gear and drysuits are not for everyone’s taste, but I think some may really enjoy this scene! Her Kirby Morgan hardhat isn’t among my favorites for sure, but I guess some of you may love it.

The clear advantages here are that you can hear the communication between her and the surface and that we can also hear her breathing sounds….a LOT! You won’t find many videos where you can hear a diver breathing to that extend.

It’s nice that they change the classic “diver is trapped underwater with 10% air left” scheme here. It’s a family TV show and perhaps that’s why this is a rather “light” peril scenario.

She is trapped, but she is also not in immediate danger. Her air isn’t running out as she gets air from the surface. Also, she isn’t stuck, but “only” her air hose is, seemingly not damaged at all.

Honestly, I don’t know much about the scuba physics behind hardhat diving like that. She is in 300feet depth and that for quite a while. That is far below any “normal” scuba diving. Don’t know how much or if lengthy decompression stops would be needed with such a hardhat setup, but perhaps they just didn’t show them here.

It’s very odd that he didn’t accompany during the dive in the first place! Why did she go down there alone? Especially as it is an am important and difficult task. Not 100% sure if it’s the actress down there or if it is even a woman at all in the underwater scenes. Very suspiciously they are never showing the inside of her helmet in a way that you can get a good look at her eyes.

In my version, there would be perhaps another frogwoman down there with them. They both hate each other but are forced to work together on this task. As one of them gets trapped the other one sees an opportunity…. Perhaps she would then play with the air hose of the stuck diver….or something like that 😉

Wanna know from which episode of which TV show this is?


The episode name is “Deep Peril” (nice title) from season 2, that’s for sure.

IMDB says it’s episode 16 from season 2, my info is that it is episode 13.

What do you think of that scene and that scuba gear?

Leave your comment below!

Hard hat diver in trouble – [female Baywatch Scuba scenes in HD #2]

Time for more Baywatch in HD!

In this scene, a hard hat diver is stuck underwater and needs to be rescued! A case for the Baywatch lifeguards 😉

One female and one male diver try to rescue to diver before it is too late…

And I included the “above the surface shots” of our wetsuited female diver.


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Well, first he gets trapped underwater and then he rips open his suit thereby flooding his helmet….. he is either a VERY unlucky guy, or just plain incompetent 😉

But ok, in that way we have a reason to get saved by the Baywatch divers. And even it is not a rubber wetsuit…I especially love women in black wetsuits.

In my version, he would only pretend to be trapped underwater and only she would come to his “rescue”.

Then we would have a nice scuba fight for life and death. And after a long struggle, she barely survives his evil attack.

What do you think of that scene?

Feel welcome to leave a comment!

Wanna know from which episode this scene is?
