A sunken warship, sharks, and 2 frogwomen with FFMs

Today I have a very fresh video from a very new movie!

I had this one on my radar for some months and watched it just 2 days ago.

We have 5 friends who wanna explore a newly found warship from WW2.

2 of these 5 friends are women and we get around 60 minutes of scuba scenes in the movie!

I made a highlight video for you folks to enjoy….


Here is the video:

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Watch the video before you continue!

These scenes are my personal highlights from the movie.

Of course, I could have made a much longer video… but the longer it gets the bigger the chances are that it gets taken down by Youtube.

Yeah, the movie has a lot of standard “shark horror flick” elements in it, as the CGI fantasy sharks that are attacking the divers the whole time.

Plus ….you shouldn’t think too much about some aspects 😉

As I mentioned, there are around 60 minutes of scuba scenes in this one… can’t post all that. 

I definitely recommend watching the whole movie and I will get the Blu-ray for my collection… if they will publish one.

I like that the 5 divers here are using real FFMs instead of some Hollywood-invented masks that show the whole face.

The 5 divers have some different scuba gear…. and at least there are some differences so that you can more easily see who is who.

As the 5 are trapped in the wreck by sharks … the air is running low, and that adds a lot to the intensity of the movie! 🙂

Ok, there are quite a few odd scenes with the air management here:

The dive leader says they should head back when they have two-thirds left… a reasonable thing to do, especially in a wreck.

He then checked his console and he had less than 100 bar left… which is less than half. Huh? What?

Later he says that he has more than two-thirds left… ? WHAT? Later in the dive and he has suddenly more air left? MAGIC!

Also, at the time… one of the women had less than 15% air left… hmh, very hard to believe that a much shorter and fit woman would use THAT much air in comparison to him!

But ok, I can ignore such things in …such…. a movie.

It has quite a lot of peril elements and it’s certainly entertaining if you accept the fantasy sharks.

The moment when the frogwoman runs out of air is certainly a highlight!

Great job Mr. Soundguy 🙂

She remains calm and has quite some freediving skills. Even it is quite odd that she doesn’t clear her scuba mask!

Not much sense in swimming around in a flooded mask…

The scene where she hides from the shark and breathes from the air pocket is also quite intense!

I’m quite happy that we had some good new scuba movies in the last few years 🙂

Wanna know the title of the movie?

IMDB link

What do you think about this scene?

Leave your comment here … or on YouTube!

Mike Nelson and a smoking hot work colleague [Sea Hunt Classic]

…and obviously, I’m talking about a smoking hot female work colleague!

A short scene for today from the legendary (original) Sea Hunt TV show!



(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

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Yeah, no wonder he isn’t interested in another job at first 😉

He’s getting paid to scuba dive, has all these adventures, and sometimes colleagues like her … oh boy!

Shamefully she isn’t in the rest of the episode, but it was certainly a good way to start the episode.

And it’s always a plus to have an underwater and a surface scene with such a hot frogwoman in such a perfect vintage suit!

Wanna know the episode name?

IMDB link

What do you think about this scene?

Leave your comment here … or on YouTube!

Female diver knocked out by bomb blast! Will she survivve?

This one is a classic and for some reason… I didn’t post about it earlier.

Time to change that!

Sorry for not posting on Sunday as normally, I tried to get my hands on a rather rare 1080p source in the last days… no luck so far.

This TV show was shown in HD on German Pay TV in the past… so I still hope to make a juicy picture quality upgrade in the future.



(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

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A really good scene, she is knocked out and has lost her regulator, she is in BIG trouble!

I love the detail that her air hose is damaged from the blast… even I’m not sure how realistic that is.

That adds a nice extra layer to the danger even though it might take quite a while to empty her tank with that damage.

But ok, that isn’t her biggest problem as long she is unconscious and without the mouthpiece in place.

A shame that there isn’t a surface scene with them before they hit the water.

She is lucky to be alive in the first place after the bomb blast and even luckier to get rescued in time by the others.

By the way: Near the very end of the episode there is a male scuba fight with 2 good guys VS 2 bad guys.

Nothing brilliant, but certainly worth watching as well.

A shame that there were no female divers involved in that one… 🙁

Wanna know the title of the TV show and the episode name?

IMDB link

What do you think about this scene?

Leave your comment here … or on YouTube!

Frogwoman VIP Club: July 2024

New month, new content for the VIP Club here on Frogwoman!

The VIP Club has been updated with new material, enjoy!


7-8(!) scubalicious videos are waiting for you this month (all can be downloaded of course):


 2 mystery videos (never shown before here)

+ 5-6 of my “Project F” videos:

Video 1 from Project FFrogwoman Alice tests a vintage Technisub FFM (+Elios wetsuit)

+ Video 15 from Project FSwimmer Kara has to fight against frogwoman Lucy!

Video 17/17XL from Project F – Lucy and Kara are battling each other and targeting the air hoses of each other!

+ Video 23 from Project FFrogwomen Alice and Caity training their scuba combat skills!

+ Video 28 from Project FFrogwomen Lucy and Tessie training their scuba combat skills!

+ there is a chance that an additional video will also be uploaded, depending on when the Lake video shoot will happen

…most likely that will be around July 21, then there would be a new video on July 28…

(click on each line to get to the video’s blog post with pictures, info, and a trailer)


(click to enlarge)

Previews for all the videos of Project F can be found on this page:


Wanna know which videos will be in the VIP club in the upcoming months?

That info can also be found there!


+ Another little Bonus for VIP club members:

An Excel file for every video I uploaded to this blog! Incl. the movie title or TV show name (+episode number), a short description, my personal rating, the title of the post, and a link to that post. Basically, it’s a directory if you are looking for a scene from a specific movie. Or the description gets you interested so you can check it out 😉

*UPDATE* July 1: The list now has 340 entries and can now be found in the VIP club (will be updated regularly).


+ a Frogwoman Org trailer version with no music, but the actual sound of all the scenes


+ Scuba Fetish Stories:

7 scuba fetish stories (the complete versions)….written by myself: “Vulcan down” + “Vulcan down: Part 2 – Scuba battle” + “Catwoman – The masked scuba thief” + Vulcan down – Version 2 – Angelo VS Fiona (each at least 15 pages) + “The Scuba Avenger”: Ep 1 – James (6 pages) + The Scuba Avenger”: Ep 2 – Jessica (13 pages) + The scuba instructor (2 versions)

+ The freediving instructor (9 pages)

Here is the site with the preview versions of my stories


Wanna show your support for this blog and get my Project F scuba-fetish videos (+ additional content)?

Then donate some bucks and…

>>>>> …. join the VIP club on Frogwoman! <<<<<


Paypal, Credit Card, or digital Amazon gift card!

You can also pay with credit cards, even if you don’t have PayPal!

I also accept Amazon gift codes for Amazon.de, Amazon.com, and Amazon.co.uk!

(details on the VIP club entry page)

Buy (nearly) any Project F video you want…today!


A female diver gets into trouble underwater… as she loses consciousness

I have known about this scene for a while now and now it is time to finally post about it.

In this scene from the ’70s, a female scuba diver runs into problems…



(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:


(you can watch/download it there)

Watch the video before you continue!

The video wasn’t welcome on YouTube.

The picture quality isn’t good, but I haven’t found a better source.

A good ’70s vintage scuba gear combo for sure! She looks great in that suit and the peril scene is “nice” (as it is fictional).

She is lucky that the regulator stays in her mouth and that she didn’t spit it out as she had her seizure.

She recovers and they discover that she had an epileptic shock that came without any convulsions.


Wanna know the title of the TV show and the episode name?

IMDB link

What do you think about this scene?

Leave your comment here … or on the “Community” post on YouTube!


A vintage frogwoman wants to catch a huge octopus

Time for some more vintage scuba!

Here we have a frogwoman in vintage scuba gear and she is trying to catch an octopus!

Will she succeed? Or will she get into trouble?



(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Feel welcome to hit the LIKE button on YouTube (thumbs up icon)!

Well, not only do we have a vintage frogwoman with a double hose regulator here… but even in color as well! 🙂

This documentary is seemingly from 1971 when the double hose regulators were disappearing more and more from scuba diving. 🙁

She has quite an interesting combo of scuba gear, and the double hose regulator is certainly my highlight in this video.

Very cool how she handled the octopus! I was hoping it might play a little with her intake air hose… but well, that octopus was just on the defense the whole time.

Maybe SPECTRE should think about training some of those creatures for further underwater warfare 😉

The guy had some more problems and even his mask was flooded in the process… but he handled the situation well and didn’t panic.

Wanna know more?

I don’t have any additional info on the title, but I think the first seconds of the video do provide some good info.

Feel free to leave a comment here or on YouTube!

And don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel if you haven’t already.

Email adress needed…

Last week on June 14 I got a donation for 4 videos.

Paypal …sometimes…. doesn’t provide an email address, especially when a message comes along with the donation.

So, please rather write a short mail and provide the video numbers you wish to get.

I contacted the guy with the initials M.H. twice via PayPal, but no response so far.

Seemingly he didn’t really wonder why he didn’t get the links to the video.

If you read this… please contact me with the same emailadress that you used for the donation.

Lake video shoot – Update

As you may know, I wanna do a video shoot in a lake this Summer.

Have never done that so far… as you can see here.

Right now I am waiting for a good weather period to show up here.

Nearly every wetsuit I have for women …is either 1.5 or 3 mm, which is very thin.

Warm enough for a pool, but mostly too thin for a lake. And ….as you know … (many) women freeze easily 😉

I don’t wanna buy several more wetsuits just for that lake video shoot, especially as these thicker ones are just regular neoprene suits without smooth skin.

Regular wetsuits here in Germany have 5 or 7 mm for diving in local waters… or you even need a drysuit when it’s cold(er).

In the last weeks, the temperature in the air only rarely succeeded 20 degrees Celsius and the lake temperature on the surface seems to be around 20 degrees as well when I checked.

And it quickly gets colder the deeper you go…

With the weather report, it seems highly unlikely now that this video will happen this month.

The next video shoot in the deep pool is in mid-August.

So, I now wanna squeeze in the lake video shoot in July, so there is enough time afterward to prepare for the pool video shoot.

So, some sunshine (for lighting) and 20 to 25 degrees would be cool with the lake just a little warmer than now.

Also, I now have to get some additional gear for the video shoot in the lake, especially some gear that wasn’t needed in the pool.

I will keep you guys updated.



A female diver with a FFM on a night dive… and a shark!

This one was on my radar for some weeks and I was happy when it was finally released!

My favorite scuba scene in this one is the focus of this post.

A woman dives into the Seine at night to find some proof… and she isn’t alone down there.




(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:


(you can watch/download it there)

Watch the video before you continue!

The video wasn’t welcome on YouTube.

Yeah, actually, there is no shark to be found here… only some traces of it.

But I like the suspense, the breathing sounds and her eyes in that mask look really sexy as well.

Glad they used a “real” FFM and not one of the newer FFMs where you can see the full face, that gets used often in movies lately.

The whole scene is pretty dark… but well, it’s night and they seemingly only use very little artificial light. #realistic

The wetsuit she is using can also be found in several of my Project F videos as I own such a wetsuit myself.

Most parts of this movie are quite ok, but after 75% the movie goes fully off the rails. The whole ending is completely insane!

I guess the scriptwriter went insane as he/she was writing it…or was on heavy drugs.

It’s actually one of the most laughable movie endings I have ever seen… no joke. #notinagoodway

The movie has some more scuba scenes, but mostly with guys and without peril … except getting eaten by that fantasy shark(s).

And it’s another movie with CGI fantasy sharks with completely crazy behavior.

Sometimes I think that there should be a message in front of such movies that this is pure fantasy and that sharks are rather harmless for humans.

Some facts would help as so many folks are so afraid of sharks.

I wonder why there isn’t a Horror-hippo movie… they are so much more dangerous to humans! But ok, these won’t show up at the beach.

I will get the Blu-ray of this movie… if there will be one… when it’s really cheap.

Wanna know the title of the movie?

IMDB link

What do you think about this scene?

Leave your comment here … or on the “Community” post on YouTube!
