Lake video shoot – Update

As you may know, I wanna do a video shoot in a lake this Summer.

Have never done that so far… as you can see here.

Right now I am waiting for a good weather period to show up here.

Nearly every wetsuit I have for women …is either 1.5 or 3 mm, which is very thin.

Warm enough for a pool, but mostly too thin for a lake. And ….as you know … (many) women freeze easily πŸ˜‰

I don’t wanna buy several more wetsuits just for that lake video shoot, especially as these thicker ones are just regular neoprene suits without smooth skin.

Regular wetsuits here in Germany have 5 or 7 mm for diving in local waters… or you even need a drysuit when it’s cold(er).

In the last weeks, the temperature in the air only rarely succeeded 20 degrees Celsius and the lake temperature on the surface seems to be around 20 degrees as well when I checked.

And it quickly gets colder the deeper you go…

With the weather report, it seems highly unlikely now that this video will happen this month.

The next video shoot in the deep pool is in mid-August.

So, I now wanna squeeze in the lake video shoot in July, so there is enough time afterward to prepare for the pool video shoot.

So, some sunshine (for lighting) and 20 to 25 degrees would be cool with the lake just a little warmer than now.

Also, I now have to get some additional gear for the video shoot in the lake, especially some gear that wasn’t needed in the pool.

I will keep you guys updated.



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