A sunken warship, sharks, and 2 frogwomen with FFMs

Today I have a very fresh video from a very new movie!

I had this one on my radar for some months and watched it just 2 days ago.

We have 5 friends who wanna explore a newly found warship from WW2.

2 of these 5 friends are women and we get around 60 minutes of scuba scenes in the movie!

I made a highlight video for you folks to enjoy….


Here is the video:

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Watch the video before you continue!

These scenes are my personal highlights from the movie.

Of course, I could have made a much longer video… but the longer it gets the bigger the chances are that it gets taken down by Youtube.

Yeah, the movie has a lot of standard “shark horror flick” elements in it, as the CGI fantasy sharks that are attacking the divers the whole time.

Plus ….you shouldn’t think too much about some aspects πŸ˜‰

As I mentioned, there are around 60 minutes of scuba scenes in this one… can’t post all that. 

I definitely recommend watching the whole movie and I will get the Blu-ray for my collection… if they will publish one.

I like that the 5 divers here are using real FFMs instead of some Hollywood-invented masks that show the whole face.

The 5 divers have some different scuba gear…. and at least there are some differences so that you can more easily see who is who.

As the 5 are trapped in the wreck by sharks … the air is running low, and that adds a lot to the intensity of the movie! πŸ™‚

Ok, there are quite a few odd scenes with the air management here:

The dive leader says they should head back when they have two-thirds left… a reasonable thing to do, especially in a wreck.

He then checked his console and he had less than 100 bar left… which is less than half. Huh? What?

Later he says that he has more than two-thirds left… ? WHAT? Later in the dive and he has suddenly more air left? MAGIC!

Also, at the time… one of the women had less than 15% air left… hmh, very hard to believe that a much shorter and fit woman would use THAT much air in comparison to him!

But ok, I can ignore such things in …such…. a movie.

It has quite a lot of peril elements and it’s certainly entertaining if you accept the fantasy sharks.

The moment when the frogwoman runs out of air is certainly a highlight!

Great job Mr. Soundguy πŸ™‚

She remains calm and has quite some freediving skills. Even it is quite odd that she doesn’t clear her scuba mask!

Not much sense in swimming around in a flooded mask…

The scene where she hides from the shark and breathes from the air pocket is also quite intense!

I’m quite happy that we had some good new scuba movies in the last few years πŸ™‚


Wanna know the title of the movie?

IMDB link


What do you think about this scene?

Leave your comment here … or on YouTube!


Waterwoman: Season 2 – German Documentary show about a freediver

Two years ago I made this post:


Well, now there is a second season and Anna von Boetticher can be seen in some more underwater adventures!

If you like to see her in some gorgeous smooth skin wetsuits and/or are interested in underwater topics and sea creatures… this show is for you!

She is wearing those suits all the time as soon she is near the water.

Especially the first episode of the second season is interesting as there is also a sexy female scuba diver… but I enjoyed all the 4 new episodes as well.

Some pictures:

If you live in Germany…. in reality, or with the help of a VPN… you can find all the new episodes (and season 1) here:


Also, some “Waterwoman” episodes can be found on YouTube as well.

Well, the scenes where she is freediving next to the scuba diver… I was hoping they would attack each other πŸ˜‰ , but of course, that doesn’t happen.

It’s a documentary after all … a very sexy one.

The Deepest Breath – Netflix documentary movie [Reco]

Yesterday I watched a new Netflix documentary movie.

Official synopsis (with some spoilers):

Descending to remarkable depths below the sea on one single breath, Alessia Zecchini enters what she describes as the last quiet place on Earth. The Italian champion is determined to set a new world record in freediving, a dangerous extreme sport in which competitors attempt to reach the greatest depth without the use of scuba gear. Freedivers are often subject to blackouts upon ascent, necessitating the help of safety divers like Stephen Keenan, a free-spirited Irish adventurer who fell in love with the sport in Dahab, Egypt. Having formed a special bond on the freediving circuit, Alessia and Stephen train together so she can make an attempt on Dahab’s legendary Blue Hole and its challenging 85-foot-long tunnel 184 feet below the Red Sea. Their fates are inextricably bound together by a tragic event that ensues.

I didn’t know anything about these two and was totally surprised by the storyline and the ending.

The documentary is very interesting and quite moving… wasn’t expecting that.

And it has plenty of women in sexy smooth skin wetsuits πŸ™‚

I highly recommend this one!



(click to enlarge)

Here is the trailer:

Here is the IMDB link to the movie:

IMDB link

Weekend post and VIP club news + Recomendation!

I am away over the weekend as I am leaving the country for a short vacation/city visit.

So, there won’t be a post on Sunday this week.

Also, the VIP club will get its monthly update, a little later than usual….on August 3!

That means the VIP club members will receive the password as well on August 3.

So, please be patient, it will come πŸ˜‰

I will reply to emails of course, but only once or twice a day.


But I do have a recommendation for you folks!

My TV magazine recommended a documentary named “Waterwoman” some weeks ago which is currently still running on German TV.


I watched all 4 episodes and it was quite fascinating.

It’s about German freediving champion Anna von Boetticher who is holding several national records.

In these episodes, she is diving in Mexiko, Iceland, the Acores, and (under) Budapest…. and she is wearing smooth skin wetsuits while doing so πŸ˜‰

Yeah, she isn’t exactly the youngest (52), but she looks great in these suits, is highly skilled and the episodes offer great pictures of beautiful underwater landscapes!

So I really recommend watching the episodes, even though there are some obstacles for folks outside Germany.

Yeah, the audio is German and the episodes are only available online here if you are in Germany:


But with a little trick, you might be able to travel to Germany realllllly fast! πŸ˜‰

*EDIT* February 2024:

A second season is now available!

My new post:


A frogwoman in an awesome wetsuit…in a VERY rare movie

I know about this one for many years, but hesitated to post about it…until today!

Hard to say how you folks will like this one…but…let’s try.



(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Watch the video before you continue!


This one is a rollercoaster ride:

+++ The movie is VERY rare….it has 9(!!!) votes on IMDB…I repeat 9(!!!)…..very few people know about this movie.

— The only available source is a VHS recording, and ….as it seems….a self-recorded one (not by me). The picture quality is really bad.

+++ The wetsuit the woman is wearing is awesome, a very sexy rubber wetsuit!

— She is freediving with it, not scuba diving

+++ The movie poster is INCREDIBLE! Hard to find a sexier (scuba-related) poster! (see below)

— The recording isn’t complete….some rather important seconds are missing


In the end, they seemingly get out of their wetsuits and ditch them on the beach (you can see them floating), don’t know how many seconds are missing here…but damn, a shame.

But I guess they didn’t show in full length how they get out of these suits….as that can take quite a while πŸ˜‰

Damn, I would love to see the whole movie in (at least) DVD quality….but that won’t happen…I guess πŸ™


But here are now two posters for this movie:

*EDIT* Thanks to Hapwater, who found another poster for this one…. the gallery now has a third poster (right)

(click to enlarge)

Have I promised too much?

Damn, I love how she looks in that wetsuit!!!!

It’s not the same as in the movie though, this one looks even better.

If I would be that guy standing behind her…..I would be close to a heart attack πŸ˜‰

Here is the IMDB-page of this movie:


“Borman” is the original title.

“Nazi S.S.” the international English title…. πŸ˜†

What do you think of these scenes and the posters?

Leave your comment below!

Two frogwomen, a dolphin and a female freediver in trouble

I was reminded about this scene by a friendly user, thanks for that!

In this one, we have a reckless female freediver, two frogwomen in FFM’s, and a dolphin.


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Ok, I admit, the frogwomen are only supporting characters in this one.

It’s really odd how she manages to get tangled up like that but ok.

It’s odd how all divers are at 100 feet when she freedives to 400 feet…. as their equipment was ready for up to 300 feet.

It’s odd why the divers don’t do anything but wait for her.

I wish the two frogwomen would have rescued her instead of the guy and the dolphin. πŸ˜‰

But after all, it’s a nice underwater peril scene.

Wanna know from which episode this scene is?


To my knowledge, it’s Season 4 Episode 5, not 10 as IMDB lists it. But the title is correct.

What do you think about that scene?

Leave a comment!

The evil rubberman VS the female detective

First, thanks again to V for mentioning this movie. I watched the whole thing and it was very clear to me that it belongs on this blog, even there is no frogwoman in it. But don’t worry….I’m pretty sure that most folks might like these scenes for different reasons πŸ˜‰

Some words about the story for a better understanding of the video. We have a slightly….mad… freediver who loves to wear his rubber suit and strangle women in his free time. And we have a female detective (Yvonne Catterfeld again) that hunts him.

So I included every scene with the mad killer in his rubber suit and the key scene where both met. And in that scene, he uses his …freediving skills… to his advantage…. πŸ˜‰


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Well, that is a special… nutjob! But I really like his diving suit…it is very sexy.

And it’s an interesting/unusual idea to let him run around in that suit when the crazy killer in him takes over…

And I really like that scene in the pool. A very nice drowning peril scene.

Interesting that they wouldn’t show his front side at any time (UW)….I am pretty sure I know the reason… πŸ™‚ 

Perhaps the actor or stunt double got a little excited …being in such a suit..while pulling on Yvonne Catterfeld.

And I imagine a gender swap on that scene. A sexy female freediver…in that outfit….pulling a man underwater. OH MAN!!!!

We need more crazy female serial killers with a fetish for sexy diving suits…. πŸ™‚

In case you wanna know the movie title:


What do you think about that UW scene? And on the other scenes?

Leave your comment below!


P.S.: Sorry, but still no news from youtube regarding my channel. I know many of you want to see the promised clips from S.O.S. Barracuda and Eye of the Storm.

And I really DON’T like to keep you waiting…I would rather post them yesterday…but I waited some weeks now for youtube to get it done…and I won’t let that be for nothing.

It really annoys me that it takes that long…as much as it annoys me to keep you waiting.