First of all:
I posted a little update on Project F:
(scroll down to update on September 26)
So, this one is a little….”cheat”, but I decided to post it anyway as this scene is very interesting!
Let’s start with some pictures (without showing the killer):
(click to enlarge)
Here is the video:
Yeah, I know, no female diver in this one….but there are some interesting aspects to this one.
Ok, first of all, I would like the scene even better if the killer would be a woman. But female scuba killers are an extremely rare breed….
The scene itself is done pretty well with close-ups of him and her. He holds her down by controlling her arms, that’s very efficient.
She tries to escape his grasp but fails, so she is doomed without help from the outside.
The scuba dude is a stone-cold killer the way he drowns her without any emotions.
I wish he would get drowned himself in the end….but that doesn’t happen….even he would have deserved it.
His blue outfit is quite odd, never seen a wetsuit like that, odd fabric. But it makes a lot of sense to fully disguise himself in complete blue so he wouldn’t be easily spotted in the pool.
But…..I think she should have seen him anyway….unless he was in a spot where he couldn’t see him from the position where she entered the pool.
However, since he is using a normal regulator she should be able to spot his bubbles! Well, unless he was able to not exhale from the time she came near the pool.
Guess that is possible.
The next question is…where he was as the agents searched the garden? If he would be already in the pool….they should have seen or heard him! Perhaps he sneaked into the pool after the search, guess that is also possible.
In my version, the killer would be a frogwoman in black rubber (screw the disguise 😉 who sneaked into the pool as her victim was already swimming there. The swimmer would fight back, struggle hard, steal the regulator of the diver, but would be drowned in the end after she nearly finished off the diver.
Or she would pretend to be dead and then attack the frogman from behind, stealing his regulator…. 😉
Wanna know from which TV episode this scene is?
What do you think of that scene?
Leave your comment below!