The complete “Eye of the Storm” TV show can now be found on Youtube!!!

[2nd post for today]

I was looking for this TV show a loooooong time and now you can watch the complete show on Youtube!

Thanks to the great guy who contacted me about it!

I’m talking about “Eye of the Storm” a UK TV show for kids from 1993.

The show has only 6 episodes with about 25 minutes each.

So, what can possibly be interesting about a kids TV show?

Well, 2 brilliant scuba peril scenes!


Check out these posts, if you don’t already know them:

On the last 6 Fridays, they released one episode each on this channel (download them!):

(a lot of UK TV shows and adverts there)


Yeah, the picture quality is still not good, but I guess that is the best we might ever get.

I have now watched all the episodes and finally know the whole storyline.

Yeah, the show is for kids and the plan of the villainess is really… odd but still, this show is just fantastic!

Maybe the darkest TV show for kids I ever saw. #howtotraumatizechildren

I mean the whole show has only the length of one long movie, but still, Nell (played by Cordelia Bugeja) gets attacked TWICE while scuba diving!

The same evil guy tries to drown her twice! (and gets killed in the process)

Are there any other TV shows or movies that also have that? I doubt it….

Besides the two scuba peril scenes, there is only little in regard to scuba diving, but some scenes of her in wetsuit can be found in the episodes.

There are some scenes where she talks to her father (played by famous actor Bill Nighy!) about the first attack as the evil diver slices her air hose. Very interesting 🙂

At first, he won’t believe her and suggest that her air hose was cut by some rocks in the cave…

Here they all use the term “air line” which I actually never had heard before.

I guess that was used in the past and didn’t make it to the present times, maybe as you could confuse that easily with “airline” 😉

The dad, who actually is a diver as well, lets her teenage daughter dive alone in the whole show. He is never diving with her… quite bizarre when you see it from today’s perspective.

But this way we get the two fantastic scuba peril scenes as she faces the evil diver by herself.

The show has only the evilest cliffhangers as they simply end an episode twice in the middle of her being attacked in that cave.

Luckily that isn’t a problem when the whole show is available 🙂

So, check it out!




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