Wearing a breathing device can be a big disadvantage! (inspiring scenes from the Avengers)

This post will be a little different…

The bad news: There are no female scuba divers in this one, not even any woman at all.

But…. but… I think many of you will find this interesting nonetheless 😉

Some weeks ago I finished the Emma Peel episodes of “The Avengers” (the 60s TV show, not the superheroes).

No scuba women to be found there… but I did stumble upon two very interesting scenes!

In both scenes a man is wearing a breathing device (gas mask/FFM) and in both cases that becomes a massive problem.

Why that? And why is this inspiring? Check it out….



(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

(unlisted on Youtube as there are no frogwomen in it…)


Watch the video before you continue!

Ok, let’s start with the man with the gas mask who emerges from the closet…

There should have been gas in the room which should have knocked Steed out, but Steed found out about it.

So, no gas in the room and this actually gives Steed an easy opportunity to put the sneaky gas mask attacker to sleep.

He pinches his air hose thereby denying him any air. The attacker tries to get the gas mask off but Steed manages to prevent that.

So the attacker passes out.

I really like this scene a lot! Very inspiring….

Steed is thinking really quickly here as he immediately grabs the air hose of the guy, good job.

Now imagine the same scene… with a female attacker…. in color…. and with some sexy suit maybe 😉

Damn…. that would be even (much) more awesome!

In the second scene, Steed is the one with the breathing device and that quickly becomes his downfall!

The guys wrestle him down, turn off his air, and make sure that he can’t get the mask off…. nice thinking!

Very interesting that the producers have two very similar scenes like that in that season!

Maybe they had some kinks for such things 😉

It’s a little odd how quickly Steed passes out but ok.

Also, the air hose isn’t even connected anymore to the mask at the end… they cheated there.

But the principle stays the same….

I am thinking about having such a “stop the airflow” scene at the surface as well in a future video 😉

And then with a frogwoman… of course!

Wanna know the title of the movie?


(the scenes can be found in episode 5 and 15 of season 4)

Feel free to leave a comment here or on YouTube!

And don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel if you haven’t already.

2 frogwomen, a spear gun and a damaged air hose [aka How to totally ruin a scuba peril scene by total imcompentence]

I have known this one for a while and it was on the blog at some point… but can’t find it anymore.

Luckily I got some info from a nice guy and was able to get my hands on the whole episode.

Thanks for the help!

This scene is pretty special… as it is a perfect example of how you can ruin a potential great scuba peril scene with total incompetence.


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Feel welcome to hit the LIKE button on YouTube (thumbs up icon) ! 😉

Alternative link in case you can’t see it on Youtube:


Yeah… you are not dreaming… THAT really happened in that video! 😆

I don’t know where to start… #madness

Okay, purple frogwoman has a grudge against pink frogwoman for some reason.

She has the plan to sneakily kill her with a spear gun attack from behind….  ok. #unfair #unsportswomanslike

That is not so easy, especially as the tank is in the way, the target is moving and there is already some distance between them.

But ok, it’s doable…. more or less.

Here we already have these ridiculous switches between footage that was filmed in the ocean and footage that was filmed in the pool.

It’s SO obvious that I can’t believe that they thought it would be okay to do it like that.

It’s hilarious… but back to the two frogwomen:

The spear damages the air hose of Pinky… did she aim for that or was that pure luck?

It’s insane that Pinky isn’t aware at all that that happened.

She must have seen the spear that damaged the air hose and then must have passed her!

What about the noises? She didn’t hear the impact? She doesn’t notice at any time that her air hose is losing that much air? #noises

The villainess immediately flees the other way… why? She has had that spear gun, which quickly vanishes.

Immediately she gets stuck!? WHAT? HOW is this happening? Why can’t she get out?

So Pinky turns around… still not realizing all the bubbles and noises and rushes to save her murderous dive buddy.

The villainess gets rescued and immediately swims towards the surface without ever checking on Pinky. #worstdivebuddy

Then Pinky spits out her regulator, which is fully free-flowing…. why? IF the tank is empty already… which is extremely unrealistic… where are all these bubbles coming from??????

Why is she spitting out the regulator in the first place? So many questions!!!!

Ok, then the villainess is on the surface, and for some magical reason, the unconscious/dead Pinky is already on the surface as well 😆

And now the villainess is crying and all broken up about that Pinky isn’t in the best shape. #Whatisgoingon

Moments ago she tried to murder her… but ok… seemingly the fact that Pinky “saved” her ….made them best friends again….. 😆

…oh my god!

This script is so criminally insane, that it is very funny.

A real shame how they managed to obliterate a really good situation.

We have two frogwomen, and one wants to kill the other one! That could lead to a great scuba fight and some great peril moments.

But it turned into an absurd comedy.

I don’t have an IMDB link for that one.

But as far as I know, the English title is “Fiery Passion” a TV show, the episode number is 30 and it was made/aired in 1992.

Feel free to leave a comment here or on YouTube!

And don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel if you haven’t already.



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Feel free to follow me there:




Frogwomen Kara and Lucy in “Sabotage” – [27th video of Project F – 4th video shoot]

So, it’s time for a new “Project F” video!

This is video 27 and the third from the 4th video shoot.

In this one, Kara and Lucy, who are good friends, go on a scuba dive.

But one of them has an evil plan…


Frogwomen Kara and Lucy in “Sabotage”, 1080p, 60 frames, 5:43 minutes

The setting of the video is placed in the ocean, so you need a little imagination for the background 😉


Some preview pictures (without spoilers):

(click to enlarge) 

Feel welcome to hit the LIKE button of the video on YouTube! 😉

Video contains:

2 frogwomen, neoprene, 2 smooth skin wetsuits, 1 (of them is a) vintage-style beavertail wetsuit, double hose regulator, scuba peril, scuba fight,

modern scuba gear, hoods (2 of 2), fins, frogwomen who film themselves close up with selfie stick

Spoiler title
air hose sabotaged, air hose disconnected, drowning

Lethal or non-lethal ending?

Spoiler title


Background info:

For the first time, the frogwomen filmed themselves for a while in a Project F video!

I think it turned out great as the camera is close by the whole time and you only hear the sounds they make (and not the bubbles the camera guy would make).

That selfie stick that I got along with the camera proved very useful after all.

Kara started off with quite a twist and they both did a great job!

As in the previous video, there are some German dialog lines in this one as well, with English subtitles included.

As you can already see at the beginning of the trailer… I am actually in this video as well… well at least one of my legs is 😆 #reflection

That wasn’t planned, but I didn’t want to cut out that part or cover that area in post-production.

In my videos you won’t see any cheating: Kara goes for the life-giving intake air hose of Lucy. #nocheating

In other scenes from the movies/TV shows you often see how the outtake air hose gets sliced or pulled off. #harmless

Some more info can be found in the VIP area in the section of this video.


The video was …in parts…. inspired by this video:



Frogwoman Lucy is wearing a great vintage-style beavertail wetsuit from Elios in this one


I used some filters (10% more brightness in gamma and gain, text)


Where to watch it?

The video will be available again in July in the VIP club alongside the other content!

Here is a quick overview of the content of this month:



…get the video any time you want:




You can watch and download these videos in the VIP club, but only for personal use!

Don’t share them with anyone…. anywhere!

It’s pretty simple, I had to spend a lot of money:

All that scuba gear, location rent, and the money for the frogwomen and the safety diver.

If I don’t make enough money with these videos….. I won’t be able to make new videos at some point.

I hope you appreciate these videos and want to see more in the future!

After all, you get all those Project F videos each month + additional content for just 12 euros (or even less per month if you get into the VIP club for more than one month).

I would say that is quite a bargain!

Also, I do hope that the amount of VIP club members will be higher with the current price as it would be with a higher price.

The rotation periods for each video will get a little longer though. When a video leaves the VIP club it will be out for at least 4 months.

But still, there will be 5-6 Project F videos in it each month.


Frogwomen Alice and Caity in “The Sneaky Frogwoman” – [22nd video of Project F – 3rd video shoot]

So, it’s time for the fifth video of the 3rd video shoot of “Project F”!

In this video, Alice and Caity are diving in the pool with full face masks! They pose for the camera and dive around… but one of them has sinister plans 😉


Frogwomen Alice and Caity in “The Sneaky Frogwoman”, 1080p, 60 frames, 4:21 minutes


Some preview pictures:

(click to enlarge)


+ a short teaser:

Feel welcome to hit the LIKE button of the video on YouTube! 😉

Video contains:

2 frogwomen, neoprene, 2 smooth skin wetsuits (both beavertails, one of them also vintage-style), scuba peril, scuba fight, modern scuba gear,

vintage gear, vintage FFM, modern FFM, hoods (2 of 2), gloves, fins, scuba knife, surface shot

Lethal or non-lethal ending for at least one of them?

Spoiler title

Background info:

I thought about including more pictures of their fight, but I don’t wanna post too many spoilers 😉

Yeah, this video is over 4 minutes and still in the VIP club, consider these 21 seconds as extra bonus for free. I thought about a longer version for an individual sale, but the extra footage wasn’t making this a better video.

Then I thought to cut it just below 4 minutes… but that felt somehow wrong as then something would be missing.

When we are doing the video shoot I always feel a little bit too rushed, as the time in the pool is limited and every hour costs money.

I need to get a bit more relaxed there so that cleaning up the background (pictures 1 and 2) should be done, but I was too rushed.

So, … involuntarily… these pictures include some behind-the-scenes footage …but your focus should be on them anyhow.

The video is mainly divided into 3 parts: Some surface shooting where they strap on their masks (incl. breathing sounds), some close-up footage underwater, and then a fight scene at the end.

I used a (simple) script on this one, and it worked out quite well, the scenario is rather simple.

I want to include real storylines in the future as well, even if that makes things more complicated. Especially continuity errors can happen very easily underwater and communication underwater is very limited… even when you use simple tools.

So, the quantity of video we can film in one session will go down… but if the quality improves on the other hand, that should be a good thing.

Alice and Caity did deliver a really good performance here again and their scuba experience paid off. The vintage Technisub FFM that Alice is wearing isn’t easy to handle with the lower straps and their locking mechanism. It’s also not very comfortable to dive with, especially in comparison to the OTS Guardian that Caity is using.

There is certainly room for improvement here, but all in all, I’m happy with how the video turned out for the limited time that was available.


I used some filters (10% more brightness in gamma and gain, text)


Where to watch it?

The video will be available again in May in the VIP club alongside the other content!

Here is a quick overview of the content of this month:



…get the video any time you want:




You can watch and download these videos in the VIP club, but only for personal use!

Don’t share them with anyone…. anywhere!

It’s pretty simple, I had to spend a lot of money:

All that scuba gear, location rent, and the money for the frogwomen and the safety diver.

If I don’t make enough money with these videos….. I won’t be able to make new videos at some point.

I hope you appreciate these videos and want to see more in the future!

After all, you get all those Project F videos + additional content for just 12 euros (or even less per month if you get into the VIP club for more than one month).

I would say that is quite a bargain!

Also, I do hope that the amount of VIP club members will be higher with the current price as it would be with a higher price.

The rotation periods for each video will get a little longer though. When a video leaves the VIP club it will be out for at least 4 months.

But still, there will be 5-6 Project F videos in it each month 😉


A deadly walk in the woods with gas masks

No scuba scene for today but a very nice gas mask scene for a change!

If you like to see women in gas masks this movie is certainly quite a burner as the women spend quite a long time running around in gas masks in this one.

I stumbled upon the movie poster and that was verrry interesting 🙂

Plus there is a pretty harsh but interesting peril scene included…


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

*EDIT* October 8, 2023: Video was blocked in some countries.

Here is an alternative link:


Watch the video before you continue!

I bet you have a ton of questions now! 😉

Well, the setting of this movie is placed in the year 1929.

The folks are in a remote place for biology research. They discover a bunch of dead people from an earlier expedition.

They discover that there are some spores in the air in certain areas that can kill you if you breathe them in over a longer period (some hours).

They need to escape the area on foot and put on these suits and gas masks with filters to survive the dangerous areas.

The scene here is quite sinister and also interesting in my opinion.

She checks the mask, filters, and hoses of the others but doesn’t realize that the air hose of her gas mask is damaged and therefore her gas mask is pretty useless.

Seemingly she doesn’t feel 100% fine and one guy notices that she has a little nose bleeding.

But she falls back the next day and realizes too late that her gas mask isn’t working. It’s a little odd that she realizes it that late, but well the “rules” of these spores in the movie are quite weird anyway.

She fumbles around the air hose and the filter but she is doomed as she was exposed to these spores for too long.

And yeah, she actually dies here… one of the guys realizes that she is missing and runs back to her. The other two are then running back as well and then check the damaged air hose that killed the blonde nurse.

It’s never revealed how exactly it got damaged, but seemingly it was damaged as they were running in that gear the day before and had to jump down a long way down into a river.

But I really like this peril scene and love the amount of screentime with gas masks in this one…. quite thrilling!

In my version of the movie these spores would be deadly in a much shorter time period and I would include more perilous scenes like that incl. someone slicing such an air hose to kill the other one. And two folks would fight to get one working gas mask 😉

Wanna know from which movie this scene is?


What do you think of that scene?

Feel welcome to leave a comment!

A frogwoman in black rubber in a shark documentary from 1971

I stumbled upon a very new documentary “Playing with sharks: The Valerie Taylor story” about the (very remarkable) life of Valerie Taylor.

Until then I haven’t heard about her…but that knowledge gap could be closed 😉

That documentary is well worth a watch, I highly wanna recommend it!

But this post is actually (mostly) about another documentary….a documentary that is mentioned several times in “Playing with sharks”.


A documentary from 1971, with sharks…and Valerie Taylor in black rubber for most time underwater!

The film crew is on the hunt for a great white shark as they wanna film him underwater as he is feeding….something that was never done before (before 1971)!

For you folks I made a highlight cut with my favorite scenes 😉


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Watch the video before you continue!

There are a lot more scenes of her in that rubber suit, but then the video would get way too long 😉

Some years earlier she might also have used a double hose regulator, but those were already on the retreat since the mid-’60s.  🙁

But I really love her suit…for me, it can’t get much better than such a black rubber wetsuit!

And did you realize that fish did bite in her air hose at around 2:38???!


That fish was just curious…luckily for her, that bite wasn’t strong enough to puncture her only air hose.

Of course, even that wouldn’t have been a problem for her as she is a very skilled diver and help would have been nearby.

But still, I really like that scene! I wonder what would have happened if she had had a corrugated air hose…. as these are way easier to damage/puncture.


The documentary itself….is very problematic….from today’s point of view.

The research on sharks was only at the beginning and it shows big time. This documentary was watched all around the world and I think it’s safe to say that it played an important role in the development of Spielberg’s blockbuster “Jaws”.

Taylor did actually film some shots for it some years later with her husband.

I still really love that movie, even I know it’s fantasy and that sharks don’t behave like that.

For the sharks that movie was surely catastrophic in many ways.

In the new documentary “Playing with sharks” that I mentioned earlier….Valerie Taylor reflects a lot on how her attitude towards sharks and sea life in general has changed over the years.

So, I can recommend to watch both documentaries as you then get the whole “picture”, even you should have a strong stomach for watching the old documentary as there is a lot of cruelty vs aninmals….especially whales….in it.

Here is a picture of the new documentary:

Also….a lot of interesting scuba gear from the ’50s onwards…in this one.

Wanna know the title of this documentary?


The female scuba diver and the sharpest net in history!

…but don’t you worry, she won’t be sliced into parts, this isn’t from a horror movie 😉

I posted all the good female scuba scenes from seasons 1-9 of Baywatch in HD.

Seasons 10 and 11 were not available in HD for a long time….that has changed now, so it’s time to present the good female scuba scenes from these episodes as well!

This one is a rather famous one that I wanna post first, even there are interesting scuba scenes earlier in the season.


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Ok, this is so absurd that it is really funny! 🙂

A net cutting through a modern regulator hose like that???? Oh man! That is very……creative….to say at least 😉

It’s already pretty hard to cut such a hose with a scuba knife. But this net seems to be the sharpest net in history! A net right from hell, it would slice all fishes to pieces 😆

The lifeguards and the other diver behave quite strangely….

The two lifeguards aren’t well prepared. First, shouldn’t they have scuba masks stored on their jetskis? Would be useful! They dive down to her, can’t free her and one has to surface to get a knife from the scuba guy. Why isn’t he down there to help them? His scuba tank doesn’t seem to be empty, he could provide air for the rescue. Then they realize that they might need air and one surfaces to get 2 spare air tanks. Why didn’t they take those in the first dive? And the scuba guy had a scuba tank and a knife…why didn’t he use his knife to free her earlier?

But ok, realism and strange behavior aside….this is quite a nice scuba peril scene!

The camera zooms in relentlessly on the ….”well equipped”….. diver, she gets into peril and illustrates that very well with her ….moaning… sounds. 🙂

Also, it’s good to have a change to the classic “trapped in a net setting” where a diver which almost no air left gets stuck in it.

Here she is trapped, but seemingly has enough air left for a while. The scene only gets really perilous as her air hose gets sliced by that net from hell which puts her into immediate danger.

It’s unclear if she has a 2nd regulator, but maybe she couldn’t have reached it the way she is entangled in the net.

The sound of the escaping air and the sight of the cut air hose spewing bubbles…..is quite sexy!

Interesting that the scene on the surface wasn’t cut in another way…interesting that they let the frames in where the lifeguard gropes her right breast.

Maybe they thought no one would notice…. 😉

Wanna know in which episode this scene is in?


What do you think of that scene?

Leave your comment below!



Frogwomen in action/peril! – Comics – Scene 3 – [Blog exlclusive]

Another great scuba fight scene with a woman in a comic! Thanks for recommending me this one 🙂

Now all you folks may enjoy it too!


« of 7 »


(Click on the image and browse through all 7 images to see the whole action!)

As the comic is obviously in a french language I didn’t really try to understand the whole story but rather concentrated on the scuba action (where no language is required 😉 )

I really love how they struggle and that he goes for her air hose immediately and cuts it.

Love scenes like that!

What I really don’t get… on the cover and later you can see that she actually has a 2nd regulator (in gold/yellow)…..WHY doesn’t she use it as soon her primary/regular air hose is cut?

Perhaps she is in panic or shock….but well, if you can’t get air from your normal regulator…you should try the other one 😉

Ok, she loses a lot of air through the cut hose but until the tank is empty….she can use the 2nd regulator.

Or perhaps she just wanted to be saved by the guy 😉

What do you think of this scene?

Leave your comment below!

Vulcan down – Part 2 – Scuba Battle — An underwater fetish story [written by myself]

So, finally, I managed to finish part 2 of “Vulcan down” which focuses on a pretty solid scuba battle with 3 frogwomen and 8 frogmen. 😉

It’s time that Kate gets revenge on SPECTRE and their new leader Fiona Volpe.

So, expect a very SEXY scuba battle in perfect 60’s vintage scuba gear (like in Thunderball, but now with some women 🙂 )

(incl. rubber wetsuits and hoses, scuba peril, scuba fights, many erotic elements, vintage scuba gear, breath control play, and various “drowning peril” elements)


I put a lot of hours into it, as it was more difficult this time without a template (like in Vulcan down). And this time I got 15 pages for you.

As a present and a big thank you to the VIP 2.0 members, they will get the full 15 pages. If you are a VIP member, you can find the story in the VIP section.

And if not, feel welcome to JOIN to get access to 9 videos and 2 scuba stories (this month)!

The file will stay there, together with future scuba stories that I will write.

All others can read the first 10 pages (of 15) as an extensive preview version!

>>>>> Here is the (preview) version of “Vulcan down – Part 2 – Scuba Battle”: <<<<<


(PDF-File on this blog)

My first scuba story “Vulcan down – Part 1” can be found here (preview version):


(PDF-File on this blog)


And please feel welcome to leave some feedback!

Just use the comment function below!