Female diver knocked out by bomb blast! Will she survivve?

This one is a classic and for some reason… I didn’t post about it earlier.

Time to change that!

Sorry for not posting on Sunday as normally, I tried to get my hands on a rather rare 1080p source in the last days… no luck so far.

This TV show was shown in HD on German Pay TV in the past… so I still hope to make a juicy picture quality upgrade in the future.



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Here is the video:

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Watch the video before you continue!

A really good scene, she is knocked out and has lost her regulator, she is in BIG trouble!

I love the detail that her air hose is damaged from the blast… even I’m not sure how realistic that is.

That adds a nice extra layer to the danger even though it might take quite a while to empty her tank with that damage.

But ok, that isn’t her biggest problem as long she is unconscious and without the mouthpiece in place.

A shame that there isn’t a surface scene with them before they hit the water.

She is lucky to be alive in the first place after the bomb blast and even luckier to get rescued in time by the others.

By the way: Near the very end of the episode there is a male scuba fight with 2 good guys VS 2 bad guys.

Nothing brilliant, but certainly worth watching as well.

A shame that there were no female divers involved in that one… πŸ™


Wanna know the title of the TV show and the episode name?

IMDB link


What do you think about this scene?

Leave your comment here … or on YouTube!


A female diver gets into trouble underwater… as she loses consciousness

I have known about this scene for a while now and now it is time to finally post about it.

In this scene from the ’70s, a female scuba diver runs into problems…



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Here is the video:


(you can watch/download it there)


Watch the video before you continue!

The video wasn’t welcome on YouTube.

The picture quality isn’t good, but I haven’t found a better source.

A good ’70s vintage scuba gear combo for sure! She looks great in that suit and the peril scene is “nice” (as it is fictional).

She is lucky that the regulator stays in her mouth and that she didn’t spit it out as she had her seizure.

She recovers and they discover that she had an epileptic shock that came without any convulsions.



Wanna know the title of the TV show and the episode name?

IMDB link


What do you think about this scene?

Leave your comment here … or on the β€œCommunity” post on YouTube!



Wearing a breathing device can be a big disadvantage! (inspiring scenes from the Avengers)

This post will be a little different…

The bad news: There are no female scuba divers in this one, not even any woman at all.

But…. but… I think many of you will find this interesting nonetheless πŸ˜‰

Some weeks ago I finished the Emma Peel episodes of “The Avengers” (the 60s TV show, not the superheroes).

No scuba women to be found there… but I did stumble upon two very interesting scenes!

In both scenes a man is wearing a breathing device (gas mask/FFM) and in both cases that becomes a massive problem.

Why that? And why is this inspiring? Check it out….



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Here is the video:

(unlisted on Youtube as there are no frogwomen in it…)


Watch the video before you continue!

Ok, let’s start with the man with the gas mask who emerges from the closet…

There should have been gas in the room which should have knocked Steed out, but Steed found out about it.

So, no gas in the room and this actually gives Steed an easy opportunity to put the sneaky gas mask attacker to sleep.

He pinches his air hose thereby denying him any air. The attacker tries to get the gas mask off but Steed manages to prevent that.

So the attacker passes out.

I really like this scene a lot! Very inspiring….

Steed is thinking really quickly here as he immediately grabs the air hose of the guy, good job.

Now imagine the same scene… with a female attacker…. in color…. and with some sexy suit maybe πŸ˜‰

Damn…. that would be even (much) more awesome!

In the second scene, Steed is the one with the breathing device and that quickly becomes his downfall!

The guys wrestle him down, turn off his air, and make sure that he can’t get the mask off…. nice thinking!

Very interesting that the producers have two very similar scenes like that in that season!

Maybe they had some kinks for such things πŸ˜‰

It’s a little odd how quickly Steed passes out but ok.

Also, the air hose isn’t even connected anymore to the mask at the end… they cheated there.

But the principle stays the same….

I am thinking about having such a “stop the airflow” scene at the surface as well in a future video πŸ˜‰

And then with a frogwoman… of course!


Wanna know the title of the movie?


(the scenes can be found in episode 5 and 15 of season 4)


Feel free to leave a comment here or on YouTube!

And don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel if you haven’t already.


The frogwoman, a kangaroo and sharks!

Time to make a 2nd post with scenes from a 60s TV show with an animal as the lead “actor”.

Now, not that one with the dolphin, the one with the kangaroo.

In this one world-famous diver, Valerie Taylor can be seen in one out of only 3 acting roles (movie/TV shows).


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And here is the video:

Initially, I wanted to cut down the video as it is now half the length of the full episode.

But well, I wanted to include all her wetsuit scenes so I decided to choose the first long cut as the video. And Youtube seemingly doesn’t mind in this case.

Certainly some nice and interesting scenes with Valerie Taylor in a wetsuit for half an episode. πŸ™‚

Well, I would have preferred a black rubber wetsuit, but no luck.

From today’s point of view, it is certainly quite ironic that Valerie Taylor who made many documentaries about sharks and was very unhappy in her involvement in the making of “Jaws” swims away in fear from a harmless shark….but well, times were different and most people were very afraid of any shark.

The peril element here is a nice addition if that means she is unconscious for the rest of the episode…which is quite odd. I mean why didn’t they show her awake at the end?

The young boy then saved her from drowning and then had some close scenes with Valerie Taylor in her tight, wet wetsuit on that boat…. I wouldn’t mind swapping with him πŸ˜‰

Most likely he was too young back then to “appreciate” it.

Wanna know from which episode this is?


IMDB says it was episode 18 of that season, other sources say it’s 19, but the title is certainly correct.

What do you think of that episode?

Leave your comment below!

P.S.: If you want to see more of Valerie Taylor, hit the tag below πŸ˜‰



An astronaut goes….DIVING! [2 videos + a BONUS video]

In these videos, you will see something that you won’t see that often….a female astronaut that dives! And also a female safety diver as a bonus!

I watched this new movie with french audio and English subtitles.

They speak French, English, German and Russian in that movie. 4 languages in one movie…that was new to me.

I do understand English, German, and a little french, but unfortunately, the scenes where they speak Russian were only translated in hardcoded french subtitles like in the videos below.

Looking forward to seeing a version in one language without any subtitles πŸ˜†

Let’s start with the first underwater scene of the movie!


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And here is the video:

Well, her task is obviously to get her male buddy in that capsule in a short time, while he is (playing) unconscious.

Quite a good scene! In her spacesuit, she is very much restricted and can’t move around like a scuba diver. But she gets the job done just in time!

And this was just the first scene….there is another one with some….peril!

Scene 2


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And here is the video:

Quite a nice peril scene!

Eva Green is a great actress and looks great as an astronaut!

Actually, I’m not sure why she passed out. Was something wrong with the oxygen supply? Was it part of the training? Or was she just overworked and tired?

Of course with all the safety divers, she wasn’t in real danger here.

However an effective training for astronauts to simulate some situations that could happen in space.

This video gave me an idea for a perilous scenario for an underwater fight:

Imagine that there would be only one safety diver (female). That diver wants to drown the astronaut for some reason! They fight underwater!

The diver looks for a way to sabotage the oxygen supply or to cut her suit open….while the astronaut tries to fight back with some training gear.

Another scenario that needs to be filmed!!!

Exclusively on the blog, here is a bonus scene from the movie:

Quite a nice scene.

Always nice to see a woman using an oxygen mask (or gas mask)!

This is the movie (by the way…Eva Green presents her “twins” several times during the movie…):



In 4 days I will get the german Blu-ray of Breaking surface!

Looking forward to it BIG time! πŸ™‚

Will post about it next week….



The female record-pilot and her deadly mistake(?) [oxygen mask]

Yeah, I know, this post isn’t about scuba diving at all…but from time to time I like to post about other breathing devices too.

The movie to which these scenes belong is by far the oldest which I ever posted about…it’s from 1933!

The chances are big I never would have stumbled upon this one if not a friendly user had recommended it to me.

I watched the whole movie and this scene was the dramatic finale!

It’s important to know the story behind it:

A woman becomes a pilot in an era where women weren’t “supposed” like that. She gets into an affair with a married man and ends badly.

She thinks about him as she tries to get the world record flight altitude title.


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And here is the video:

Well, that happens when you are without oxygen for too long…..

She was thinking about the tragic love of her life and pulled off her oxygen mask perhaps without thinking about the danger.

I love that moment as she realizes how badly she needs her oxygen mask again.

Hastily she tries to get it back on, but too late….she gets unconscious and the plan gets out of control.

The actress is actually is Katharine Hepburn who was 26 when this movie came out!

Ok, hard to say how realistic that scene is, as she is only without oxygen for some moments. I think it might actually take a bit longer from what I read.

However, this peril scene is quite unique! Never saw that type of oxygen mask and a woman passing out in such a scene…. that’s certainly something new for me!

And the moment from which she realizes her error until she tries hastily to get her mask back on….that’s quite thrilling for me. It seems that for a second she forgot where her oxygen mask is. Hard to say if that was in the script or not.

However, she is in great distress as she tries to get the mask back on.



A second theory is that she wanted to kill herself. She had some seconds thought about it….but too late……

This is the movie title:


What do you think of that scene?

Leave a comment below!


Pamela Anderson, a guy and a mermaid [female Baywatch Scuba scenes in HD #11]

This will be a massive post with 3 videos! This episode has so much to offer πŸ™‚

Since YouTube has an allergy to Baywatch videos for over 5 minutes (it seems), I made 3 single videos.


Scene 1 (Bonus – not on my public Youtube channel):

One of the Baywatch guys wants to practice freediving and Pamela Anderson (CJ) and Yasmine Bleeth (Caroline Holden) are helping him. And, no surprise, they look fantastic while doing so!


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And here is the video:

Ok, not female scuba, BUT this was only the warm-up!


Scene 2:

The guy wants to find that mermaid! And stays down for so long that Pam puts on her scuba gear to find him.



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And here is the video:

It is funny/ridiculous that they made no effort at all to hide the fact that Pamela Anderson actually doesn’t dive! Her stunt diver may be really beautiful, showing her that long, everyone (should) see that isn’t Pamela.

However, seeing Pamela Anderson in a bikini and then her stunt diver in action….is always a good thing πŸ˜‰


Scene 3 (the highlight of the episode):

Now Pamela wants to find the mermaid. She puts on scuba gear and soon is in real big trouble!


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And here is the video:

Well, the scene is pretty hilarious!

  1. It’s rather helpful to look in the direction that you are swimming/diving. Especially when you are near some rocks… πŸ˜‰

2. She didn’t lose her regulator as she crashed onto the rocks, it remains clearly in her mouth. She is unconscious. As the mermaid arrives the regulator is out of her mouth….Why?

On the good side ….it leads to a really good scuba peril scene. The way she looks when the mermaid pulls her up….. HOT!

So, it is a highlight for me…and I am sure…for others as well πŸ˜‰

This is the episode with all these 3 scenes:




In pursuit of a frogwoman!

Well, this little gem has quite a lot to offer! Not only that the filmmakers stole a LOT of music from the Bond movies πŸ˜€  (unbelievably that that worked out)…. it has a frogwoman that gets chased on land and underwater! Can she escape the bad guys?


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And here is the video:

Well….that was…odd! We have incompetent henchmen in the plane (who can’t hit her) and more incompetent henchmen underwater, who can’t hit her with spearguns …or catch up with her.

But if they are not able to kill her….she nearly does it herself πŸ˜†

But creative….to escape a plan she packs out her scuba gear. And what happens to the frogmen who are not in the sub? Really odd.

However the chase is pretty cool, something you don’t get to see that often. And the footage where she is unconscious underwater due to the explosion….great scuba peril!

Wanna know the movie from which this was taken?


What do you think of all that?

Leave your comment below!

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The frogwoman, her frogman and the underwater explosion – part 1

Another clip you folks. A nice user reminded me of this movie. I have it in my DVD/Bluray collection but never posted something from it here on this blog.

And this movie offers a lot of scuba scenes! And we have 2 frogwomen with solid parts as well…. πŸ™‚

I left dialogues between the scuba scenes in the clip…otherwise it would be hard to understand why things happen the way they do.


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And here is the video:

This frogwoman sees a lot of action!

More scenes from that movie may appear….

Right now, I won’t reveal the title of the movie. Stay tuned!