In pursuit of a frogwoman!

Well, this little gem has quite a lot to offer! Not only that the filmmakers stole a LOT of music from the Bond movies 😀  (unbelievably that that worked out)…. it has a frogwoman that gets chased on land and underwater! Can she escape the bad guys?


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Well….that was…odd! We have incompetent henchmen in the plane (who can’t hit her) and more incompetent henchmen underwater, who can’t hit her with spearguns …or catch up with her.

But if they are not able to kill her….she nearly does it herself 😆

But creative….to escape a plan she packs out her scuba gear. And what happens to the frogmen who are not in the sub? Really odd.

However the chase is pretty cool, something you don’t get to see that often. And the footage where she is unconscious underwater due to the explosion….great scuba peril!

Wanna know the movie from which this was taken?


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