Gangsters, gold, cocaine….and a frogwoman [female Baywatch Scuba scenes in HD #8]

This episode is maybe the very best of the whole series …when it comes to frogwomen. This is only the first of two scenes.

We have a sexy villainess, a frogwoman, and Pamela Anderson in a tight …suit. Not bad for less than 5 minutes 😉


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Well, that scene delivers for sure 🙂

He is one lucky guy to find such a villainess! But the Baywatch guy has a quality time as well.

He gets to dive with Stephanie, finds gold, climbs on the boat to see CJ/Pam…. could be worse 😉

And here is the episode in which this scene can be found:


What do you think of that scene?

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