A murderous diver wants to drown tourists!

Why this post on a Friday?

Well, as my usual upload-Sunday is the first of the month when I update the VIP club on both blogs… you get the weekly post two days early.

Thanks for the recommendation to the nice guy!

The story of this TV episode sounds quite …awesome! In a certain way….

A diver attacks swimmers at a big lake and tries to drown them.

Like a crazy serial scuba killer… and of course, the diver must be stopped, so the police are sending divers to catch him!



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Here is the video:

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Watch the video before you continue!

There is no female diver in this episode… a real bummer!

Would have been great if he had attacked a female diver.

Or even better… if the killer would have been a woman!

No luck!

But at least there are these two female swimmers in the episode who get attacked …and manage to escape him.

Especially the first scene is done pretty well with some nice close-ups.

Some spoilers for the rest of the episode:

His third attack (the only other which is shown in the episode) is more successful in a way.

He tries to drown a man, again… not successful, but the man gets a heart attack and dies because of that.

In the end, he gets chased down by 4 male divers… as he spots them he gives up and even tries to drown himself as he pulls out his own regulator!

In the end … he was quite unsuccessful as a crazy scuba killer πŸ˜† … luckily for most of the victims he attacked.

So, as often… the storyline sounded better on paper, but I am happy to now know this episode.


Wanna know the name of the TV show and the episode title?


Fun fact:

The episode title “Der Schwarze Hai” (the black shark) is a nice reference to “Der weiße Hai” (the white shark) which is the German title of the blockbuster “Jaws”.


What do you think about this scene?

Leave your comment here … or on YouTube!


The frogwoman who got trapped under a buoy

[1st post for today]

That’s quite difficult to do …. but this vintage frogwoman did get trapped under a buoy πŸ˜‰

Time for a new video outside “Project F”.

In this one, we go back to the 60s to a TV show with a friendly dolphin.


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

The first version of the video was a little over 6 minutes but it was blocked in most countries. I edited the video down to slightly under 4 minutes and that was then seemingly ok for Youtube.

Yeah, I don’t get how she managed to get trapped under that thing but ok. πŸ˜†

And normally she should be able to get out…or would have some serious injuries, but seemingly she doesn’t have a scratch.

Yeah, it’s a TV show for kids…

But it’s a nice peril scene in vintage gear even I would have preferred her wearing a rubber wetsuit as that would have fit to the 60s perfectly.

I am not a fan of these bathing caps, but I know that some are.

All in all a solid scene.

The scene and the end is pretty funny…

Wanna know in which episode this happens?


What do you think of that scene?

Feel welcome to leave a comment!



My new Youtube channel is now at over 400 subscribers, don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE if you haven’t already.

With 500 subscribers the “community tab” will be activated for the channel.

The scuba killer, the VIP and a pool

First of all:

I posted a little update on Project F:

Project F

(scroll down to update on September 26)

So, this one is a little….”cheat”, but I decided to post it anyway as this scene is very interesting!

Let’s start with some pictures (without showing the killer):

(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Yeah, I know, no female diver in this one….but there are some interesting aspects to this one.

Ok, first of all, I would like the scene even better if the killer would be a woman. But female scuba killers are an extremely rare breed….

The scene itself is done pretty well with close-ups of him and her. He holds her down by controlling her arms, that’s very efficient.

She tries to escape his grasp but fails, so she is doomed without help from the outside.

The scuba dude is a stone-cold killer the way he drowns her without any emotions.

I wish he would get drowned himself in the end….but that doesn’t happen….even he would have deserved it.

His blue outfit is quite odd, never seen a wetsuit like that, odd fabric. But it makes a lot of sense to fully disguise himself in complete blue so he wouldn’t be easily spotted in the pool.

But…..I think she should have seen him anyway….unless he was in a spot where he couldn’t see him from the position where she entered the pool.

However, since he is using a normal regulator she should be able to spot his bubbles! Well, unless he was able to not exhale from the time she came near the pool.

Guess that is possible.

The next question is…where he was as the agents searched the garden? If he would be already in the pool….they should have seen or heard him! Perhaps he sneaked into the pool after the search, guess that is also possible.


In my version, the killer would be a frogwoman in black rubber (screw the disguise πŸ˜‰ who sneaked into the pool as her victim was already swimming there. The swimmer would fight back, struggle hard, steal the regulator of the diver, but would be drowned in the end after she nearly finished off the diver.

Or she would pretend to be dead and then attack the frogman from behind, stealing his regulator…. πŸ˜‰

Wanna know from which TV episode this scene is?


What do you think of that scene?

Leave your comment below!

A moron trapped underwater….but 2 female and one male are smarter than he is [Baywatch]

Time for another good scene from season 10 of Baywatch!


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Don’t know how that dude managed to get trapped like that…. perhaps he only wanted to be rescued πŸ˜‰

In that case, his plan worked as one hot lifeguard was around to rescue him with her colleague.

Nice that the two women struggled shortly as the girlfriend didn’t want to surface.

Of course, I would have rather preferred to see her in a wetsuit, but it makes sense as there was no time to get into one.

The scene can be found in this episode:


What do you think of that scene?

Leave your comment below!

Pamela Anderson and ocean polluters [female Baywatch Scuba scenes in HD #10]

Well, not an epic scene like two weeks ago, but another interesting female scuba scene from Baywatch.

CJ (Pamela Anderson) and her Baywatch buddies are investigating underwater to find a trace of some ocean polluters.

I added two more short scenes with her. One in her “working clothes” and one in a cool “civilian” outfit of hers.


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Well, ok, the scuba scene….isn’t very interesting. It’s dark, no close-up, no real action. More interesting are the scenes on the boat, with the sexy scuba suits and the scenes after the dive.

Seeing Pamela in her working clothes is always….interesting….and seeing her and Yasmine Bleeth in civilian clothes for a change, isn’t too bad either πŸ˜‰

And we learn a valuable lesson!

If you are an ocean polluter….you shouldn’t have your companies logo on the barrels!

(unless you wanna get caught by Baywatch so that Pamela Anderson knocks on your door πŸ˜‰ )

Wanna know from which episode this was taken?


What do you think of that scene?

Leave your comment below!


The vintage female scuba diver…and her surprising end (?)

Some news first:

The Frogwoman VIP club 2.0 will be updated on September 2nd as I’m away for most of the weekend.

This one is for the fans of vintage scuba diving!

We have a woman and two men diving through crystal clear water, looking for someone… but there is a hidden danger in these waters πŸ˜‰


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And here is the video:

Of course, if you know the rest of the movie, you have already seen the mysterious attacker that grabs her scuba mask.

But the real surprise/mystery is….why this woman isn’t shown AT ALL for the rest of the movie. Most likely the monster killed her somehow…

She just vanished.

It’s a shame that the scene is interrupted that way…right at the moment where it got really interesting.

Her face without the scuba mask, with the regulator, looks really great:

(click to enlarge)

This is the rare movie:


What do you think of that scene?

Feel welcome to leave your comment below!


The attractive female scuba killer! [additional scenes + HD upgrade]

This video I edited has three scuba scenes: First, we have a couple scuba diving and testing out some new equipment near a wreck. Then they are with their wetsuits on a boat. Only minutes later one man dives down to that wreck again, but he isn’t alone, someone is waiting for him….the female scuba killer! πŸ˜‰

Scene 2 is already on this blog but in miserably quality.


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And here is the video:

Well, that last scene is really great! Her surprise attack on him, stabbing him, cutting his air hose….a really naughty woman πŸ˜‰

She certainly makes sure that he won’t survive his dive.

But well, at least he had a really great time before his end…

Here is the IMDB link to that episode:


Your opinion?



Last woman on earth…is a frogwoman

…well, at least in this classic movie with some nice vintage scuba gear.

In this clip I edited for you, we see a frogwoman underwater and on the surface. And she needs her regulator to breathe on the surface too!


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Solid scene underwater and with a scuba scene on the surface as a bonus!

Pretty rare

The title of this movie is hidden in the title of the post πŸ˜‰