A frogwoman in an awesome wetsuit…in a VERY rare movie

I know about this one for many years, but hesitated to post about it…until today!

Hard to say how you folks will like this one…but…let’s try.



(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Watch the video before you continue!


This one is a rollercoaster ride:

+++ The movie is VERY rare….it has 9(!!!) votes on IMDB…I repeat 9(!!!)…..very few people know about this movie.

— The only available source is a VHS recording, and ….as it seems….a self-recorded one (not by me). The picture quality is really bad.

+++ The wetsuit the woman is wearing is awesome, a very sexy rubber wetsuit!

— She is freediving with it, not scuba diving

+++ The movie poster is INCREDIBLE! Hard to find a sexier (scuba-related) poster! (see below)

— The recording isn’t complete….some rather important seconds are missing


In the end, they seemingly get out of their wetsuits and ditch them on the beach (you can see them floating), don’t know how many seconds are missing here…but damn, a shame.

But I guess they didn’t show in full length how they get out of these suits….as that can take quite a while 😉

Damn, I would love to see the whole movie in (at least) DVD quality….but that won’t happen…I guess 🙁


But here are now two posters for this movie:

*EDIT* Thanks to Hapwater, who found another poster for this one…. the gallery now has a third poster (right)

(click to enlarge)

Have I promised too much?

Damn, I love how she looks in that wetsuit!!!!

It’s not the same as in the movie though, this one looks even better.

If I would be that guy standing behind her…..I would be close to a heart attack 😉

Here is the IMDB-page of this movie:


“Borman” is the original title.

“Nazi S.S.” the international English title…. 😆

What do you think of these scenes and the posters?

Leave your comment below!

16 thoughts on “A frogwoman in an awesome wetsuit…in a VERY rare movie”

  1. I just saw the video and I gotta ask when she was getting in her suit she was wearing short sleeve in the water it was long sleeve I couldn’t understand that part but I love the whole outfit she was wearing in the cave I love to see a gas mask battle in the cave with her in a gas mask that would be really sexy

    • Yeah, a rather big continuation error.
      Her in that suit plus a gas mask? Sounds great 😉
      And then in hand-to-hand combat with someone fighting over the masks….

    • I think that is so that in the shot she wears the jacket quickly and easily. I think it was deliberately done for that. Later, in the water, she is already wearing a normal jacket.
      That’s like when we see someone on a big motorcycle, but when they jump, the motorcycle mysteriously turns into a motocross motorcycle disguised as the previous motorcycle, to revert to being the huge Harley Davidson an instant later 🙂

    • The way it is shown in the poster…you could put a bikini under it without flashing it.
      But in your imagination she can always be nude underneath 😉

  2. Wow! How have I gone through life without being aware of this gem!
    She looks amazing! I know there’s a continuity error in her wetsuit but she looks way sexier for it with the hood mask and longer sleeves.
    It’s good to see her underwater and running round on land in the sexy suit. I am also seriously impressed that it’s either the actual actress underwater or they have gone to the trouble of finding an actual stunt woman ( amazing stuff for the 1960’s)
    I can’t believe I haven’t seen or heard of this film before, it’s a crying shame we don’t get to see her run round some more in her suit as well as ditch it on the beech. But this is still an epic scene.
    Ok the tape copy is a bit low definition but that just allows me to fill in the bits I can’t make out with my imagination ( I don’t know if that’s a good thing or not)
    Thanks for posting this ones amazing.

    • Glad you like it! I find the poster more interesting than the movie itself 😆
      Certainly, a movie that would need a quality upgrade. But it seems like this one is a movie that is practically forgotten.

      • The poster is pretty damn hot! Especially for the 1960’s,! And respect to the poster artist because you know if it was any other film in the 60’s she would be in a bikini for that movie poster, not a daringly sexy black rubber full length wetsuit. So yeah extra points for that.

  3. Oh, that’s unbelievable. I’m italian, I’ve been collecting scenes with frogwomen for many many years and this is the first time I’ve heard of this italian movie!!! The posters are really great!!! In the coming months/years I will try to see if some small Italian TV channel will broadcast this little gem to have a better video quality.

    • Would be great if it would run on Italian TV one day. But I doubt it somehow. 9 Votes is incredibly little, perhaps it wasn’t shown in Italy for the last 30 years or more…
      Glad I could surprise you with this one. Seeing the reactions here I should have posted this one earlier.
      But as I said, with this picture quality I had my doubts….


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