No AIR left for the female scuba diver! [Quality upgrade]

One of my earlier posts had this (pretty famous) scene:

A sexy female scuba diver goes on a dive. Quickly she runs out of air (she got a near-empty bottle) and tries to activate the reserve. But…someone sabotaged it 😉

Double Sabotage!

Recently I found out that they released a DVD of that movie some weeks ago. Of course, I bought it and it is indeed a big improvement over the old VHS rip. I made this first video as a big quality upgrade for you to enjoy!


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

The title of the movie:

Ein toter Taucher nimmt kein Gold  (Deadly Jaws)

If you wanna own that sensational scuba movie on DVD too:


You can switch the site to English language.

The movie is on 16:9 on the DVD (on the DVD it says 4:3…).

German audio-only, but if you don’t understand it… it won’t matter much if you want to watch it for the scuba scenes.






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