“Swimmer VS Frogwoman” – test video [15th video of Project F – 2nd video shoot]

So, it’s time for the fourth video of the 2nd video shoot of “Project F”!

As mentioned in the previous posts the videos from that shoot will be pretty short, but action-packed as we tried some simple action scenarios.

In this video, you can find 2 takes as we tried a “Swimmer VS Frogwoman” scenario.


Swimmer Kara and Frogwoman Lucy in “Swimmer VS Frogwoman”, 1080p, 60 frames, 1:47 minutes


Some preview pictures:

(click to enlarge)


+ a short teaser:

Video contains:

1 frogwoman, 1 swimmer with a snorkel mask, neoprene, 2 smooth skin wetsuits, scuba peril, scuba fight, modern scuba gear,

1 hood, fins


Lethal or non-lethal ending for at least one of them?

Spoiler title

Background info:

I think the “Swimmer VS Diver” scenario is always interesting even though most of these rare scenarios in the movies end with the death of the swimmer in 99% of all cases.

I would like to build in some surprises in a long, scripted version so it won’t be the standard outcome. Or maybe the expected outcome and some surprises on the way to it. I won’t spoil it here 😉

In these two test takes, we tested that scenario.

Several problems make this scenario challenging.

First of all the swimmer has no air source underwater (surprise!) and therefore she can’t stay down for long during such a fight. That makes filming more difficult of course.

We tested in the shallow end of the pool to stay on the safe side. In the long and scripted version, I would like to use the deep end.

The swimmer has no weights, so she is very buoyant, especially as she is wearing a full neoprene suit here which increases her buoyancy. The diver must pull her underwater and keep her there… which isn’t very easy.

In the full-scripted long video, we will add more weights to the frogwoman, which should help, even if it will make normal swimming more difficult for her. Perhaps she will wear a 2nd weight belt that she would drop once her evil job is finished. 😉

The snorkel mask we used here isn’t so good for the scenario.

At the end of take 1, the mask started to fill with water, which wasn’t supposed to happen as Frogwoman Lucy didn’t attack it prior.

Maybe we use swimming goggles for the long, scripted video.



Fun facts:

At the very end of take 2, you can see how Kara yanked the mask of Lucy away from her face so it flooded completely.

The first time that Frogwoman Lucy was blind underwater and close to defeat.



I used some filters (10% more brightness in gamma and gain, text).


Where to watch it?

It will be available again in February in the VIP club!

Here is a quick overview of the content of this month:



…get the video any time you want:

Project F video packages


You can download these videos, but only for personal use.

Don’t share them with anyone…. anywhere!

It’s pretty simple, I had to spend a lot of money:

All that scuba gear, location rent, and the money for the frogwomen….

If I don’t make enough money with these videos….. I won’t be able to make new videos at some point.

So…. I hope you appreciate these videos and want to see more in the future!



I invested quite some money in a modern FFM!

Check out today’s post here (scroll down to the bottom):


A sunken city, a gold treasure and a frogwoman…. that gets attacked! (+bonus video)

Now, it’s time for the scuba fight I promised the last week.

After our frogwoman and her boyfriend explored the sunken city, they now returned with reinforcements. Her boyfriend convinced his army buddies (a special unit stationed in Serbia) to raise the nazi gold from the sunken city. Of course, this undertaking doesn’t go unnoticed. The local Serbian commander still hunts these soldiers after a previous encounter. He knows what they are after and he and his men are on patrol boats right above our frogwoman and her buddies…. The commander sends 3 divers down to investigate and stop the intruders. Our frogwoman and one soldier are salvaging gold as a Serbian diver discovers them….


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Well, here is my opinion on the scene [SPOILER ahead]:

The setting is a little dark, some more lights would have been cool (even it is more realistic this way). And the action is paced very fast, a little too fast for me…

…but those are the only real negative aspects to me.

Besides that… the scene offers A LOT:

The guy sneaks up on her…and punches her regulator out of her mouth. Wow, pretty rough solution, but it works and should provide a big shock for her. Don’t know if I ever saw a female diver attacked like that (punching out the regulator).

Then he quickly goes for her mask and rips it down (….which will prove to be a FATAL mistake*).

I love her facial expression and the sounds she makes while he rips off her mask. Very …sexy scene! 🙂

Now she has lost her regulator and her mask and he is about to finish her with his knife while she is defenseless.

She is saved by her buddy and manages to put her mask back on, her regulator back in. And she clears her water-filled mask.

So she can return the favor and save her buddy just in time. And the Serbian seal gets finished off rather violently as well. Stabbed and shot….not many divers die that way…. 😆

Well, now to the fatal mistake* of the Serbian seal…IF he had pulled off her mask by pulling it up and off her head…she couldn’t be ready for action that fast (if she could recover her mask at all). She wouldn’t have saved her buddy and might be killed afterward.

But I like that she recovers from the sneaky attack so fast and even stabs the attacker. She wasn’t the (usual) easy victim. And even it is pretty dark, you can spot her quite well because of her partly colored equipment (her buddy’s equipment is all black).

Well, the Serbian diver is pretty optimistic to attack these two. I love his double hose regulator. She should have used her knife to slice his air hose… leaving him to drown….but well, you can’t have everything.

There are many more scuba minutes in that movie…but nothing special enough to upload it too. I recommend you, to watch the whole movie if you want to see all her scuba scenes. The movie is quite good, besides the scuba scenes. However, the IMDB rating is pretty low…

And here is the movie title:


But, I got another video for you!

If you wanna know, what happens to the other 2 Serbian divers….I have here the full scuba fight for you:


And now, what do YOU think of this scene?

Leave your comment below!



The Thunderball scuba battle with FEMALE divers! – [Fan art by blacksuitedspectre]

I always missed female divers in the epic Thunderball scuba battle. This guy is remaking that battle with female divers instead of male divers!

And the result is really great 🙂

Here are some selected pictures:

(click on the image to enlarge it to full size)

Well, isn’t that really great art? These sexy women in their sexy gear fighting each other… just great!

I especially like the scenes with air hose cuts….

You should check out his DeviantArt site to enjoy the whole battle, more than 100 images are waiting for you (and more to come):

Blacksuitedspectre on DA

These pictures really fuel the imagination 😉

Damn, I really need the lottery money to bring these pictures to life…. 😆

Feel free to leave a comment!


Female diver attacks a man by pulling him into a lake! [quality UPGRADE and longer cut]

This classic scene did need a quality upgrade. In the old post, the picture quality was very bad. Now we have a solid picture quality and I added the ending of that TV episode to it.

A man walks around a jetty(?) at a lake, as suddenly a frogwoman surfaces and pulls him into the water. Can he survive?


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Well, a really great scene with a sexy frogwoman, even if we don’t see her very well.

It is supposed to be a woman, even I do think they used a male stunt double (a common practice back then).

What is really uncool is….. the way they ended the scene…. what is happening here?

Well, spoiler alert, she was overpowered by the guy in the end as the next scene suggests…. 🙁

But I just love the idea of a sexy frogwoman in such a gorgeous outfit lurking in a lake to attack her prey!


Here is the link to the title of the series/episode:


And there is one more scene in that episode!

Our “evil” frogwoman attacks a female swimmer!

Already on the blog in good quality!


Scene 2



Female diver attacks female swimmer!

In this one, we have a female swimmer…and a bad guy who wants to get rid of her…

He has a female diver to do the dirty work 😉


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:


Yeah, good scene!

The cutter was too fast for my taste, but well done!

If you wanna know more:




Beautiful Frogwomen in action! – Fan Art

Today I wanna present some great scuba art, including some underwater combat scenes between some scuba ladies.

All in all 5 pictures!


Here are the 5 pictures:

(click on the image to enlarge it to full size)

Great art by “theoldgoat1955”.

Especially love the pictures with the two fighting female scuba divers. The damaged air hose…. 😉

A female scuba diver with FFM gets attacked by an evil female diver! [scuba fight, Hall of Fame]

Now to one of my favorite scenes! Female scuba divers in full-face masks are pretty rare in movies, especially regarding scenes where there is any real ACTION underwater.

Here we have actually a scuba fight scene with a female diver wearing an FFM!



(click to enlarge)

And here is the action, ENJOY!

*EDIT* March 9, 2022:

Time for a proper text as this is a scene from my Hall of Fame!

I really love these Interspiro full-face masks (FFM)! And seeing one in an action scene in a movie/TV show, especially in a scuba fight….is VERY RARE!

The villainess messes up to sneakily attack her from behind and the diver is able to fight her off for some seconds with the help of Flipper.

I love the struggle she puts up to prevent the villainess from cutting her precious air hose incl. great sounds!

She tries to escape (doesn’t she have a knife to fight back?) and the villainess pins her down on top of the submarine, really well done.

I love that the villainess then goes for her air hose and slices through it.

Sadly she turns away then as the good guy comes for the rescue.

Two mistakes are here: Her air hose loses only very little air for some time after it was cut. I guess they turned the air off more or less for a segment.

Also, as the good guy arrives and gives her his spare regulator her mask is only pressed against her face, the straps aren’t in place anymore. I guess they skipped the part so she could quickly get the regulator to breathe again.

The “aftermath” as she pumps the water out of the chamber in the sub and is pretty much shocked and out of breath is well done as well.

Well, in my version the villainess would then be attacked by the hero and …underwater…of course 😉

So he could give her a taste of her own medicine!

If you wanna know the title of the series and the exact episode:



My favorite female scuba fight! – Part 2 – (HD)

Happy new Year folks! And now, Part 2 (of 3) of my favorite female scuba fight! The underwater battle between the two scuba ladies starts!!!

(click to enlarge)

And here is the great video:

I love that scene, great underwater action! And this isn’t all… There is another part….

….maybe I upload it 😉


My favorite female scuba fight! – Part 1 – (HD)

Two female divers investigate a sunken airplane that was loaded with gold…….and one of the divers has an evil (murderous) plan! Who will win?

This is my favorite female scuba fight scene! It has everything…. but I won’t spoil it here 😉

(click to enlarge)

But now….watch the video, witness the great underwater action:

Part 2 and 3 will follow if you wanna see them 😉

Let me know your opinion!