The evil frogwoman strikes again! [female diver attacks female swimmer]

Remember this scene I showed you weeks ago?

LINK: Female diver attacks man!

(*EDIT* New link to a newer post with better quality)

Well, I totally forgot that there is another scene with that frogwoman!

A woman arrives at a lake and she enters the water for a nice swim, but below her, someone is already waiting for her…. our mysterious female diver (that one who attacked the man in the picture above)!

Here is the VIDEO:

That scene happens before the scene with the man…(obviously)

For me, this is a really great scene!

The frogwoman is dressed perfectly in that rubber suit and double hose regulator.

A shame we don’t see more of that frogwoman, the picture quality isn’t great and the underwater footage is quite dark.

But putting a woman in such an outfit and letting her drown someone… that is something VERY rare!

Your opinion about it?

And in case you wonder about the title of this movie:



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