One of the weirdest scuba peril scenes of all time! [Frogwoman Org cut]

This one is pretty….special!

It shows how you can incl. a pretty good scuba peril scene into a complete mess of filming.

My jaw dropped open pretty wide as I saw this for the first time. Thanks again to the guy who recommended me this episode!

I edited the peril scene heavily so I cut out all the few bits as they were constantly showing some of the folks on the yacht while she was diving.

It was insanely scripted…but more on that later on 😉


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Well………WOW! What the hell is going on here? And how can you film it like this?

Let’s start at the beginning. I don’t know what they are talking about at the beginning as I don’t speak Turkish.

But I would guess they aren’t so happy that she is diving alone. But seemingly there is no other dive equipment on the yacht or no one wants to dive with her.

As most know it’s not the best idea to dive alone.

But within seconds she gets managed to trap herself as her leg gets stuck in some rocks (always think about Thunderball when that happens 😉 ).

And almost instantly the situation gets out of control as she is breathing very heavily. I mean she is underwater for such a short time…she should have at least around 40 minutes of air if she remains calm. Plenty of time to get rescued, plenty of time to free herself.

But what does she do? She passes out and loses her regulator?????? Well….. how can that happen?

Whoever it was who wrote that scene, doesn’t really have knowledge about scuba diving. And seemingly no one in the production had.

But what happens next? She is underwater for a minute or two and already they are thinking that something is wrong and the guy jumps into the water.

Why? They couldn’t have had any clue about something being wrong.

He puts the regulator back in her mouth and we can see her clearly breathing from it.

He gets her on the ship and starts to resuscitate her. Check out how he positioned his hands:

Certainly, no method from which I ever heard of 😀 ….that naughty guy!

Oh boy….so many strange things. Well, yeah, it’s a Turkish soap opera. And you shouldn’t expect much from such a diving scene in it.

But some sort of logic in all of that would be nice….

However, the scene in which she struggles to get free and starts heavily sucking on her regulator….is very sexy!

Sadly that’s just some seconds…but well, that’s at least something.

As I mentioned above I cut out all the little parts where they are constantly cutting from her in struggle underwater to one of the random folks on that yacht for some seconds which interrupts the underwater scene constantly and is a very irritating method.

You can check out the original here:

(around minute 24)

So I would say my cut is better when it comes to the scuba scene 😉

But still, there is a lot of wasted potential in this scene.

Wanna know from which show this is from?


(don’t know the exact episode, but maybe episode 2, according to the name of the Youtube file above)

What do you think of that scene?

Feel welcome to leave your comment!




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