“Double Hose Scuba” by Vicky Devika – [Rubber frogwoman with gas mask and double hose regulator]

Today I wanna start a new series. In this series, I wanna present some videos from Vicky Devika who has made a lot of videos in sexy rubber outfits.

So, why is this interesting for this blog? Well, the answer is quite simple: She has done several scuba videos while being in rubber catsuits!

In these videos, some great fantasies of mine come to life, and I am sure that many of you will love these videos as well!

For today I wanna present the video “Double Hose Scuba”.

Official description:

“For as long as I remember I’ve been fascinated by the classic frog woman look. Black shiny rubber, rubber fins, and a sexy double hose regulator. While I have yet to try a genuine double hose reg, my latest acquisition of a 3M gasmask with double hose connectors inspired me to try something crazy.”

Here are some images from the video:

(click on the image to enlarge it to full size)


And a preview snippet:

A stunning woman in a sexy rubber suit.

Her identity is concealed behind a gas mask.

A double hose regulator supplies her gas mask with air.

She dives around a pool, massive formations of bubbles escaping her mask.



WOW! That combines a lot of my fetishes in one video!

As you should know by now… I love masked women! For that reason, I do have my other blog Maskripper 😉

I also love rubber (wet)suits, frogwomen, and double hose regulators as you can see on this blog.

And for those reasons, I LOVE this video!

It offers a LOT for me and is also an inspiration/basis for some more fantasy scenarios…but I will come to that later on.

It’s a rare thing to see such gear assembled, especially for underwater usage. I remember only some videos of Rubaquabiggi(?) but these are pretty old by now and were filmed in rather a bad picture quality for today’s standards.

Vicky does a great job as she shows her excitement of being encased in rubber, especially as she is breathing from her gas mask underwater. And as you can see in the pictures above…she really enjoys her scuba gear and her rubber suit. 😉

I really enjoy hearing her breathing through the gas mask. And later on, her breathing gets rather…..rapid as she is “playing” with herself. Massive formations of bubbles escape her mask in quick succession. With that air consumption level, her tank must be emptying really quickly!

There is very little for me to criticize this one. Ok, the

Spoiler title
ending could have been a bit longer for my taste. It would have been nice if she had slowly unmasked herself while the camera is really closing in on her. But ok, that is my mask fetish speaking 😉

But that is nitpicking on a high level 😉

All in all, it’s a great video and that’s why I wanna promote it here a little!

Here are the important links for you:

“Double Hose Scuba” on Clip4sale

Vicky Devika on Clip4sale

Vicky Devika’s website/links

Ok, now on to some fantasy scenarios of mine with this gear!

1) A frogwoman robs Yachts at night. Still fully encased in her gear she is caught on a Yacht and has to fight against a guard/yacht owner or so. The attacker tries to unmask her to reveal her face. She fights back, a long struggle begins. Her breathing gets more rapid and is clearly hearable. He yanks on her mask but she manages to keep it on. He closes her air valve to force her to unmask……

2) This gear would be fantastic in an underwater fight! Not only she is one gorgeous frogwoman with her mask and the double hose regulator there are a lot of possibilities for scuba peril elements! An enemy could disconnect her intake air hose and she could “screw it” back in. The attacker could yank on her air hoses, stretching them, squeezing them tight so she could barely breathe. Also slicing such an air hose would be rather easy….

I imagine her entangled with another frogwoman in a close fight as they try to get the upper hand over each other….. That would be a dream scenario of mine!

What do you think of her unusual scuba gear and outfit?

You are welcome to post a comment!




4 thoughts on ““Double Hose Scuba” by Vicky Devika – [Rubber frogwoman with gas mask and double hose regulator]”

    • Yeah, the preview clips are seemingly always that short on Clip4sale…
      I will post about another video with her the next days. 😉

  1. Came across Vicky’s site sometime back and must agree with you Siggi she looks fantastic and the double hose reg connected to the gasmask leaves all kinds of peril possibilities.

    Would like to ask your permission Siggi after reading your peril scenarios, if I could indulge with expanding one of your ideas and write a story out for your site?

    • Sure, go on with it, sounds like a good plan! 🙂
      Can’t promise you now it will make it to the site, but if it is good, I will post it!
      Most likely in PDF format or so since it might easily be too long to post it as text in a post.


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