“Kinky Scuba in Rubber” by Vicky Devika – [Rubber frogwoman with single hose regulator]

Part 2 of my series of posts on Vicky Devika videos.

In this series, I wanna present some videos from Vicky Devika who has made a lot of videos in sexy rubber outfits.

So, why is this interesting for this blog? Well, the answer is quite simple: She has done several scuba videos while being in rubber catsuits!

In these videos, some great fantasies of mine come to life, and I am sure that many of you will love these videos as well!

Today I wanna present the video “Kinky Scuba in Rubber”.

Official description:

My first scuba clip, at last! This is something I’ve been wanting to do for quite sometime: get some scuba gear, blow some bubbles, relax and enjoy a dive in full head to toe rubber. Needless to say I had to take some time to pleasure myself

Here are some images from the video:

(click on the image to enlarge it to full size)


And a preview snippet:

Another fine video from Vicky!

Her rubber suit in combination with that single hose regulator and that scuba mask…

In comparison to the last video, I presented here her gear is a little more “normal”.

Well….normal…besides her rubber suit of course 😉

The red lipstick was a stunning contrast to her all-black outfit.

It’s fun to see her enjoying her scuba dive….fully encased in rubber.

And again the audio here is very important….I recommend turning up the volume and using headphones for the best experience. 🙂

Here are the important links for you:

“Kinky Scuba in Rubber” on Clip4sale

Vicky Devika on Clip4sale

Vicky Devika’s website/links

Two ideas how I would have ended this video:

1) She pleasures herself while consuming a lot of air. She forgets the time and runs out of air. As she wants to ascend to the surface she realizes in horror that she is stuck on something (that was placed there beforehand)!

She struggles frantically to get loose….

Does she make it to the surface? Perhaps yes…perhaps no 😉

2) As she is distracted by her underwater fun….the camera-frogwoman approaches and slices Vicky’s air hose in a swift move.

A big stream of bubbles ascends from the sliced hose.

Vicky tries to get to the surface but the evil camera-frogwoman holds her down.

A fight for life and death starts….



As the camera-frogwoman would be occupied in the epic scuba fight a static camera would film it from a perfect distance 😉

What do you think of her unusual scuba gear and outfit?

You are welcome to post a comment!


6 thoughts on ““Kinky Scuba in Rubber” by Vicky Devika – [Rubber frogwoman with single hose regulator]”

  1. lovely pictures ……and I am glad I m not the only one that thinks girls look fantastic in rubber and scuba gear keep on keeping on

  2. wow – stunning doesn’t even begin to describe this one !

    I would want to kiss her at the very least while she was down there.

    Although it would be a little impractical for her to act out your fantasy scenario since it would mean damaging her gear .

  3. Omg! I love the single hose and vintage regulator on this scuba babe! And the underwater sounds were wonderful! Especially her little moan as she pleasured herself! Is the rest of the video as good?

    I like your scenerio with her airhose getting cut and the frantic fight for air that would follow.

    I also imagine a scenario. I call it air hunger hold out while mutually masturbating each other. I would be facing her on the bottom of the pool in a similar wetsuit but with Beavertail. We both pleasure each other with one hand while our other hand controls each other’s air on / off valve. As you work on each other you periodically turn off each other’s air and look deep into their eyes to watch their air hunger grow. Then as their desperation to breathe becomes intense, you give them just enough air to recover.

    Then underwater intercourse to explode together in underwater scuba sex ecstacy. With your air turned on. The gasping and moaning would be epic.

    Then take her out to an expensive high class restaurant and go dancing afterwards and whisper in her ear how hot your combined scuba sex experience was and how much you want to do it again with her!

    • Yeah, a fine and sexy scenario as well 🙂
      Should start to write such story ideas down…. but I guess I wouldn’t be running short of ideas for scuba fetish videos if I ever become a producer 😆


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