Female space pilot in peril – Scene 3

As promised I wanna post another scene from this new space flick.

Well, the first two scenes weren’t received too well on Youtube…but let’s see if this scene can do better 😉

After all, it’s the perilous highlight of the movie!


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video (turn up the volume!!!):

Again, there is room for improvement. It would be great to actually see or hear air escaping from her helmet! And her weird pistol seems completely underpowered against his “armor”.

And I don’t know why the bad guys/creatures are wearing these gas masks. I mean such a gas mask won’t help you on a planet without oxygen….and they are not even complete without the filters (*EDIT* OK, as I nice guy on Youtube told me, this gas mask has filters inside it).  They wouldn’t help either off course. But well, with a little fantasy the viewer has to accept that these gas masks keep them alive.

But nonetheless, it’s such a GREAT scene for me! The AI voice which is reporting the air loss and how her helmet is damaged….is a great feature!

Also, I love how long they made this scene! He yanks on her helmet relentlessly, he even tries to damage the visor and/or rip it off her helmet. She is in real distress and knows in what a BIG danger she is.

And he is partially successful which brings her into a very dangerous and perilous situation. She loses air and must fix that helmet or get a new one. Scenes like that are incredibly rare, so this one is a real gem for me!

Ok, unlike her pistol her life support system is highly OVERpowered. Wherever that actually is (supposed to be). At some point, she mentioned that she would have air for one day or two. But ok, after all, it’s a fantasy/sci-fi movie. And I guess with any leak on that helmet she would die much sooner….but again, that’s the rules of the movie.

And this even isn’t the end of the peril for our space pilot….there is more to come.

The more I think about it….I am quite sure now that the screenwriter has some familiar fetish to write all those scenes 😉

I think the two posts are enough to cover this movie, even there are more interesting scenes in it!

You should get the whole movie! Just skip the first 30-40 minutes 😉

Here is the movie title:


What do you think of this scene?

Leave your comment below!

Female space pilot in peril – Scenes 1+2

This one came out of nowhere…. a great recommendation, again….thanks a lot!

This movie is quite odd.

If I didn’t know that there were some interesting scenes later on I would have stopped to watch after 10 minutes in the movie.

The first 30 minutes are pretty crappy, the very small budget is showing, and due to the lack of real backstory, you don’t really care for what is happening.

But as soon the two women crash land on that planet it quickly becomes interesting!

For today I wanna present the first two interesting scenes of the movie (and there is more!).


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Yeah, the limited budget is showing and her gear could easily be better.

But….. I really love how she stumbles from one perilous situation into the other. As an explanation, she is in some sort of survival tent that provides oxygen …as the planet doesn’t have a breathable atmosphere. So I find it quite sexy how she frantically is searching for her helmet as the monster is destroying the tent.

And the 2nd scene is quite good too, even they should have shown the oxygen loss better. Some sound effects and (visible) air escaping her suit would have been great. But with a little imagination you can add that yourself 😆

And this was only the beginning!

There are more scenes ahead, and one of them is really freaking AWESOME!

I will make another post that will incl. the best scene of the movie….a scene that is easily one of the very best “female astronaut/pilot in oxygen peril” scenes of all time 😉 …..if you guys would like to see it. Yes, it’s not a female scuba diver…but I think many of you like to see women in all kinds of breathing gear….

For now, I won’t post the name of the movie, but I will when I make another post about this one. I think I will make that one in the middle of next week.

What do you think about these scenes?

Feel welcome to leave a comment!

Artemis – female astronauts in peril [Fetish art]

Time for a new post about female astronauts in peril!

As you should know by now, I’m interested in all sorts of peril that includes any breathing device, if it’s a scuba regulator, an oxygen mask, a gas mask, or astronauts and their spacesuits.

And I’m pretty sure that many of you, you are interested in scuba peril are interested in other sorts of breathing gear as well. 😉

Today I wanna present one great perilous story that was posted on Deviantart lately.

Normally I would create a gallery here, but there is a better solution for this case.


Preview picture:

Click on the link below, watch the picture AND read the text below….you would miss something without the text!

….then click on the LEFT arrow to proceed to the next picture! (arrows only show when the mouse cursor is near the picture)

Come back here after you have seen all pictures and read the text fields below them!



So, by now you should have seen and read the whole story.

Don’t continue until you have!

[SPOILERS ahead]

I love a LOT about this story! But let me start at the beginning.

It’s very sexy how Sarah (2) starts to play with Jess (1) and how excited Jess gets in the process.

Jess gets so carried away from her pleasure that she doesn’t realize how dangerous it quickly gets for her.

I love how Sarah rips away that badge and the air hose on Jess’s suit and the air escaping quickly.

She is already more or less finished but her helmet gets removed as well which gives her a quick(er) death.

“Aloo123” made these pictures from a suggestion of “zerocrimson” as you can read on these pages.

Pretty sure that the “Halo: Last Breath” fetish video was a massive inspiration for this middle part 😉

I really LOVE what happens next. Sarah has just killed her victim as she gets betrayed by the man/organization that gave her the kill order.

Her shocked face as she realizes that she is losing a lot of oxygen really quickly is great. I can almost hear the oxygen escaping! 😉

The aspect that the killer gets betrayed by the ones who hired them and is about to be killed himself is a great theme that you can also find in my favorite movie!

In Thunderball, Angelo goes on board a Vulcan bomber as an imposter who just killed the original Major Derval. He then gasses the crew by pumping gas into the main oxygen supply and thereby gassing them with their own oxygen masks that are supposed to keep them alive.

But after the plane arrived at the bottom of the ocean, his safety harness is jammed and he can’t get out…..and you all should know what happens then. 🙂

Here Sarah runs for the ladder that would get her to safety (and oxygen). But as the oxygen is escaping so fast, she can’t breathe anymore and collapses.

The image before the last one is a very strong one. So close to rescue, but she finally suffocates as she doesn’t have any more oxygen left in her suit.

What I would give to have this scenario come to life in a fetish video with 10-15 minutes!

I always hope to find scenes in this direction in sci-fi movies and shows, but there is not much to be found in the field of female astronauts and oxygen peril.

But perhaps…one day….there will be a scene like this or somehow similar.

Thanks a lot to both “zerocrimson” on DA for suggesting this story and to “Aloo123” for bringing it to life!

You should check out Aloo123’s other work on Deviant Art as he has some more sexy stories with female astronauts in peril!

Aloo123 on Deviant Art

What do you think about this story?

Leave your comment below!