This one came out of nowhere…. a great recommendation, again….thanks a lot!
This movie is quite odd.
If I didn’t know that there were some interesting scenes later on I would have stopped to watch after 10 minutes in the movie.
The first 30 minutes are pretty crappy, the very small budget is showing, and due to the lack of real backstory, you don’t really care for what is happening.
But as soon the two women crash land on that planet it quickly becomes interesting!
For today I wanna present the first two interesting scenes of the movie (and there is more!).
(click to enlarge)
And here is the video:
Yeah, the limited budget is showing and her gear could easily be better.
But….. I really love how she stumbles from one perilous situation into the other. As an explanation, she is in some sort of survival tent that provides oxygen …as the planet doesn’t have a breathable atmosphere. So I find it quite sexy how she frantically is searching for her helmet as the monster is destroying the tent.
And the 2nd scene is quite good too, even they should have shown the oxygen loss better. Some sound effects and (visible) air escaping her suit would have been great. But with a little imagination you can add that yourself 😆
And this was only the beginning!
There are more scenes ahead, and one of them is really freaking AWESOME!
I will make another post that will incl. the best scene of the movie….a scene that is easily one of the very best “female astronaut/pilot in oxygen peril” scenes of all time 😉 …..if you guys would like to see it. Yes, it’s not a female scuba diver…but I think many of you like to see women in all kinds of breathing gear….
For now, I won’t post the name of the movie, but I will when I make another post about this one. I think I will make that one in the middle of next week.
What do you think about these scenes?
Feel welcome to leave a comment!