Flipper and the female scuba diver in peril (2 videos)

Time for 2 more scenes from Flipper (the newer series)!

This episode has 2 really good peril scenes with a frogwoman that keeps getting in trouble underwater! 😉

I divided it into 2 videos as there was so much material.

Preview, Scene 1:

(click to enlarge)

And here is the 1st video:

A really fine peril scene….and a rather unusual one!

She was lucky this time…. but she soon gets into trouble again.

Will she get out of it alive again?



Preview, Scene 2:

(click to enlarge)

And here is the 2nd video:

Well, as soon she was trying to free Flipper it was rather obvious what would happen 😉

Divers in movies have the tendency of losing their knives and getting entangled in the net, so they would need to be saved.

Here is seems quite strange that she couldn’t get out of the net as it clearly looks as she should be able to get out of it in some scenes.

But well, then we wouldn’t have the fine scene in the show 😉

Another standard trope was missing this time. Normally when a scuba diver in a movie or TV show gets trapped he/she normally has only a few % of air left… 😉

I like how they all work together here to free her and Flipper from the net.

And I also enjoy how many scenes with women in full-face scuba masks this show has to offer. 🙂

Wanna know from which episode these scenes are?


What do you think about these scenes?

Feel welcome to leave a comment!





3 thoughts on “Flipper and the female scuba diver in peril (2 videos)”

    • Thanks for the reco.! That was actually recommended to me at least once.
      So far I wasn’t able to find it anywhere.
      Will keep looking!


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