This post is long overdue! I was pretty sure that I posted about the movie as soon it hit the theaters back then, but not here on the blog.
This movie has one really GREAT scuba peril scene and I made two videos to incl. the whole scene without making a too long video.
Nonetheless, it was blocked on Youtube but in this case “only” in France and some french overseas islands/regions. So 99% should be able to see it.
This movie has gigantic Megalodon sharks and obviously, you shouldn’t take it as a “realistic” movie. You should just have fun watching it.
I am pretty sure there isn’t a single really realistic shark movie anyhow…so…no need to care about the realism in it 😉
We have a yacht full of folks who wanna catch a living Megalodon.
Of course, it’s not as easy as they thought…..
Preview, part 1:
(click to enlarge)
And here is the video:
Preview, part 2:
(click to enlarge)
And here is the video:
[Watch the videos before you continue!]
[Watch the videos before you continue!]
That was quite a ride for her….
Not exactly a nice thought of being stuck in the mouth of that MEG!
Her wetsuit is quite sexy for a modern suit and it’s nice that she doesn’t have a BCD.
Bingbing Li does a good job in the movie and here in this scuba scene!
I love the tension as she is alone in that cage, she knows the shark is somewhere, and we can clearly hear her exhaling through the scuba mask.
And the air loss peril scene is just great! I am not 100% sure if it is realistic, as I think that the actual incoming air gets only in the “closed” area around the mouth (unless you wanna clear the whole mask underwater). Also, her air is depleting too fast in my opinion when we see the percentages going down rapidly.
But anyhow, I love the sound of the exiting air and her reaction to it. The sentence: “My mask is broken, I’m losing air!”….pure gold. 😉
I think it was a wise choice to leave the mask on even as her oxygen was gone. With the mask on she couldn’t inhale water, she was “just” passing out.
As you can see here, the movie features an actress which plays a MASSIVE role on my other blog. In this movie, I actually really saw her for the first time.
Wanna know from which movie this is?
What do you think of these scenes?
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