I guess you all heard about Lassie the wonder-dog and Flipper the friendly dolphin. But what about Robbie, the sea lion? 😉
I am sure that 99% of you haven’t heard about him. Well, it was a TV series about a family with a sea lion…mostly for kids of course.
It seems to have several dive scenes, and this one is interesting!
A frogwoman dives alone and gets careless. And well, surprise…..she runs into trouble….big trouble! Can she be saved?
(click to enlarge)
And here is the video:
Well, you got it all in this scene…..so many mistakes and cliches:
She dives alone…gets careless…..doesn’t seem to have a knife (why?)….can’t get loose from that net (why?), that holds just one leg of hers….and, of course, she is out of air in no time 😆
For once I wanna see such a scene where the diver doesn’t only have some moments of air left 😉
But of course, it wouldn’t be as dramatic if the diver still got plenty of air…
However, it is a good scuba peril scene for sure! A classic “stuck underwater and out of air” scene 🙂
In case you wanna know from which episode this is:
What do you think of that scene?
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