Some chicks in vintage wetsuits, a moron, and a superheroine

This one was recommended to me once or twice over the years… and now it’s time to make a post about it.

We have a group of young folks with their scuba teacher, all in quite different vintage wetsuits.

One of them is a moron who likes to take big risks and gets into trouble underwater.

Luckily this show is about a certain superheroine…


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Feel welcome to share your thoughts with a comment on Youtube and hit the “thumps up” if you like the video!

Damn, I wish one of the women had been in the wetsuit that the guy was wearing.

But his girlfriend looks certainly good in her wetsuit as well!

A shame that the episode has basically no female scuba scenes in it, but the women in their vintage wetsuits are certainly reason enough to watch it.

The episode is very on the nose with its educational message and the moron is a good showcase of why you should dive with a partner and should think.

The way he squeezes himself into the tight space is really dumb, especially as he seemingly doesn’t even try to get out the same way he got stuck.

But perhaps his plan was to get stuck so Isis would show up and rescue him 😉

All in all a solid scene in my opinion.

Wanna know from which episode this is?


…a cool episode title “Scuba Duba” 🙂

What do you think of that scene?

Leave your comment!


A frogman with a really sinister plan to kill another diver! [Blog exclusive]

[2nd post for today]

There won’t be a female diver in this one… BUT… before you leave… it is a rather fantastic scuba fight/peril scene that you will see here.

And I am verrrry sure that most people will find it pretty interesting 😉

A male police diver is searching for evidence, but the evil scuba killer has special plans for him….

(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:


I placed it on google Drive as the video is very long (nearly 10 minutes) and it wouldn’t “fit” into my Youtube channel anyway

Sorry, for the temporary visible ADs in the upper right corner. Someone recommended me a site where this movie can be found and it was difficult…

Hopefully, there will be a better-quality file available someday, but the movie is hard to find as it is a French TV movie.

For me, this scene has basically just one major flaw… that no frogWOman is involved 😉

The killer and his evil plan are quite unique. Knocking him out, tieing him up, and cutting his air hose? Quite a combo!

Also, the police diver and his twin tanks are a rather rare combo as well.

I don’t fully get how his tanks and his air hoses are connected and I don’t know much about the connections with a twin-tank setup.

The bad guy slices the air hose of the hero without an instant effect. The hero just swaps his regulator and closes one valve to stop the air leak.

Does he then only gets air from one of his tanks? In that case, the bad guy would have significantly reduced the air reserves of the hero.

The second possibility I see is that his second regulator is connected to another valve. In that case… slicing the air hose… would basically have no effect at all.

Certainly, the bad guy had some fun 😉

I mean he came up with a rather perilous plan, he could have just stabbed the hero from behind after the sneaky knockout blow… but he had a more sinister plan.

The “stuck underwater” scenario somehow reminds me of a certain pilot in a Bond movie… but he was equipped much worse than this diver.

At first, I wondered why the evil diver instantly left. I mean he could have watched him drown, but ok, that would have been a risk as it was possible that more divers could have shown up.

The good guy was really lucky that his partner found him and called for backup.


In my version of the story at least one of these divers would have been a woman. Imagine a villainess completely in black attacking the hot female police diver 😉

If you wanna know what happens to the bad guy at the end of the movie:

Here is the IMDB link:


What do you think of that scene?

Leave your comment below!


Frogwoman gets stuck underwater….and finds gold treasure!

I stumbled upon this flick by accident more or less. It has one good scuba peril scene and some more diving scenes with a female scuba diver.

I added one more scuba scene of her to the peril scene.


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

A solid peril scene. Of course, she is out of air as soon she gets trapped.

There seems to be a hidden rule for getting trapped underwater in a movie. If you get trapped your gauge MUST be in the red section. 😆

Perhaps she didn’t deserve it, but she risked a lot by diving through that tight space, especially as she had countless other possibilities.

I like these silver vintage regulators, that was a nice bonus.

The movie title can be found right at the start, but if you missed it:


What do you think of these scenes?

You are welcome to leave a comment!

The frogwoman, another evil net….and the sea lion

I guess you all heard about Lassie the wonder-dog and Flipper the friendly dolphin. But what about Robbie, the sea lion? 😉

I am sure that 99% of you haven’t heard about him. Well, it was a TV series about a family with a sea lion…mostly for kids of course.

It seems to have several dive scenes, and this one is interesting!

A frogwoman dives alone and gets careless. And well, surprise…..she runs into trouble….big trouble! Can she be saved?


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Well, you got it all in this scene… many mistakes and cliches:

She dives alone…gets careless…..doesn’t seem to have a knife (why?)….can’t get loose from that net (why?), that holds just one leg of hers….and, of course, she is out of air in no time 😆

For once I wanna see such a scene where the diver doesn’t only have some moments of air left 😉

But of course, it wouldn’t be as dramatic if the diver still got plenty of air…

However, it is a good scuba peril scene for sure! A classic “stuck underwater and out of air” scene 🙂

In case you wanna know from which episode this is:


What do you think of that scene?

Leave your comment below!


2 frogwomen and 2 frogmen in vintage scuba gear [….and one gets stuck underwater]

Thanks to L.J., I rechecked a certain movie. It has many scenes that are….not suitable for YouTube 😉 , but this scuba scene should be ok.

In this scene, we have 2 women and 2 men preparing for a dive on a small boat and then we get to see them diving in 70’s vintage diving equipment.

And one of them gets stuck underwater and needs to be rescued…. 😉


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Pretty good scenes…even the fact that the red frogwoman being “stuck” in there seems verrrrrry odd.

She can move her legs and arms, the cave isn’t so narrow, how is she stuck in there? Weird scene….

But we have 2 sexy frogwomen in vintage dive gear…so no real reason to complain! 😉

I had to cut out the short surface scene at the end because the frogwoman in red…. can’t keep her wetsuit on and is immediately shown nude 😆

And since YouTube lately gives you an age restriction for nearly everything …..for example, if you show a woman in boots and pantyhose ( …on my other channel) I think the YouTube police would knock down my front door and put me behind bars right away 😉

And here is the title of the movie:


What do you think of that scene?

Please leave your comment!

A kids cartoon with a great scuba peril scene

Thanks to “Sam” who posted in my post about discovering a fetish as a kid, I have seen this one.

I edited the video so that it is focused on the scuba scenes of the woman.

The first scene with her is great!

She is stuck underwater, the air is running out! And she starts to panic.


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Well, normally I would say: A kids cartoon? What could possibly happen there which would be somehow sexy at all?

Well, this one told me otherwise!

The sounds she makes when she is stuck underwater…. Oh man! She is on the brink of panic.

That’s a real good scuba peril scene! Especially for a cartoon.


Two things are weird:

1–) What happened to here? I mean obviously, she had survived….but that isn’t shown at all! (If I didn’t miss something)

2–) Funny, that we hear hissing sounds as she watches her air gauge. Where do these come from?

Here is the title of the series:


The full episode can be found here:

Youtube link

What do you think of that scene?

Please leave your comment below!


Female diver in trouble….out of air and stuck!

I got another fine scene for you!

It has nice “scuba peril” elements and two female divers with pretty hot wetsuits (wish they would use more of these in modern movies)


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Well, that scene has some odd aspects….why is she alone in the wreck? Where is her buddy? Where is our “heroine” that should actually look for her (before she gets lost)…as she is a dive instructor…..

And how is she stuck there?  Why is she unconscious at the surface??? So many questions 😉

And that scene has nearly no connection to the rest of the movie…I guess they just wanna show what cool job the female lead has.

But well, a female diver in peril and sexy wetsuits…so I won’t complain 🙂

What do you think about that scene?

Please leave your comment below!

In case you wanna know from which movie this is:



Female diver attacked by submarine

Yeah, that’s a sentence you don’t read every day… 😉

In this one, a female diver and her male companion are investigating something underwater….and suddenly are under attack from a mini-submarine!




This one was upgraded with this post:


Double scuba accident – [two scuba peril scenes included]

Thanks to a nice follower of this blog I got this scene. I already knew it but only in bad quality and I didn’t know the name of the show.

Now that I knew the title of the show I was able to find a good quality version of it. I edited it and here it is!

Thanks for sending me the link!

Some tourists take a dive trip to a wreck! Like always one gets stuck, but the other gets problems of their own 😉


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And here is the video:

Good scene! I always love to see that many bubbles in a scuba scene 😉

If you wanna know the title of the show:
