The frogwoman, another evil net….and the sea lion

I guess you all heard about Lassie the wonder-dog and Flipper the friendly dolphin. But what about Robbie, the sea lion? 😉

I am sure that 99% of you haven’t heard about him. Well, it was a TV series about a family with a sea lion…mostly for kids of course.

It seems to have several dive scenes, and this one is interesting!

A frogwoman dives alone and gets careless. And well, surprise…..she runs into trouble….big trouble! Can she be saved?


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Well, you got it all in this scene… many mistakes and cliches:

She dives alone…gets careless…..doesn’t seem to have a knife (why?)….can’t get loose from that net (why?), that holds just one leg of hers….and, of course, she is out of air in no time 😆

For once I wanna see such a scene where the diver doesn’t only have some moments of air left 😉

But of course, it wouldn’t be as dramatic if the diver still got plenty of air…

However, it is a good scuba peril scene for sure! A classic “stuck underwater and out of air” scene 🙂

In case you wanna know from which episode this is:


What do you think of that scene?

Leave your comment below!


7 thoughts on “The frogwoman, another evil net….and the sea lion”

  1. Robby, the sea lion. Yeah, I did not know him 🙂
    There is also Skippy, the kangaroo of an Australian TV series. There is an episode called “Marine biologist” in which there is a girl with a shortie wetsuit.

  2. Nice clip. She looks seriously hot in that suit and gear. Pity she was so inept that with all her gear and know how, she couldn’t think of I clipping her fin !!!
    And had to be saved by a guy with no gear, no fins no suit and no aqualung. Seriously now she has survived, she needs to have a long hard look at her life.

    • Wow, you are pretty harsh on her 😉
      Well, yeah she failed miserably at that dive, but maybe she learned somehting form it.


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