2 guys, a submarine, a female diver, and a lot of sharks! [Blog exclusive]

About one month ago I made a post about a certain movie:


Now it’s finally time to post about the long finale of this flick!


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

2 guys, a submarine, a female diver, and a lot of sharks! [Blog exclusive]

(not on Youtube since I had bad experiences with this one on that platform)

Ok, let’s start with the positive aspects here for a change.

She looks gorgeous, her FFM is quite nice and the scene is pretty long.

It’s cool that she rescues the guys here and also distracts the shark from the one guy.

In terms of scuba peril, there isn’t that much as the possibilities are quite limited in an action scene with a shark.

My sharks in my movie would rather be trained to bite into the air hoses…instead of eating the divers 😆

I mean when you go for weird sharks that behave so weird, you could easily do that scenario as well 😉

The negative aspects here are primarily for me the bad CGI and the roaring sounds that these sharks make. That is so laughable!

Sharks can’t make such noises and they are trying to surprise their prey… and such a roaring would be really not helpful 😉

I mean that is like making a movie with goats and they would just start to fly around.

But well, it’s a fantasy movie after all, so… with sharks behaving like that.

Also, quite odd that they attack the sub but then stop and let the divers swim around without attacking them… are they on a break? 😉

But all in all a solid scene in my opinion.

Wanna know the title of this movie?


What do you think about this scene?

Leave your comment below!


The frogwoman, the U-boat and nazi gold

So, one last post for 2020!

In this episode of Flipper, we have plenty of diving scenes. And they involve a sunken U-boat and nazi gold!

Besides the main scene at the end of the episode, I will post here another one that is placed a little earlier in the episode.


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Yeah, a nice scuba scene! I like her wetsuit and her FFM.

Also, the fact that they get trapped there while the bomb is ticking is a solid peril scenario.

In my version, the two would have encountered 3 or 4 evil male and female scuba divers who would want that gold for themselves. 😉

And then an epic scuba battle in the U-boat would begin…..

But well, perhaps next time….

As a little bonus I wanna present the scuba scene in which the bomb was planted as well:

Both scenes can be found in this episode:


What do you think about these scenes?

Leave your comment below!





A female diver explores a cave and gets attacked by a submarine! [female Baywatch Scuba scenes in HD #3]

The second video is already on this blog, but not in HD. And it surely deserves the HD quality!

These scenes are from a two-part episode, so I put them into one post.

We have a female diver who explores a cave together with the Hoff…..to find something unexpected!

In the second scene, the same diver gets attacked by an evil villain and his submarine!


(click to enlarge)

And here are the videos:

Scenes like that contributed quite a lot to starting my scuba fetish back in the 90s. And Baywatch offered not only smoking hot chicks on the beach….but also quite a lot of scuba scenes 🙂

And this villain and his submarine….a pretty great idea! And a great peril scene for sure. The way she is trapped in that gripper arm…. trying to get out of it…. a really good scene.

What do you think of these scenes?

Feel welcome to leave a comment!

These scenes are from episodes 1 and 2 from season 2.


And that’s not all for this week!

Check out a post on my other blog from today:

A masked female thief, her colleagues, and the big theft on the high sea

A long scene with a masked woman…wearing a vintage wetsuit!

Female diver attacked by submarine

Yeah, that’s a sentence you don’t read every day… 😉

In this one, a female diver and her male companion are investigating something underwater….and suddenly are under attack from a mini-submarine!




This one was upgraded with this post:
