2 guys, a submarine, a female diver, and a lot of sharks! [Blog exclusive]

About one month ago I made a post about a certain movie:


Now it’s finally time to post about the long finale of this flick!


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

2 guys, a submarine, a female diver, and a lot of sharks! [Blog exclusive]

(not on Youtube since I had bad experiences with this one on that platform)

Ok, let’s start with the positive aspects here for a change.

She looks gorgeous, her FFM is quite nice and the scene is pretty long.

It’s cool that she rescues the guys here and also distracts the shark from the one guy.

In terms of scuba peril, there isn’t that much as the possibilities are quite limited in an action scene with a shark.

My sharks in my movie would rather be trained to bite into the air hoses…instead of eating the divers πŸ˜†

I mean when you go for weird sharks that behave so weird, you could easily do that scenario as well πŸ˜‰

The negative aspects here are primarily for me the bad CGI and the roaring sounds that these sharks make. That is so laughable!

Sharks can’t make such noises and they are trying to surprise their prey… and such a roaring would be really not helpful πŸ˜‰

I mean that is like making a movie with goats and they would just start to fly around.

But well, it’s a fantasy movie after all, so… with sharks behaving like that.

Also, quite odd that they attack the sub but then stop and let the divers swim around without attacking them… are they on a break? πŸ˜‰

But all in all a solid scene in my opinion.

Wanna know the title of this movie?


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