Thanks to the guy who recommended me this Chinese movie!
100% sure that I would have never seen this one without a recommendation as Chinese movies mostly are never shown outside of China.
His hands are on her tank valve!
He attacks her!
Is she dead?
(click to enlarge)
And here is the video:
Watch the video before you continue!
I bet you are confused right now! 😉
Well, I was too… until the guy who recommended this one explained it to me.
I would love to watch the whole movie, but since I don’t speak Chinese, that doesn’t make sense.
I hardly doubt this movie will ever get subtitles or a dub.
The overall story is seemingly that he wants to drown his wife and then get the insurance money, claiming she died by accident.
But he then gets stuck in a time loop(!) and in one version he kills her again (version 2 in the video), perhaps in others too but it isn’t shown on screen.
In the end, he gets out of the time loop (as he doesn’t kill her in version 3 in the video)… and there seems to be a happy ending.
Now to the different versions:
Version 3 is interesting as the audience thinks he will turn off her air once again, but actually, he doesn’t do it this time.
Version 1 is shot quite weirdly as big parts of the action aren’t shown properly. It’s cut too fast and she drowns nearly instantly.
Version 2 is the most interesting and best for me. It’s shown how he turns off her air, and the struggle is a little longer. She fights back a little more, but still drowns very fast. Certainly, there is a lot of room for improvement, but it’s a good and thrilling scene for me.
An evil female diver is sending top-secret info to a foreign government. A female detective is on her trail and we have the final showdown between those two in a scuba fight!
That sounds like a story that I would have written 😉
Let’s check out the scene and see if it can live up to the promise….
(EDIT October 17: Video was blocked…. had to move it)
Watch the video before you continue!
I wanted to show both in their wetsuits on dry land and build in short scenes with both of them prior to the underwater fight.
I cut out some surface scenes as they slow down the action.
A little confused by the video? (It helps to watch the scene several times)
Let me summarize the action:
The villainess is sending top-secret data via that computer thingy.
Meanwhile the “good guys” arrive on top and check out the boat of the villainess, the villainess knows that as she has cameras on board.
The villainess hides and waits for the detective to arrive.
Her knife attack fails and the detective yanks out her regulator.
She puts it back and attacks a second time with her knife.
The detective manages to close the air valve of the villainess who retreats then.
Hmh, let’s start with the positive aspects in my opinion:
We have some good moves like stealing a regulator and closing the tank valve. Plus there is a scuba knife involved, even if it is quite tiny.
Also some (weird) yanking on the strap(!) of a scuba mask. Very unusual, never seen that in a movie or TV show!
It’s good that they have some different colors on their scuba gear so you can tell who is who. Nothing I should mention as a positive aspect, but that isn’t something that can be taken for granted as some movies/TV shows demonstrate.
Now to the bad aspects…
The background music may be ok as long there is no action. But as the scuba fight starts the music doesn’t react at all to it, completely lame snooze music.
That is totally bizarre as the music is supposed to underline what is happening on screen. The music/sound department screwed up here big time 😆
You can actually see a safety diver/cameraman in the background several times during the underwater action…. that isn’t supposed to happen 😉
As the villainess attacks, the “good” diver has suddenly no regulator in her mouth but a tube of some sort!?! WTF?! (at 02:54)
The yanking on the strap of the scuba mask of the detective is a nice aspect, but why can’t she get her scuba mask off in the process? Come on, that is quite easy then.
The whole action is mostly quite weird as they don’t control each other’s arms but just hold onto each other for most of the time.
Their hands are free very often…they could easily go for the other one’s mask or regulator, but they don’t… they are holding back a lot.
It’s a little weird that the villainess gives up like that.
Yeah, her air was turned off, but that isn’t a problem since the detective isn’t following her.
She could easily turn it back on and attack again. But I guess she was demoralized after she lost twice times against her.
Well, if you take the description the actual video is a little disappointing if you consider all aspects.
But it certainly delivers a pretty long scuba fight between two frogwomen, so that is already a great thing! 🙂
Yeah, many things could be improved here… but is certainly is a remarkable scene.
After all, there aren’t exactly many female scuba fights to be found in movies.
Fun facts:
The villainess works for the “evil” Americans while the detective works for the “good” Chinese.
Looks like this Chinese TV show has some propaganda messages in this one 😉
Wanna know from which movies this is?
Don’t have an IMDB link since it is a Chinese TV show, but here is the title:
The scuba scenes were oddly edited together with some scenes at the airport, so I edited that stuff out of the video as it was most annoying during the scuba scene.
(*EDIT* After over this year it was now taken down on Youtube…. had to post it elsewhere)
This was the only female scuba scene in the movie.
Ok, as much as I love to see some frogwomen in peril, there is SO much going wrong in this scene!
Ok, it can happen that you dive against some rocks as she does but the way she does it, it shouldn’t damage the valve(?) like that from the angle she hits the rocks.
Also, there are bubbles coming from nearly every direction :lol:. How is that supposed to happen? Ok, the valve is (seemingly) broken but it looks like she is leaking air in quite a lot of different places! Most bizarre!
Ok, let’s say this happens to you as a diver. You could continue to breathe as long as the tank isn’t empty and ascend slowly. If you are then out of air you could make an emergency ascend. Or better, just wait for your buddy to reach you in the first place. That situation shouldn’t be dangerous at all with the buddy close by. But what does she do? She doesn’t use any of her 2 regulators, she doesn’t ascend, she doesn’t swim towards her buddy. She seemingly spits out her regulator and then calmly is waiting to drown!?! Surely she is surprised of how quickly she loses her air reserves, but her reaction doesn’t make any sense at all.
This is SO odd, who thinks of such a scene? Pretty sure no one involved with the script had any knowledge of scuba diving. Or the writer was just going to create a dangerous situation for he could be able to rescue her, which is later in the movie an important plot point… matter how crazy it is.
However, as much there is to criticize, I do like the scene. Certainly a nice, odd addition to the collection.
And in general, it’s never wrong to have a scene where oxygen is escaping like that. The audio alone is…… 😉
Odd little detail:
They are using scuba gear from Mares. Whenever the whole lettering is visible it gets blurred, so you can’t really see it very well.
Although you know in any case that “Mares” is lettered there.
Especially in other scenes, it’s most obvious that they tried to hide the fact that this is Mares equipment (very unsuccessful though! 😆 )
Why did they do that?
My only explanation is that Mares was perhaps ashamed of being involved in this movie?
Perhaps they thought it would be bad publicity…..
In another 2 weeks, the next movie is shown and then I can make a longer cut with improved picture quality of this one:
This scene was laying around on my HD for some months, totally forgot about it….thanks to the one who recommended it to me!
In this scene of a german movie, we have a bunch of treasure hunters that dive to find some important historic treasure.
One of them is a female professor with only a little diving experience….and in this case, that brings her into trouble! 😉
Ready to dive!
There she is! Already…
….in trouble!
(click to enlarge)
And here is the video:
Yeah, it gets dangerous underwater if you don’t know what is behind you…
And when that valve breaks….you are into deep trouble. But at least she wasn’t alone, even she wasn’t really near her group.
However, always an ….interesting…..sight to see so many bubbles ascending to the surface 😉
If you don’t speak german and wanna know about the dialogues:
Before the dive, the female professor wants to join the dive. The leader doesn’t want her on that dive due to her low dive experience. She insists and he gives in.
After the dive, he asks her why she wasn’t close by and why she was so reckless….blabla.