So, the 2nd movie of the SOS Barracuda series was aired yesterday.
From the description and pictures, there were surely male scuba scenes in it.
But luckily, there is a female scuba scene in it as well in the very beginning of the flick!
Also longer and much more interesting than the tiny scuba scene in the first one:
The scuba scenes were oddly edited together with some scenes at the airport, so I edited that stuff out of the video as it was most annoying during the scuba scene.
(click to enlarge)
And here is the video:
(*EDIT* After over this year it was now taken down on Youtube…. had to post it elsewhere)
This was the only female scuba scene in the movie.
Ok, as much as I love to see some frogwomen in peril, there is SO much going wrong in this scene!
- Ok, it can happen that you dive against some rocks as she does but the way she does it, it shouldn’t damage the valve(?) like that from the angle she hits the rocks.
- Also, there are bubbles coming from nearly every direction :lol:. How is that supposed to happen? Ok, the valve is (seemingly) broken but it looks like she is leaking air in quite a lot of different places! Most bizarre!
- Ok, let’s say this happens to you as a diver. You could continue to breathe as long as the tank isn’t empty and ascend slowly. If you are then out of air you could make an emergency ascend. Or better, just wait for your buddy to reach you in the first place. That situation shouldn’t be dangerous at all with the buddy close by. But what does she do? She doesn’t use any of her 2 regulators, she doesn’t ascend, she doesn’t swim towards her buddy. She seemingly spits out her regulator and then calmly is waiting to drown!?! Surely she is surprised of how quickly she loses her air reserves, but her reaction doesn’t make any sense at all.
- This is SO odd, who thinks of such a scene? Pretty sure no one involved with the script had any knowledge of scuba diving. Or the writer was just going to create a dangerous situation for he could be able to rescue her, which is later in the movie an important plot point… matter how crazy it is.
However, as much there is to criticize, I do like the scene. Certainly a nice, odd addition to the collection.
And in general, it’s never wrong to have a scene where oxygen is escaping like that. The audio alone is…… 😉
Odd little detail:
They are using scuba gear from Mares. Whenever the whole lettering is visible it gets blurred, so you can’t really see it very well.
Although you know in any case that “Mares” is lettered there.
Especially in other scenes, it’s most obvious that they tried to hide the fact that this is Mares equipment (very unsuccessful though! 😆 )
Why did they do that?
My only explanation is that Mares was perhaps ashamed of being involved in this movie?
Perhaps they thought it would be bad publicity…..
In another 2 weeks, the next movie is shown and then I can make a longer cut with improved picture quality of this one:
What do you think of these scenes?
Let me know and leave a comment!